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ref@stud 2015 BACHELORdaphnel,  andrlei,  hegeboroyvbr, VebjoBe. 2016:  Sofie Thorleifsson, Julie Sildnes.
ref@stud 2017, MTDT: tkwinsneerlendge, madstb

IaS = Ingeniøremne annet Studieprogram

NSW-fag (Sydney)
NTNU-fag (sp overlap)
ARTS2510 - Intermediate German A7,5TYSK0502 - Tysk llKomplementæremne. Teller mot EiT pga. gruppearbeid2017.02.20 RS
ATSI1012 - Aboriginal Sydney (History)7,5ValgfagGeneral Education Program. Ikke IT. Valgfag2015.07.29 RS
CODE1150 - Enabling Skills in Digital Fabrication7,5TPD4105 - IT for formgivning og kommunikasjon 2015.07.29 RS
CODE2230 - Urban Interaction Design7,5TDT4262 - Prototyping Interaksjon 2015.07.29 RS
COMP1400 - Programming for Designers7,5

TDT4110 - ITGK (5sp)

COMP1400 =INFS1609 = INFS26092015.07.29 RS
COMP1400 - Programming for Designers7,5TDT4100 - Objektorientert Programmering Java (2,5sp) COMP1400 =INFS1609 = INFS26092015.07.29 RS
COMP1921 - Computing 1B (Syllabus)7,5

TDT4102 - Prosedyreorientert Programmering C++ (7,5)

PreReq:COMP1911 (IndØk, v/Tove Krokstad)2016.05.11 RS 
COMP1927 - Computing 2 (Syllabus)7,5

TDT4102 - Prosedyreorientert Programmering C++ (7,5)

PreReq:COMP19112015.04.14 RS
COMP1927 - Computing 2 (Syllabus)7,5TDT4120 - AlgDat (8 av 12 tema dekket == 5sp)PreReq:COMP19112015.07.29 RS 
COMP1927 - Computing 2 (Syllabus)7,5

IT1501 - Programming Lab for Informatics

 2015.07.29 RS 

COMP2121 - Microprocessors and Interfacing


TDT4258 - Energy Efficient Computer Systems

 2015.04.14 RS
COMP2911 - Engineering Design in Computing (Details: )7,5TDT4100 - Objektorientert Programmering 2015.05.12 RS

COMP3121 - Algorithms and Programming Techniques

7,5TDT4120 - Algoritmer og datastrukturer 2016.06.09 RS 
COMP3141 - Software System Design and Implementation7,5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt 2016.01.12 TAA

COMP3161 - Concepts of Programming Languages


TDT4165 - Programmeringsspråk


2015.04.14 RS

COMP3211 == COMP9211 Computer Architecture (6)


TDT4260 - Datamaskinarkitektur
TDT4240 - Programvarearkitetktur

pensum og øvingsopplegg

2017.02.14 RS
2017.02.14 RS

COMP3222 == COMP9222 - Digital Circuits and Systems7.5TDT4255 - Computer Design

COMP9222 (equal). Klaudia Laila Swiecka. høst

2016.08.01 RS
COMP3411 - Artificial Intelligence (6 ug)7,5TDT4136 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (7,5) 2016.06.08 RS
COMP3421 == COMP9415 Computer Graphics7,5TDT4195 - Basic visuell databehandling (3,75 SP)COMP9421 ==COMP34152015.07.29 RS
COMP3421 == COMP9415 Computer Graphics7,5TDT4230 - Grafikk og visualisering (3,75 overlapp)COMP9421 ==COMP34152015.07.29 RS
COMP3431 == COMP9431 Robotic SW Architecture7,5

TDT4136 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3,75)

