Oppgavenr: MSA5

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs

In Norway, there are 55.000 km of national and state roads that need different type of maintenance and service, including winter maintenance.  The driving distance of the clearing vehicles for winter maintenance was over 19 million kilometers in 2013. I in addition 188.000 tons of salt and 575.000 tons of sand was used during winter maintenance.

At the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, we have an ongoing project in cooperation with Chalmers and SVV (E39) on understanding the environmental impact from the winter maintenance operations.

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

We seek a motivated student to take part in the research team, and actively work together with a PhD student in this research project.

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2


Kontaktperson ved IBAT: rolf.bohne@ntnu.no

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

Statens Vegvesen og Chalmers

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