Hver undergrad-credit (ug) teller 1,85 sp. Hver grad-credit (gc) teller 3,33 sp (ikke 4,29?).

Bra for sikkerhet (Komtek) og EMil, men ikke så mye data-fag.

Course list 2017: https://www.ajou.ac.kr/en/international/inter21.jsp

IIS6611 - Advanced Data Mining3gc - 10 spIT3105 - Kunstig intelligens programmering

+ Litt KPro

2017.08.15 RS
Electronic Commerce3gc - 10 spKProMed IIS6611++2017.08.15 RS
F056 Algorithms 3uc=5.5spTDT4120 Algoritmer og datastrukturer (O)This course deals with principles and techniques for design and analysis of computer algorithms. The topics covered are mathematical induction, asymptotic analysis of algorithm efficiency, and algorithm design techniques including divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method, branch-and-bound, backtracking, and iterative improvements. Elements of computational complexity theory, mostly on NP-completeness, is introduced and it is also discussed how to cope with computationally intractable problems.2018.03.20 MLJ
F046 Artificial Intelligence 3uc=5.5spTDT4136 Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens (O)In this course, I will introduce AI in general. Specifically, we will study definition and history fi AI, intelligent searching algorithms, logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning, probability-based knowedge representation reasoning.I will also introduce machine learning and dada mining. Specfically, we will briefly study classification, clustering, Bayesian Networks, Neural Networks, and enforcement learning. Practically, we will solve some big data analysis and pattern recognition problem.2018.03.20 MLJ
M017/M019 Computer Program Design 3uc=5.5spTDT4140 Programvareutvikling (O)Topics include: Requirements elicitation, specification, and validation; structural, informational, behavioral, security, privacy, and computer user interface requirements; scenario analysis; application of object-oriented methodologies in requirements gathering; spiral development models; risk management models; software engineering maturity model. 2018.03.20 MLJ
F031 Data Structures and Practice 4uc=7.3spTDT4145 Datamodellering og databasesystemer (O)The course introduces basic data structures, like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and sets. Each data structure has two representations. The first is logical representation and the second is physical representation in computer memory. Programing assignments using C language will be given to implement abstract data structures using array implementation or pointer implementation. Hence, first a review of basic concepts in c language such as Arrays, pointers, structures, static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation will be given. Programming assignments enable students to compare the logical representation and the physical representation of each abstract data structure. 2018.03.20 MLJ
B081 Engineering Database and Practice 3uc=5.5spTDT4145 Datamodellering og databasesystemer (O) This course presents the fundamental concepts of database design and use. It provides a study of data models, data description languages, and query facilities including relational algebra and SQL, data normalization, transactions and their properties, physical data organization and indexing, etc. It also looks at the new trends in databases. The knowledge of the above topics will be applied in the design and implementation of a database application using a target database management system as part of a semester-long project. 2018.03.20 MLJ
F080 Operating Systems 3uc=5.5spTDT4186 Operativsystemer (O)System structures, process concepts and utilization, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, deadlock, main memory, virtual memory, file system, I/O systems, case studies, projects.2018.03.20 MLJ
B008 IE Programming and Experiment 1 3uc=5.5spTDT4112 Programmeringslab for datateknologi  (O)This course provides an introduction to computer programming concepts using the JAVA programming language. This course does not assume any preliminary knowledge in JAVA language. However, the participant should have general familiarity with their operating system environment (e.g., windows, Unix, MAC OS, etc) and also the ability to create and edit text files and manipulate directories. The course emphasis is on the object oriented facilities of JAVA and how they can be used to create structured, modular, and reusable code.2018.03.20 MLJ
B008 IE Programming and Experiment 2 3uc=5.5spTDT4113 Datateknologi, programmeringsprosjekt (O)This is a consecutive course of IE1. In this course, we will focus on the unique features of Java itself, such as inheritance, polymorphism, GUI components, Graphics, etc., and file processing, recursive, etc., by mastering which would strengthen your programming capability. 2018.03.20 MLJ
CSE714 Information Retrieval  3uc=5.5spTDT4117 Informasjonsgjenfinning (O)This course introduces information retrieval overall. In the first part, it covers Boolean retrieval and basic techniques for indexing and retrieving. In the second part, it covers advanced topics: relevance feedback, XML retrieval, vector model, probabistic model, and classification methods. At the end of class, the students present research papers related with Web information retrieval.2018.03.20 MLJ
IIS6611 Advanced Data Mining3gc=10spTDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedrift

The course is aimed at providin gstudents with the most important fundamentals and techniques of Data Mining:

-Predictive modeling: Classification, Regression (decision trees, neural networks, statistical models, etc) -Association rules and Link analysis

-Clustering -Anomaly Detection -Interpretations

-Some Advanced Machine Learning techniques


With presentation of the corresponding theories,the course still maintains its practical approach with statistical S/W packages (e.g.,SAS E-miner/MATLAB/MINITAB,etc)

