WP6h: Professional development for increasing student motivation in  science19 University of Helsinki (HU) will produce a professional development package for  science teachers (deliverable 6.11). Design will be based on their previous analysis of nation-wide data from the ROSE project20 and from the PISA 2006 Scientific Literacy Assessment.   The professional development package for science teachers in pre- and in-service training will enable them to integrate motivational and interest features to science activities in order to increase students' motivation, through support for student  autonomy, competency, social relatedness, interest, and feeling of relevance of science studies. In the interdisciplinary perspective, the classroom instruction will also include material for developing student awareness of the nature of careers in  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).   Contents of training package 6.11: The package will consist of 5 modules. Each module will contain some video clips  captured from real classroom situations (subtitled in English) and guiding themes for discussion in a teacher training session which carried out face-to face or in a virtual space. There is an introduction and background information as well as examples of  relevant learning activities in each module. Finally each module has some tasks for teachers. These modules will be evaluated in real classroom situations. The modules of the professional development package for science teachers are designed as  follows: Module 1. Learning science through reading and writing activities Module 2. Narratives in science  Module 3. Use of graphical network presentations (GNP) in science learning Module 4. Science inquiry activities Module 5. Industry site visit as an out-of-school activity  The development of the professional development package for science teachers will start in M2. First version of the package will be available by M8. The package will be published on the S-TEAM website, and the embedded video clips will be installed in  a streaming server. (Product 6.11)

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