
–Not ready for furniture yet
–Terje knows we want to help out

•Name for satellite:

–Kanna chose HYPSO after the voting round

•Question time

–Use official NTNU template (you can find information on innsida.ntnu.no about it – Roger will forward the link on Slack)
–Roger will show Elizabeth about labels! (the workshop)

•Satellite bus

–Meeting today to discuss proposals
–5 submitted, but only 4 solutions
–Huge variation in price


1.Ground station
•Discussion on requirements
•HW and SW
•Meeting in the afternoon
2.Frequency allocation – Gara, Egil and Roger will work on it
•Draft specification before Egil leaves for summer vacation – send draft to NKOM to get feedback before it goes too far
•Started reading documents
•Info on the Wiki under Communications à How to apply for frequencies
SDR mission
•Some generic discussions


1.MODIS data – downprioritized in Trondheim
2.Flight test
3.Controlled algal bloom
•Camera control
–TAJ has a 50% person working on this from F-18