2018.03.20 MLJ

I025 Management Information Systems

3uc=5.5spTDT4175 InformasjonssystemerILO(Intended Learning Objectives): K1(Students acquire basic understanding of management information systems), E1(Students will understand ethical responsibility of their career), E2(This class will raise students' awareness about corporate social responsibility) The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to management information systems(MIS). In today's fastchanging business world, IT(infomation technology) has become a key component in accomplishing strategic and operational goals in organizations. Students are required to understand how the company utilizes ITs to revitalize business processes, improve business decision making, and gain its competitive advantage in the business world. Expected outcomes of the course are 1) Basic understanding about MIS 2) Critical thinking capability2018.03.20 MLJ

F074 Digital Circuits




TDT4160 Datamaskiner og digitalteknikk

This course deals with principles and applications of digital systems. The topics covered are Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra, Combinational Logic Circuits, Flip-Flops and Related Devices, Digital Arithmetic: Operations and Circuits, Counters and Registers, Integrated-Circuit Logic Families, MSI Logic Circuits, Interfacing with the Analog World, and Memory Devices. There is a project assignment in this course to enhance the practical skill of digital systems.    
  • No labels


  1. Forslag fra Hege Haavaldsen

    I_036_Entrepreneurship and management [pdf]3ug - 5,5 spTIØ4230 Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling 2017.08.30 RS
  2. Unknown User (hegehaav)

    Electronic Commerce3gc - 10 spKProMed IIS6611++ og St2017.08.15 RS
    IIS6611 - Advanced Data Mining3gc - 10 spIT3105 - Kunstig intelligens programmering

    + Litt KPro

    2017.08.15 RS
    I036 Entrepreneurship and management3ug - 5,5spTIØ4230 Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutviklingK-emne2017.08.30 RS
    I029 - Strategic Management3ug - 5,5sp

    TIØ4265 - Strategisk ledelse

     K-emne og Kpro 
  3. Unknown User (hegehaav)

    Siste utkast til fagplan, kan dette bli forhåndsgodkjent?  

    Electronic Commerce3gc - 10 spKProMed IIS6611++ og St2017.08.15 RS
    IIS6611 - Advanced Data Mining3gc - 10 spIT3105 - Kunstig intelligens programmering

    + Litt KPro

    2017.08.15 RS
    I045 - Company Law 2

    3ug - 5,5sp

    TIØ4215 - Kontraktsrett og kontraktsforhandlinger

    I029 - Strategic Management3ug - 5,5sp

    TIØ4215 - Kontraktsrett og kontraktsforhandlinger

    K-emne og Kpro 
  4. Unknown User (andrerst)

    Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering (D019)3/10Eksperter i team

    Karrakter i faget er 40% gruppearbeid og de som tar faget er ikke-informatikere. På gruppa hadde vi koreanske kjemi studenter, tyske fysikk studenter, en svensk produkt-design student, og meg på data.

    The purpose of this course is to introduce the modeling of diverse processes in chemical engineering and the numerical methods to obtain the solutions of mathematical models to undergraduate students. The students will learn how to analyse and design the chemical processes through the various examples on chemical process modeling and simualtion provided in lectures, homeworks, and design projects.

    Information Retrieval (O1203)3/10TDT4117 - Information RetrievalThis course introduces information retrieval overall. In the first part, it covers Boolean retrieval and basic techniques for indexing and retrieving. In the second part, it covers advanced topics: relevance feedback, XML retrieval, vector model, probabistic model, and classification methods. At the end of class, the students present research papers related with Web information retrieval.

    Computer Vision (F026-1)

     TDT4265 - Computer Vision 
    Advanced Data Mining (O0359)3/10TDT4300 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining

    The course is aimed at providin gstudents with the most important fundamentals and techniques of Data Mining:

    Predictive modeling: Classification, Regression (decision trees, neural networks, statistical models, etc), Association rules and Link analysis , Clustering, Anomaly Detection, Interpretations, Some Aadvanced Machine Learning techniques, etc.

    With presentation of the corresponding theories,the course still maintains its practical approach with statistical S/W packages (e.g.,SAS E-miner/MATLAB/MINITAB,etc)

    Advanced Operating System (O1535)


    IMT2282 - Operating Systems


    Korean Language 1 (X325)

    3/5,5JAP0501 - Japansk 1 
    Korean Language 2 (X005-1)3/5,5JAP0502 - Japansk 2 
    Business Statistics and Data Analysis (I001)3/5,5TIØ4265 - Strategic Management

    This course is an introduction to the basic statistical methods for solving managerial problems and it is a fundamental course for more advanced analytical methods. Statistical concepts for solving managerial problems are explained. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, hypotheses testing, ANOVA, and regression.

    This course will provide the basic statistical methods which are used both in the direct solution of managerial problems and as foundations for more advanced analytical methods. It will also satisfy the quantitative methods requirements of the common body of knowledge for business major.

    Management and Commercialization of Technological Innovation(I063-1) TIØ4265 - Strategic ManagementThis course is designed to introduce the innovation process, the managment of innovation process within the organization, the role of innovation in hte gloval context, and the managment of commercialization process of technological innovations. We will explore theories and practical applications about managment of and commercilization of technological innovation.