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Our infrastructure uses puppet with public puppet modules. All our secrets and our installation-spesific parameters are thus placed in hiera.

Data distribution

The hieradata directory contains multiple .yaml files holding our information. When we have multiple puppet masters its important that each of the puppetmasters have an updated version of the hieradata, in addition to an updated list of puppet-modules. As the hiera-data are full of secrets we cannot publish them on github, and have all puppetmasters pull the information from there. What we do instead is to let the hieradata be a local git-repo which each puppetserver is pulling from eachother.

Hiera keys

Depending on what services you are handling with puppet, you might need various keys in hiera. This page tries to list which keys needs to be present to use our role/profile repositories.

Keys in italic are optional

General information

There are quite a bit of data which are not associated to a specific service, but are rather used by various modules, and should thus generally allways be present:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::networking::rpfilterBefore we used multiple routing-tables on our hosts we had to turn off rpfilter to allow asymmetric routing. Now this should be turned on.trueN/ABooleannetworking.yamlAll
profile::networking::management::ipv4::prefixesA list over IPv4 prefixes for networks where management stations are found. Used to configure the firewall for SSH, stats-pages etc.

- ''

N/AList of stringsnetworking.yamlAll
profile::networking::management::ipv6::prefixesA list over IPv6 prefixes for networks where management stations are found. Used to configure the firewall for SSH, stats-pages etc.- '2001:db8:beef:701::/64'N/AList of stringsnetworking.yamlAll
profile::ntp::serversA list over ntp servers to use.

- ''


List of stringscommon.yamlAll
profile::keepalived::vrrp_passwordA password used to secure the vrrp instances'724EuvohTGOdlcFnLlDV'pwgen -s -1 20Stringcommon.yaml 
classesA list over puppet classes which should be installed on a node. Used when we do not have an ENC, but it is always required. It is thus recommended to have an empty list here if an ENC is used.[ ]N/AList of stringscommon.yaml or node-specific file.All
profile::productionlevelWhich production-level is this installation? "prod", "test" or "dev"?'dev'N/AStringcommon.yamlAll


The networks used in the deployment are all described in hiera to ensure that all configuration retrieves the same values when configuring anything network specific. There are one key in hiera which lists all networks:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::networksA list over networks in this deployment. The values in this list is used as keys to retrieve the rest of the parameters.

- 'management'

N/AList of Stringsnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::kvm, role::dhcp

For each of the neworks listed in "profile::networks" the following keys should exist:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::networks::<networkname>::domainThe network-specific domain-name.''N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv4::dynamicrange(Optional) The range of ip-addresses for dynamic assignment to unregistered hosts.''N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv4::gatewayThe IPv4 gateway on the network''N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv4::idThe IPv4 network ID.''N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv4::maskThe IPv4 network mask''N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv4::prefixThe IPv4 CIDR prefix.''N/AStringnetworking.yamlMost roles. Used as a source-net in firewall rules.
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv4::reserved(Optional) list over address-ranges which the dashboard should not assign to hosts. - ''N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::networks::<networkname>::ipv6::prefixThe IPv6 CIDR prefix'2001:db8:beef:707::/64'N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::networks::<networkname>::vlanidThe VLAN ID of the network.504N/AIntegernetworking.yamlrole::kvm

Legacy keys

As there still are a couple of puppet profiles expecting the management network to be named management, the following keys are needed:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::networks::management::ipv4::prefixIPv4 prefix for management network"%{hiera('profile::networks::infrastructure::ipv4::prefix')}"N/AStringnetworking.yaml 
profile::networks::management::ipv6::prefixIPv6 prefix for management network"%{hiera('profile::networks::infrastructure::ipv6::prefix')}"N/AStringnetworking.yaml 


To create users the following general keys are needed:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::usersA list over usernames which puppet should configure users for

- 'eigil'

N/AList of Stringsusers.yamlAll machines

For each username the following keys should be created.

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::user::<username>::uidThe user-id


N/AIntegerusers.yamlAll machines
profile::user::<username>::groupsA list over groups the user should belong to.

