Project on Industry 4.0 Education (Diku/HK-dir Eurasia program 2017-2022)

The starting point of these wiki-pages - these are based on some shared course content, plans for course development and a few project activities including contributions from students.

Project description and some results to be shared under People Planet Profits (and projects)

Sharing through courses and learning management systems....

....including content and examples of using open innovation and open standards like ArchiMate to communicate goals, flows and patterns for re-use, to be used elsewhere. 

From the LinkedIn group ArchiMate,

...and Research Projects and Education Workshops with Industry....

At NTNU, and in most higher educations - and not only at technology-oriented universities - students are often supported and encouraged to find real-world problems, usually connected to on-going research work with stakeholders in industry or enterprises. At NTNU, most project reports, open papers and thesis work are published through NTNU Open, and searchable using relevant names - company or supervisor, or themes (browse by category, department etc).  

Visits to - and case-work for local industry like Nammo at Raufoss, and other places helps us connect through common problems/challenges. How can students contribute to solving real problems in the production, while learning "Problem Solving Strategies"? It's possible to solve problems (or at least contribute to more knowledge) through both real-time project work, and through virtual collaboration- and by inspiring students and researchers to work on real-world challenges. 

Cases have been used for workshops and in the learning factory-setting. (more updates, to follow).

Case for inspiration: Hybrid rockets for space at Nammo: The Nucleus-project and technology demonstrators is a very good story available online (3-part story on Youtube). With background told at Nammo's website:

Other themes relevant for smart manufacturing, include digital manufacturing, learning factories and finding new materials for sustainable composites.... or developing better (digital) knowledge based tools for additive manufacturing.... life-cycle analysis of products and processes or implementing IoT-devices for "measuring energy-use everywhere, allways".

What problem can you think of?

Student-projects with focus on team-working: Experts in Teamwork

Individual project work is still practiced as a requirement for many courses and - and is still the norm for conducting thesis work, in particular for a master thesis or PhD-thesis. Though the work on a thesis may be done in collaboration with ongoing research work in the industry or in e.g. public-private joint enterprises- much work is still individual and personal in practice. How to learn to work better in teams has been the focus at NTNU for many years....   

NTNU and the ENHANCE university network is working to make this course international through a hybrid digital/physical course.

In 2023, NTNU is organizing an international hybrid version of the course Experts in Teamwork (EiT, link) with students from Spain, Poland and Germany. Through hybrid teaching, the students (18) will participate in the same real-time teaching sessions but from different locations. 

More information on relevant EiT-villages/themes and previous work outcomes may be found through the main EiT-pages below, while 2 examples of villages related to sustainable manufacturing at NTNU Gjøvik are re-shared here: 

Action for Sustainable Development

The climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity are amongst signals needed to be taken seriously. We are still lacking proper solutions to create a more sustainable world. That’s way we need; Innovation Action for the Sustainable Development Goals! The student is allowed to provide their one idea - Based on the UN sustainability goals and inspirational lectures.  (TØL4025)

Helping manufacturing businesses in their digitalisation journey – safe, sustainable and social

What actions can businesses in manufacturing take to start their journey in digitalisation? Actions that are innovative, safe, social and sustainable. (IDS4009)

More info at:

And the wiki-pages:

Student-projects (extra-curricular) at NTNU

Student projects at NTNU like Propulse NTNURevolve NTNU , Ascend NTNU and Orbit NTNU  lets students join forces - and inspire each other to work on ambitious goals while developing their creative talent, professional team-working skills and problem-solving strategies. Such projects are led by hard-working students from multiple- and different studies and class levels. See websites for more info.

KPNs - Research, and IPNs and small scale innovation projects with industry and other stakeholders

KPN Example: CPS Plant Perspective project (link to RCN project info page)

The project included work on dissemination and learning in a Norwegian industry context, and has produced a "textbook" called "Industri 4.0 (Digitalisering av prosesser i produksjon)" intended for a Norwegian audience - and learners/readers at all levels in the industry. The book can be purchased in various outlets, including from the publisher: Fagbokforlaget in the link (press picture below)

(to be updated...and likely moved to a sub-page with other learning material/books)

INTPART Networking project example: "MAVIS" project (RCN project info-page) 

Project name: "Industry 4.0 and Management of Variations In a Sustainable manufactured product life cycle"= "MAVIS"

Popular Science Description

The main goal for MAVIS is to consolidate international collaboration and partnership in between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and centre for Research based innovation SFI Manufacturing in Norway and partners in Germany and France

(to be updated....)

SFI Manufacturing and other Large Innovation projects:

In large innovation projects with PhD-students, we contribute where we can, including collaboration and student-supervision mostly for PhD-candidates and a few connected master-students (MSUMA and other study programs at NTNU).

The most important large project for industry-academic co-innovation and project work is through the SFI Manufacturing, led by SINTEF. A white paper detailing the motivation for the project- and outlining a joint view on the outlook and trends facing the industry involved was released in February 2022. The white paper (link below) has been written as a part of the Centre for research-based innovation on Manufacturing (SFI Manufacturing) within the research area on Sustainable and Innovative Organizations (RA3).

SFI Manufacturing (

SFI Manufacturing is a cross-disciplinary centre for research based innovation for competitive high value manufacturing in Norway.
The research centre was officially established on July 1st 2015.

Publications: An overview of all scientific publications can be found here.

SFI Manufacturing's vision is to show that sustainable and advanced manufacturing is possible in high cost countries, with the right products, technologies and humans involved. 

Read more here.

Research areas (materials, robotics, management....):


Copyright © 2022 – Site is hosted by SINTEF Manufacturing

Student Blog "What is Industry 4.0 - to me?"

A few courses include learning outcomes that target "scientific writing" both in the narrow sense og e.g. writing research reports and papers, and the wider challenges of learning by writing/doing - and sharing.

To be continued.... (this was an assignment, links and highlights to be shared soon)

What to share where? When? 

What and how do we write - and who would we like to reach out to?

Blogs are user-centric. Human-centric of course. Based on a web-page, with or without an IT platform beyond basic html and a server, but also much closer to our times of mixed digital/real reality, and a part "Web 2.0" the Social Media based internet content out there. And here.

A few blogs shared for inspiration, and variation:

Networking on LinkedIn and elsewhere:

<iframe src="" height="952" width="504" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Embedded post"></iframe>

NCE Manufacturing (mostly in Norwegian)

MTNC offers testing infrastructure in a range of manufacturing technologies, and importantly, expertise on how products should be designed for sustainable production in Norway, and how to build high-productivity production systems.

Raufoss Industripark (in Norwegian)


(and several stories shared via LinkedIn, Facebook etc also)

A great podcast on Industry 4.0 (from tulip and friends)

(link in screenshot to episode 131 below)

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