25. Université de Haute Bretagne (UHB)

The reseachers in the UHB team belong to the CREAD (Centre de Recherches sur  l'Education, les Apprentissages et la Didactique) and to IUFM Bretagne, the teacher's training institute in Brittany. CREAD's research work concerns science education both at primary and secondary  school levels.  The approaches developed are didactical analysis; in particular analysis of potential innovative methods and teacher training devices (with or without an ICT component).  In IUFM Bretagne, 320 primary school teachers, and 120 maths and science teachers are trained each year.  The IUFM has a Centre of Resources for Self-Training in Science (CAREST), dedicated to initial and in-service teacher training,  directed towards innovative methods.  CREAD and IUFM are also involved in national in-service training actions, for teachers, but also for teacher educators.    Task allocation UHB will contribute material from the Pairform@nce and PEGASE projects to WP4  and WP7, and will also contribute to the creation of a dissemination strategy for France in WP4.  Staff members who will be undertaking the work:   Ghislaine Gueudet will act as group coordinator.  She is assistant professor  (maître de conférences) in mathematical didactics.  In her research works, she focuses on the interactions between teachers and teaching resources (ICT resources, or curriculum materials), and the associated teacher development.      Sylvain Laubé is Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférence), Director of the "PaHST" research group (Patrimony, History of Science and Technology).  His  research concerns mainly Epistemology and History of Sciences for teacher training, online resources for teachers and students, design processes and teachers' scenarios-in-use.     Gérard Sensevy is a professor in Learning & Teaching Sciences.  His main interests lie in Action Theory in Didactics, Comparative Didactics, Mathematics  Education, and Epistemology of Sciences.  Currently he is the director of CREAD.  As a Teacher Educator, he works on Science and Mathematics Teaching with primary school teachers in collaborative groups.   Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: UHB  name  role  PM (total 15 ) Ghislaine Gueudet  group coordinator  8  Dominique Forest  production  1 Sylvain Laubé  Adviser on History of  Science resources  3 Gérard Sensevy  WP4, 7, 10  3

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