- 'sudo'

N/AList of stringsusers.yamlAll machines
profile::user::<username>::hashThe password-hash to be injected into /etc/shadow  Stringusers.yamlAll machines
profile::user::<username>::keysList over ssh-keys which should be added to the users authorized_keys


N/AList of stringsusers.yamlAll machines
profile::user::<username>::key::<keyname>A specific ssh key. Needs one for each key listed in profile::user::<username>::keys N/AStringusers.yamlAll machines


These keys will be subject to change, when they get to be a part of new roles

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by:

profile::ceph::fsidUUID for cluster'23a2d131-99f7-4ad0-9fb4-1977f59ce530'uuidgenString


profile::ceph::replicasAmount of replicas in cluster3N/AInteger


profile::ceph::journal::sizeSize of journal (not relevant in luminous(?)) in MB15800N/AInteger


profile::ceph::admin_keyAdmin key


ceph-authtool --gen-print-keyString


profile::ceph::monitor_keyceph-mon key


ceph-authtool --gen-print-keyStringrole::controller,
profile::ceph::mgr_keyceph-mgr key


ceph-authtool --gen-print-keyString


profile::ceph::osd_bootstrap_keyceph-osd bootstrap key


ceph-authtool --gen-print-keyString


profile::ceph::glance_keyglance key


ceph-authtool --gen-print-keyStringrole::controller
(glance hosts)
profile::ceph::nova_keynova (and cinder) key


ceph-authtool --gen-print-keyStringrole::controller,
(nova hosts)
(cinder hosts)
profile::ceph::nova_uuidUUID for nova/libvrt and cinder'23a2d131-99f7-4ad0-9fb4-1977f59ce530'uuidgenStringrole::controller,
(nova and cinder hosts)
profile::ceph::cluster_networkCeph frontend network''N/AStringrole::storage
profile::ceph::public_networkCeph backend (replication) network''N/AStringrole::storage


The general configuration of the dashboard are based on the following keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:


A secret key used for misc. security features in the django backend. Should be the same on all dashboard servers

NB: The pwgen command lacks -y because some special characters will cause errors

'9tAMGEAEO4ln3t3PEXvN7dJov5SlbKU5AxxkSO50WQH6yIMt8X'pwgen -s 50 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::nameThe DNS name used to access the dashboard. This name should have an A and AAAA record configured with the address of the dashboard server (or loadbalancer). ''N/A String common.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::name::v4onlyA DNS name wich also points to the dashboard, but this name should only resolve to an IPv4 address. This is because of some processes currently only works over IPv4 (Authorization of the retrieval of PXE preseed files for example)  ''N/A String common.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::urlThe url for the LDAP server used for authentication.'ldaps://'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::search_baseLDAP search base'OU=Users,DC=ldap,DC=example,DC=com'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::domainLDAP domain nam'example-com'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

There are also some keys which have a suggested value wich should work for all installations, but are still included in hiera for flexibility:

KeyDescriptionSuggested valueData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::dashboard::apiA HTTP link used by external clients connecting to the dashboard.'http://%{hiera('profile::dashboard::name::v4only')}'Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::datadirA location where the dashboard can store files.'/var/lib/shiftleader'Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::dashboard::database::typeThe database type.'mysql' or 'sqlite'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::nameThe database name (for mysql) or location (for sqlite)'dashboard' or '/var/dashboard.sqlite'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::userThe database username


N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::passThe database password'x&1/7LjWbz:i<:W&p+PG'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::hostThe database host. Could be a static string, or a hiera lookup.'', '' or "%{hiera('profile::haproxy::management::ip')}"N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

DHCP configuration:

The dashboard needs the keys listed at the section DHCP server in addition to the following keys to configure the DHCP servers:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile

Used by:

profile::dhcp::serversA list of hashes describing the dhcp servers. Key=DHCP-Server-name and value=DHCP-IPv4'dhcp1': ''N/AList of hashescommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

DNS configuration:

The Dashboard requires some keys listed under the section DNS-Server, in addition to the following keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::dns::<shortname>::keyThe TSIG key used for updates sent to this server. It can be useful to let this be a hiera-lookup for the zones managed by our own DNS servers.



dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST <keyname>Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard


The dashboard and the DHCP servers are together providing a pxeboot environment where we boot and install operatingsystem images. 