COMP9431 ==COMP3431. Group Work2015.07.29 RS
COMP3431 == COMP9431 Robotic SW Architecture7,5IT3105 - Artificial Intelligence Programming (3,75)COMP9431 ==COMP3431. Group Work2015.07.29 RS
COMP3431 == COMP9431 Robotic SW Architecture7,5TPK4170 - Robotteknikk (med Datasyn TDT4265)COMP9431 ==COMP3431. Group Work2015.08.25 RS

COMP3441 == COMP9441 - Security Engineering

7,5TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet, or
TTM4135 - Information Security or
TTM4185 - Security and robustness in ICT systems

COMP9441 ==COMP3441

K-emne. See COMP9181

2015.01.09 RS
2015.01.09 RS
2017.02.21 RS
COMP3511 == COMP9511 Human Computer Interaction7,5TDT4180 - MMICOMP9511 == COM39511. Good Projects2016.06.08 RS
COMP4001 - Object-Oriented Software Development7,5TDT4120 - AlgDat (partly TDT4140 SE )PreReq:COMP2911(TDT4100 OOP)

2015.05.12 RS

COMP4121 - Advanced and Parallel Algorithms


TDT4200 - Parallel Computing.
(evt. TDT4280 - MAS GameTheory)

 2015.08.25 RS
COMP4336 - Mobile Data Networking7,5TTM4133 - Mobile nett og tjenester 2015.01.09 RS
COMP4337 == COMP9337 - Securing Wireless Networks (6)7,5

TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet

COMP9337 == COMP4337. IaS. Group Project (EiT/KPro)2015.09.24 RS
COMP4337 == COMP9337 - Securing Wireless Networks (6)7,5TTM4137 - Informasjonssikkerhet i trådløse nett (evt.)COMP9337 == COMP4337. Group Project (EiT/KPro)2016.01.12 TAA

COMP4418 - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning


TDT4136 - Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens


2016.01.12 TAA
COMP4418 - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning7,5TDT4171 - Metoder i kunstig intelligens 2016.01.12 TAA
COMP4431 - Game Design Workshop7,5IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnitt. også EiTGroup project2016.09.02 RS

COMP4920 - Management and Ethics


TIØ4164 - HR-ledelse

 2015.01.09 RS

COMP6441 - Security Engineering and Cyber Security


TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet

ny kode for COMP3441, noe utvidet innhold. Både Under- og Post-grad2017.07.03 RS
COMP6441 Security Engineering7,5TTM4135 Informasjonssikkerhet  
COMP6443 Web Applications Security and Testing7,5TDT4237 Programvaresikkerhet  

COMP6714 - Information Retrieval and Web Search


TDT4117 - Informasjonsgjenfinning

 2015.01.09 RS

COMP6741 - Parameterized and Exact Computation


TDT4125 - Algoritmekonstruksjon

 2015.07.29 RS
COMP9032 - Microprocessors and Interfacing7.5TDT4295 - Computer Design Projecthøst, gitt at fagplanen inneholder tilstrekkelig med prosjektarbeid2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9041 - Software Construction: Techniques and Tools7,5

TDT4140 - Software Engineering
TDT4242 - Avansert programvareutvikling

COMP9041 er grunnleggende (ikke advanced) SU

2016.05.13 RS
2016.05.13 RS

COMP9041 - Software Construction: Techniques and Tools7,5

IT3010 - Methods Research Innovation IT


2016.09.13 RS

COMP9102 - Programming Languages and Compilers (6)7,5TDT4205 - Kompilatorteknikk
TDT4165 - Programmeringsspråk
 2015.09.29 RS
2016.01.12 TAA

COMP9181 - Language-based Software Safety


TDT4237 - Software Security

COMP6441 dekker TDT4237 bedre! (Tidl. COMP3441)2017.07.03 RS
COMP9201 - Operating Systems7,5TDT4186 - Operativsystemer 2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9211 - Computer Architecture (6)7,5TDT4260 - DatamaskinarkitekturCOMP3211 is equivalent. Project Team work2015.09.29 RS
COMP9243 - Distributed Systems (6)7,5

TDT4225 - Very Large, Distributed Data Volumes

Group work (KPro)

2015.09.29 RS 

COMP9243 - Distributed Systems (6)7,5

TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengder

Group work.

