Dilatometer - Netzsch DIL402C

  • Measurement of thermal expansion, sintering, change in fases. 

    Sample size: about 5x5x25 mm. Horizontal tube furnace Al2O3: Temperature range 20-1500 ºC. Ar, N2,Synthetic air

    Graphite furnace: Temperature range 20-2000 ºC. Ar, N2. Water cooling

Can not be used for:
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Before you begin

  • Contact equipment responsible : Pei Na Kui, K2-122
  • Scientific responsible: Professor Kjell Wiik, K2-118
  • Equipment may not be used without training. 
  • Contact room responsible for access : Pei Na Kui, K2-122
  • Fill out: TA-analysis_form.DOC
  • Electronic booking of the instrument. Use the booking calendar for leiestedet Material Characterization. Access to the booking system is given by the equipment responsible. 
Relevant links:

The adress for the booking system is https://www.ntnu.no/booking/imt/Web/

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