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::pxe::imagesA list over image short-names (ID's used to identify images later).- '1604amd64'N/AList of stringscommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dhcp
profile::pxe::<shortname>::nameA descriptive name of the specific image'Ubuntu 16.04 Server amd64'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dhcp
profile::pxe::<shortname>::kernelA URL to the kernel of the specific OS''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dhcp
profile::pxe::<shortname>::initrdA URL to the initrd image of the specific OS''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dhcp

DHCP server

When running DHCP servers, the following keys are needed:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:Used by:
profile::dhcp::omapi::keyThe omapi key used to update the DHCP servers'omapi_key=='
dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n HOST key_name

role::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp

profile::dhcp::omapi::nameThe omapi key name



role::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp

profile::dhcp::searchdomainThe default search-domain handed to DHCP clients''N/AStringcommon.yaml

role::bootstrap, role::dhcp

profile::dns::resolversThe DNS resolvers for clients to use

- '<ip-addres-DNS1>'

- '<ip-address-DNS2>'

N/AList of stringscommon.yaml

role::bootstrap, role::dhcp

DNS server

If you are hosting a DNS server the following keys are needed:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:Used by:
profile::dns::forwardersWhich DNS servers your DNS server should use to resolve domainnames where it is not an authorative DNS

- '<ip-addres-DNS1>'

- '<ip-address-DNS2>'

N/AList of stringscommon.yaml

role::bootstrap, role::dns::master

profile::dns::key::transferThe TSIG keys used for zone-transfers'UvetjoX5zMiw/NbQr3biug=='dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST <keyname>Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave
profile::dns::key::updateThe TSIG keys used for DNS updates'UvetjoX5zMiw/NbQr3biug=='dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST <keyname>Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave
profile::dns::slavesA list over DNS slave-servers which replicates the zone-files from the main DNS server. The hash is structured as key=Servername and value=DNS-IPv4'': ''N/AList of Hashescommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave
profile::dns::zonesA list over DNS zones managed by our DNS servers, or used by our dashboard. The hash is structured as key=DNS-zone and value=DNS-server-shortname.'': 'ns1'N/AList of Hashescommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave

I addition there are a set of keys which are needed for each DNS server managing a DNS zone used by us. Shortname is here the name used in "profile::dns::zones".

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:Used by:
profile::dns::<shortname>::ipv4The IPv4 address of a specific DNS server.''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave
profile::dns::<shortname>::nameThe fqdn of a specific DNS server''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave

KVM / Libvirt


The class role::kvm makes use of the following general purpose keys to auto create OVS bridges, which the VMs can connect to:

  • profile::networks
  • profile::networks::${network}::vlanid

In addition every KVM host needs to specify which physical interface(s) that carries the networks specified in the profile::networks key

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:




Name of the physical interfaces that carries the given networkname.

Multiple networks can have the same physical interface, which will be the case if the NIC is connected to a VLAN trunk port.




We use haproxy to loadbalance multiple of our services. It needs the following keys present in hiera to work:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:Used by:
profile::haproxy::web::profileWhich web profile  should this haproxy node have'management'N/AStringnode-specificrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::*
profile::haproxy::${profile}::ipv4The IPv4 address used in front og the loadbalancer used for managemnet services'' N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::puppet::server, role::mysql, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::${profile}::ipv4::idThe VRRP id used by the IPv4 VRRP instance.11N/AIntegernetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::${profile}::ipv4::priorityThe VRRP priority used by the IPv4 VRRP instance.10 N/AIntegernetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::${profile}::ipv6The IPv4 address used in front og the loadbalancer used for managemnet services'2001:db8:beef:707::7b1'N/AStringnetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::puppet::server, role::mysql, role::balancer::management 
profile::haproxy::${profile}::ipv6::idThe VRRP id used by the IPv6 VRRP instance. 12N/AIntegernetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::${profile}::ipv6::priorityThe VRRP priority used by the IPv6 VRRP instance.10N/AIntegernetworking.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::${profile}::domainsWhich domains haproxy should forward for in frontend "ft_web" for given profile



N/AList of stringscommon.yamlrole::balancer::*
profile::haproxy::management::apicertA .pem certificate bundle with private key, CAcert and server certtl;dr

cat private_key.key server.crt ca.crt > haproxy_web.pem

The order is important!

Multiline stringcerts.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::services::apicertA .pem certificate bundle with private key, CAcert and server certtl;dr

cat private_key.key server.crt ca.crt > haproxy_web.pem

The order is important!

Multiline stringcerts.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::services
profile::haproxy::${profile}::webcertA .pem certificate bundle with private key, CAcert and server certtl;dr

cat private_key.key server.crt ca.crt > haproxy_web.pem

The order is important!