2016.01.12 TAA

COMP9243 - Distributed Systems (6)TDT7,5

TDT4190 - Distribuerte systemer

Group work.

2016.08.01 RS

COMP9313 - Big Data Management

7,5TDT4225 - Very Large, Distributed Data Volumes  

2015.10.09 RS

COMP9313 - Big Data Management7,5TDT4305 - Big Data-arkitektur  2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9315 - Database Systems Implementation7,5TDT4150 - Avanserte databasesystemergroup work. KPro2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9318 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining7,5TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedrift 2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9321 - Web Applications Engineering7,5IT2805 - Webtek. TDT4290 - KPro50% prosjekt-team 4-6 personer. JSP, servlets og DB. Vebjørn Berg2016.08.08 RS
COMP9323 - e-Enterprise Project7,5TDT4252 - Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon 2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9334 - Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and Networks7.5EiT - Eksperter i Team(unntaksvis, hvis andre emner i planen har gruppearbeid)2016.08.01 RS

COMP9337 == COMP4337 - Securing Wireless Networks (6)


TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet, evt:

COMP9337 == COMP4337. IaS2015.09.24 RS
COMP9414 - Artificial Intelligence7,5TDT4136 - Introduksjon til kunstig intelligensCOMP9414 == COMP34112016.01.12 TAA

COMP9415 - Computer Graphics

7,5TDT4230 - Grafikk og visualisering  2015.04.14 RS

COMP9417 - Machine Learning and Data Mining


TDT4137 - Kognitive arkitekturer

Usikker på om COMP9444 blir undervist.

2016.01.12 TAA

COMP9417 - Machine Learning and Data Mining


TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering

Emnet er ikke listet med AI-forkunnskapskrav og kan også inngå i 3 årskurs

2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9417 - Machine Learning and Data Mining7,5TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedrift 2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9431 - Robotic SW Architecture7,5

COMP3431 == COMP9431

COMP9431 ==COMP34312017.02.21 RS
COMP9441 - Security Engineering (Spring)7,5

COMP3441 == COMP9441

COMP3441 == COMP94412016.09.02 RS
COMP9444 - Neural Networks7,5IT3708 - BioInspired AI 2016.01.12 TAA
COMP9447 - Security Engineering Workshop (Fall)7,5TTM4185 - Security and robustness in ICT systemsPreReq: COMP3441. K-emne. Evt. som TTM41352017.02.21 RS

COMP9447 - Security Engineering Workshop (Fall)


TTM4135 - Information Security

 2015.07.29 RS
COMP9814 - Extended Artificial Intelligence7,5TDT4171 - Metoder i kunstig intelligensCOMP9814 = COMP9414 + 1 hour extra each week, harder exercise2016.01.12 TAA 

COMP9900 - Information Technology Project


TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

 2017.02.20 RS
ECON1101 - Microeconomics7,5SMØ1001 MikroøkonomiK-emne 
ELEC3106 - Electronics7,5TET4100 - Kretsanalyse 2016.01.12 TAA
ELEC9704 - VLSI Technology7.5TDT4295 - Computer Design Projectvår, gitt at fagplanen inneholder tilstrekkelig med prosjektarbeid2016.01.12 TAA
GENC2100 - Global Finance7,5 TIØ4146 - Finans teknisk-naturvitenskapelige studenterK-emner-2017-18. KPro (group work)2015.07.29 RS
GENT0508 - Psychology and Music7,5KPro / EiTProsjekt2015.07.29 RS
INFS1602 - Information Systems in Business7,5

