According the work plan of the project a number of reports was produced.The reports were disseminated on the national/local levels as well as on the international level. Therefore, all reports were sent to almost 100 policy makers and organisations on an international level. The INSTEM reports were advertised in informal meetings and presented at national and international conferences. The impact of the reports was immense. Our state-of-the-art report was even quoted in the new EC report “Science education for responsible citizenship” (Hazelkorn et al. 2015,

(1)  Final structured summarizing report about project knowledge D2.4
At the beginning of the project the structure summarizing report about project knowledge (D2.3) was written. The main aim of this report was to gather and collate knowledge, experience and products around inquiry‐based teaching produced in recent Comenius projects, networks and FP7 projects, into a single synthesis document, available online and in print. The report provides information on a meta-level condensed into recommendations for the EU as well as for the national policy. Shortly after creating it, this report as well as the state-of-the-art report stimulated the work in the national working groups tremendous. The report was updated in the last year of the project duration and offers now the overview over the actual state of the project generated knowledge about IBL and over the actual landscape of the STEM projects.
The report was disseminated at least at 35 main events. For instance: ECER 2013, EC gender workshop, Scientix 2 startup meeting, Creative Little Scientists Conference, Educating the Educators, Eminent etc.

Report in English:

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(2)  Analysis of the current state of the art (INSTEM state of the art report) – first annual report D5.1
One of the major achievements of the first 9 months was a state-of-the-art report based on an analysis of EC funded (IBL) projects on educational innovation, including inquiry-based teaching, gender issues, science career information and on the exploitation of project knowledge beyond the lifetime of projects across the partnership nations. This state-of-the-art itself allowed us to contact important target groups and stakeholders from the very beginning as its content was attractive for them and in consequence was a good starting point for our communication within large networks.

Report in English:

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(3)  Second annual report D3.3
This report was based on the work in the national groups and informs on their outcomes, reflecting the current state of the art of educational innovation in partner regions. The main results of this report show very clearly that collaboration is demanded by all stakeholders and is therefore worth seeking for. The second annual report gave clear insights into the situation in the different partner countries and allowed us to focus our work in the last year of INSTEM on the most demanding issues.

Report in English:

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(4)  Third annual report D5.3
This third annual report pulls together the knowledge within the INSTEM consortium that has developed over the lifetime of the project. During this time several case studies were produced. The purpose of the national case studies was to exemplify successful strategies for exploiting synthesised project knowledge. These combined with the final conference in Freiburg, Germany, June 2015 have been used as the basis of this Third Annual Report. This report provides a most update insight in current developments and gives newsworthy recommendations pointing the way to innovative science education. It will be therefore of utmost importance for the sustainability of Instem.

Report in English:

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