Multiline stringcerts.yaml



profile::haproxy::management::apicert::certfileFilepath and name for the apicert bundle'/etc/ssl/private/haproxy_web.pem'N/AStringcerts.yamlrole::balancer::web


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile

Used by


List of FQDNs the munin server should create a vhost in apache for.

Typically - set the "world reachable" FQDN in common.yaml

Each node will get a vhost with their FQDN automaticly, through the apache class.

Only set a munin url in node specific file if it's different from the servers hostname.

- ''

- ''

N/AList of Strings


Node specific



Our mysql cluster uses the following hiera-keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile

Used by

profile::mysqlcluster::serversThis is a list over IPv4 addresses used by servers in the cluster. This list are used when a server starts up, to discover at least one of the machines already in the cluster.

- ''

N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::masterThe fqdn of one of the mysql-servers. This are in theory used by the puppet-galera module to start one server in case all servers are down.''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::root_passwordThis is the password of the mysql root user'OwT$Etc$=|;h(=upip#3'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::status_passwordThis is the password of the mysql status user


pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::haproxy_passwordThis is the password of the mysql haproxy user. This user is so that haproxy can create more robust checks than just see if port 3306 is open.'4g36-&jHNFF?J-7yQZHa'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::mysql


General keys, shared amongst various Openstack services

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::openstack::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::cinder::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::glance::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::heat::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::horizon::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::keystone::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::neutron::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::nova::foofoofooN/A Stringopenstack.yamlrole::foo



Our postgres servers uses the following hiera keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::postgres::ipv4The IPv4 address to use in front of the postgres servers.''N/A Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave, role::puppet::db
profile::postgres::ipv4::idThe VRRP id to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv4 address13N/AIntegercommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::ipv4::priorityThe VRRP priority to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv4 address10N/AIntegercommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::ipv6The IPv6 address to use in front of the postgres servers.'2001:db8:beef:707::9:6591'N/A Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave, role::puppet::db
profile::postgres::ipv6::idThe VRRP id to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv6 address14N/AIntegercommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::ipv6::priorityThe VRRP priority to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv6 address10N/AIntegercommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::masterserverA fqdn identifying the postgres server which is supposed to be the master. This affects which servers are going to create databases and users.''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::passwordThe password for the "postgres" postgresql user.'d4Cwfl)W}onosE~Y[]G,'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::replicatorpasswordThe password used for the "replicator" postgresql user.'Gz,j*>Qt'dF{-\Sr4N-_'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave


These are our puppet-related hiera keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::puppet::aptkeyThe gpg key used to authenticate the puppetlabs apt repository'6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F'puppetlabsStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::caserverThe fqdn of the puppetca server''N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::environmentThe puppet environment a certain host should be configured to use. This needs to be a valid puppet environment, but it will also be owerridden by the ENC, so it is not important exactly which environment are listed her as long as it exists. If you do not use an ENC, this is the puppet environment a client will retrieve config from.'production'N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::hostnameThis is the fqdn the clients use to contact the puppetmasters.''N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::r10k::repoThe path to the git-repository which r10k uses to retrieve environments and modules.''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::server, role::puppet::ca
profile::puppet::runintervalHow often the puppet client should run. Given as a string consisting of a number and a prefix (h, m).'60m'N/AStringcommon.yamlAll

The name of the postgres database used by puppetdb

'puppetdb'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::database::userThe username of the postgres database used by puppetdb'puppetdb'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master

The password of the postgres database used by puppetdb

NB: The pwgen command lacks -y because some special characters will cause errors

'ys0c85FlLhhfqeteFIfx'pwgen -s  20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::hostnameThe hostname which the puppetservers use to contact the puppetdb service''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::server role::puppet::ca


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafileUsed by:
 profile::rabbitmq::ipIP address for rabbitmq keepalived VIP''




profile::rabbitmq::vrrp::id The VRRP id to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for rabbitmq's IPv4 address12N/AIntegernetworking.yamlrole::rabbitmq
 profile::rabbitmq::vrrp::priorityThe VRRP priority to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for rabbitmq's IPv4 address100N/AInteger


or node-specific

profile::rabbitmq::rabbituser Default user to create in rabbitmq'rabbit'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::rabbitmq,
profile::rabbitmq::rabbitpassPassword for default vhost / pwgen -s -y 20 -1String 



profile::rabbitmq::rabbitsecret rabbitmq master secret pwgen -s -y 20 -1String 



KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafileUsed by:
profile::redis::masterName or IP address of initial redis master