TDT4175 - Information Systems

 2016.07.28 RS
INFS1602 - Information Systems in Business7,5

TTM4165 - Digital Economics

 2016.11.08 RS
INFS1602 - Information Systems in Business7,5TDT4252 - Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjonVebjørn, Godkjent under tvil. Bør helst finne et Master-fag!2016.05.13 RS
INFS2848 - Information Systems Project Management7,5TDT4252 - Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon

COMP3711, INFS5848 is Equivalent. Pre-req: INFS1602

2016.05.24 JK

INFS2848 - Information Systems Project Management7,5TIØ4161 - Prosjekt- og personalledelse

COMP3711, INFS5848 is Equivalent. Pre-req: INFS1602 - For IndØk-Data

2015.01.09 RS
INFS2848 - Information Systems Project Management7,5TDT4175 - Information SystemsCOMP3711, INFS5848 is Equivalent. Pre-req: INFS16022016.07.28 RS
INFS3631 - Innovation and Technology Management7,5

TDT4257 - Digital Tjenesteinovasjon 


2016.05.24 JK

INFS3631 - Innovation and Technology Management7,5TIØ4258 - Teknologiledelse. EiT.25% prosjekt, presentasjon, gruppe-diskusjon av diverse cases2016.11.08 RS
INFS5930 - Social Media and Networking7,5TDT4245 - Samhandling og sosiale medier 2016.09.13 RS
MATH2011 - Several Variable Calculus7,5TMA4105 - Matematikk 2Ingeniøremne annet studieprogram2016.09.02 RS
MATH2019 - Engineering Mathematics 2E7,5TMA4135 - Matematikk 4DIdentisk beskrivelse2016.01.12 TAA

MGMT5050 - Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage


TIØ5200 - Prosjektorganiasasjoner Også mot KPro

K-emne2017.02.20 RS

MGMT5810 - Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation


TIØ5200 - Prosjektorganiasasjoner

K-emne2017.02.20 RS

SDES6742 - Graphic design for the Web


IT2810 - Web Development

Design vs. Technology (but ok)

2016.09.13 RS

PHYS1111 - Fundamentals of Physics


TFY4125 - Fysikk

Tror det er PHYS1111 som korrensponderer best

2016.01.12 TAA
PHYS1160 - Introduction to Astronomy7,5FY2450 - AstrofysikkValgfritt ingeniøremne2017.02.20 RS
ZEIT8106 - Cryptography7,5TMA4160 - KryptografiIaS2017.02.20 RS

 Feel free to add your own suggestions for new classes that match as comments below

COMP1917Computing 1(== COMP1911+COMP1921)COMP1927Computing 2COMP2911Engineering Design in ComputingCOMP3121Algorithms and Programming(Techniques... AlgDat)COMP3821Extended COMP3121( = COMP9801 )COMP3411AICOMP3421Computer GraphicsCOMP3431Robotic Software Architecture( = COMP9431 )COMP6741Parameterized and Exact ComputationCOMP3331Computer Networks and Applications( = COMP9331 ~ COMP9833 )COMP9024Alg & DatCOMP9447COMP9181Lang-based Soft-SafeCOMP9032Microprocessors and InterfacingCOMP3222Digital Circuits and SystemsCOMP9021Principles of ProgrammingINFS1602InfoSystCOMP1400Programming for Business(= INFS1609 = INFS2609)INFS1603Databases

Klaudia Laila SwieckaCOMP9337COMP6714COMP9318 COMP9032 ELEC9704 COMP9211 COMP9334 COMP9222 

Klaudia Laila SwieckaCOMP9334 har 20% prosjekt, COMP9211 har 35% prosjekt, og COMP4121 har 60% prosjekt. COMP9337 har noe gruppearbeid på lab og COMP9032 har ukentlig 2h gruppearbeid med en annen student på lab

Jonas DammenMATH2019PHYS1111COMP9414COMP9417/COMP9444COMP9201COMP4418

krislerv/mimi: COMP9417COMP4431, COMP9441, MATH2011 (fjerde klasse vår).

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