How to download and install LaTeX
LaTeX is a free software that can be used by everyone.
- Visit NTNU Innsida (link) to learn more about the installation of LaTeX, as well as a small introduction.
- Recommended: LaTeX can also be used as a web-based editor, e.g. through Overleaf. This is especially helpful when several people are writing on the same document. To get started with LaTeX through Overleaf, visit NTNU Innsida (link)
Getting started with LaTeX
There are a lot of documentation provided on LaTeX from a number of different sources. Here are some of them:
- Core documentation written by the LaTeX team.
- Overleaf documentation. Note that there will be some differences when using a web-based editor versus an installed one. If you're using Overleaf, this documentation is therefore recommended.
- A quick guide to LaTeX by Dave Richeson. (LaTeX template here)
Overleaf LaTeX-template
- Having a personalized template is a huge benefit when starting new projects in Overleaf. To get started making your own template, we have created one including some of our preffered functionalities: