Problem no: BPO10

Related topics: 

  • TEP 4235 - Energy Management in Buildings, see
  • TBA 4166 - Building Performance Simulation, see
  • TBA 4171 - Building and Material Engineering, Advanced Course, see

Background for the task:

During the last decade, several simulation-based optimization tools have been developed to reduce the computational time required for optimizing a simulation-based integrated building design. However, for the time being, there is no methodology has been developed to benchmark the overall consultation cost (ie, time and effort) required not only for running simulation-based optimization but also for setting up and validating the simulation-based optimization's tool.

Brief description of the task:

The objective of this project is to develop a building information modeling (BIM) -based platform for benchmarking the overall consultation cost required to conduct simulation-based integrated building design optimization.

Number of students on the thesis: 1

Contact person at IBAT:  

  • Mohamed Hamdy, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (

External partners:

  • The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN Centre
    The Research Centre on Zero Energy Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) funded by the Research Council of Norway and the consortium partners. The main objective of the ZEN Centre is to develop knowledge, competitive products and solutions that will lead to realization of sustainable neighbourhoods that have zero emissions of greenhouse gases related to their production, operation and transformation.
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