Maritim og Marin IIoT - dokumentasjon

Hi Ottar.

I'll answer for point 2 and 5.

- Point 2-

  • I have delivered the 2 keys for the ROV elecronic equipment to Benjamin. 
  • The location of the ROV parts have been moved, as far as i know, to Fagskulen in the basement "Room 033B".
    • Anders and the apprenctices did the moving of the parts.

- Point 5 -

  • It is as Saad said, all the notes and 3D models should be in the MS Teams folder. I have uploaded every file i have on the project.
  • I can be of help and kick-off guidence for the next team to take over and help with the 3D stuff if needed. My time is limited due to the bachlorthesis, but i can make time for a Teams meeting during some evenings.

Best Regards,
Glenn Haugen

Fra: Muhammad Saad Jahangir <>
Sendt: torsdag 20. januar 2022 22:25
Til: Ottar L. Osen <>
Kopi: Glenn Robert Myklebust Haugen <>; Ravitej Bhagavathi <>
Emne: Re: Towed ROV

Hi Ottar,

Sorry for the late response. I can answer some of the stuff.

  1. The code for the website is uploaded to the Github repository, I'll make sure to add some comments and remove unnecessary lines by Monday. I also arranged a domain from NTNU ( where we can publish it, I never experienced publishing before so I couldn't do it yet. Shouldn't be difficult though, I can try to get it done soon. Regarding completion, I would say it is complete in layout but more detailed content can be added to it.
  2. We reserved 2 lockers for some important parts (probably Glenn would have their keys). While the rest of the stuff is in the Tung Lab in the basement.
  3. This is the main Github Project. The code for Electronics, GUI, Webpage, and the Recognition Models would be in subfolders. 
  4. The Github Link for the first model is here. I will upload the new one (real-time model) by Monday, since it is on the computer at NMK.
  5. Presentation, 3D models, and Notes would be in the MS Teams Folders. Maybe the others can tell better about it.

Best Regards,

Muhammad Saad Jahangir
Student - MSc Simulation and Visualization
NTNU i Ålesund

From: Ottar L. Osen <>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 11:56
To: Muhammad Saad Jahangir <>; Ravitej Bhagavathi <>; Glenn Robert Myklebust Haugen <>
Subject: Towed ROV



I’ve been very busy lately, but I’m now trying to find students that can take over and complete the project.

Can each of you send me an e-mail on how you can hand over your work to next group of students?

Some of the information I need:

1) The web-page and document archive. Status? (Complete I guess, but how to access it locally and public).
2) Prototype status and location of all parts.
3) Software status and links to GIT etc.
4) Machine learning object detection (link to source code etc.)
5) Everything else you have done, including documentation and presentations …..

I also hope you have some time to give new students a kick-off in right direction.

Best regards,

Ottar L. Osen
Professor, automaton and intelligent systems
Department of ICT and Natural Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Larsgårdsveien 2
Tlf. 70 16 14 49 / Mob. 92 66 12 72

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