'' or ''

WARNING: If you use DNS name, ensure that the name DOESN'T resolve to at the given redis host, or else this node will not add itself to the redis-sentinel cluster




profile::redis::masterauthPassword for master communitcation'teY.>&3@Ub$X-OGxOFQ7'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yaml





profile::redis::nodetypeDefined on each redis-node. Only valid values are 'master' or 'slave''master'N/AStringnode specific filerole::redis
profile::redis::ipThe IP redis clients should contact redis on. Typically the haproxy ip







KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafileUsed by:
profile::sensu::installOpt-out for installing sensu. If not set to false, sensu-clients will be installed everywherefalseN/ABooleansensu.yaml or node-specificAll
profile::sensu::uchiwa::private_keyPrivate key for uchiwa JWT creationContent of generated file

openssl genrsa -out uchiwa.rsa 2048



profile::sensu::uchiwa::public_keyPublic key for uchiwa JWT creationContent of generated fileopenssl rsa -in uchiwa.rsa -pubout > uchiwa.rsa.pubStringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::uchiwa::passwordPassword for default (and only) user 'sensu' in Uchiwa'g00dp@$$w0rd'pwgen -s -y 20 1Stringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::uchiwa::fqdnFQDN for uchiwa web frontend (not FQDN for the server running an instance of it)''N/AStringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver, role::bootstrap, role::balancer::mangement
profile::sensu::rabbit_passwordPassword for sensu user at the /sensu rabbitmq vhost. Needed for rabbitmq servers, sensu servers AND all sensu clients.'g00dp@$$w0rd'pwgen -s -y 20 1Stringsensu.yamlAll
profile::sensu::mailer::urlURL to Uchiwa web frontend, that will appear in e-mails from Sensu"http://%{hiera('profile::sensu::uchiwa::fqdn')}"N/AStringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::mail_fromThe address sensu will send e-mail alerts from''N/AStringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::mail_toList of addresses that sensu will send e-mail alerts to

- ''

- ''

N/AList of stringssensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_addressOutgoing SMTP server mail alerts''N/AStringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_portTCP port used for connections to the given SMTP server25N/AIntegersensu.yamlrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_domainSMTP domain''N/AStringsensu.yamlrole::sensuserver

The plugins listed here will be installed on all clients.


The example value is actually mandatory, because the checks tagged with 'all' in profile::sensu::checks rely on them. Puppet will not fail without defining this key, but none of the cheks will make any sense...

- 'sensu-plugins-disk-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-load-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-memory-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-process-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-hardware'
- 'sensu-plugins-puppet'
- 'sensu-plugins-dns'
- 'sensu-plugins-ntp'

N/AList of stringssensu.yamlAll
sensu::redactValues that match the patterns in this list will be redacted in all output from sensu

- 'password'
- 'pass'
- 'pw'

N/AList of stringssensu.yamlAll
sensu::subscriptionsWhich checks a sensu-client should subscribe to. This is typically set per node. By default, a sensu-client will subscribe to checks tagged with 'all', and if the client is a physical server, it will also subscribe to 'physical-servers'

- 'mysql'

- 'rabbitmq'

- 'roundrobin:ceph'

N/AList of stringsnode-specificAll
sensu::client_customIf you want to override parameters for check command. I.e thresholds, specifying passowrd etc. This where you do that. Should only be set per node


warning: "8,4,2"

critical: "16,8,4"


password: "%{hiera('profile::mysqlcluster::status_password')}"


mountpoints: '/,/home,/var'

N/AList of hashes


or really anywhere if you configure lookup_options to deep merge

All (or, more precise, just the client you add this key to)
profile::sensu::checks::tlsexpiryA hash of 'fqdn[:port]' : 'shortname' which should be checked for TLS Expiry

'' : 'foo'

'' : 'api'

'' : 'munin'



You might wanna set this in sensu.yaml to allow client_custom settings to be set in multple hiera files without overwriting them with the settings in the top of the hierarchy



     strategy: 'deep'

     merge_hash_arrays: true

N/AList of hashessensu.yamlAll



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