23. University of Aarhus (AU)

The University of Aarhus (AU) was founded in 1928 and is divided into eight faculties.   The University has 5700 employees, 30.000 students on bachelor and masters programmes,  2000 PhD students, and an annual budget of more than 490 M€.  In the latest rankings from the Times Higher Education Supplement, the University of  Aarhus ranks among the best in Europe.  The University maintains close ties with the city government and the business sector and continuously works to strengthen its international profile.    The Department of Science Studies is located at the Faculty of Science, University of Aarhus. Research and education is conducted in two areas: One concerns research  in science education and science communication.  Among current topics of interest are motivational aspects of science education, science learning in informal settings, and teacher education. 6-7 researchers and teaching staff are involved in these  activities.  The other area concerns research in history of science, philosophy of science, and history of technology. 13 researchers are involved.  The Department of Science Studies provides several undergraduate and graduate courses in science  studies, science education and science communication including a continuing programme "Master in Science Education".  The Department also provides PhD programmes in Science Education and in History of Science.  The Department  collaborates with the Department of Science Education at the University of Copenhagen, The Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education (CSSME) at The University of Leeds, and with Universe Research Lab, Sønderborg,  Denmark.  For a more than a decade the department has been involved in research and  development projects directed at upper secondary level plus a number of in-service training courses directed towards science teachers.  The department's research-based improvement of science education has led to a strategy in which experienced  science teachers from upper secondary have been recruited and have qualified for research work. All participating academic staff thus have an intimate knowledge of school science and school culture, and are experienced in collaborating with science  teachers in development projects.  Furthermore, they all have a research emphasis on students' motivation in relation to school science.    Task allocation The AU contribution to the present project will investigate how established knowledge  about students' motivation can be used to enhance teachers' practices.  It will also investigate how teacher training in informal learning contexts affects learning motivation.  Staff members who will be undertaking the work:    Keld Nielsen, Associate professor, MSc, PhD, is a historian of science and Head of  Department.  He has served on several government commissions advising on science education and science communication. Hanne M. Andersen, Research assistant, MSc, PhD, does research on students'  interest in science, based on mixed methods.  She has a long career as science teacher and extensive experience with research and development projects at upper secondary level.  Lars B. Krogh, Assistant professor, MSc, PhD, does research on students' interest in science, based on mixed methods.  As a teacher he has participated in action research and all sorts of developmental work at upper secondary level.

Indicative Allocation of Person-Months (to be revised): AU name  role  PM (total 12 )  Keld Nielsen  WP6f Leader  3pm Hanne M. Andersen  Assisting in package  WP6f,  6.9  4.5pm Lars B. Krogh  Technical adviser 4.5pm

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