Oppgave nr: BPO9

Related topics: 

  • TBA 4166 - Building Performance Simulation, see
  • TEP 4235 - Energy Management in Buildings, see
  • TBA 4171 - Building and Material Engineering, Advanced Course, see

Background for the task:

Performance of buildings can be affected by changes in the environment like climate change and changes in the requirements like changes in electrical and thermal grid side. In order to decrease the disruption and cost of these changes, thermal resilience evaluation can be implemented. Thermal resilience is defined as the thermal capacity of building to bounce back after some changes in its environment or requirements without changing its structure. Evaluation of thermal resilience can be done by considering scenarios which are the combination of different changes that may be happened in the future. Performance of different designs can be evaluated under these scenarios using resilience indicators. Finding appropriate indicators for the evaluation of thermal resilience is an important issue. Thermal resilience of the building can be evaluated by the combination of these Indicators with the results of a building energy model which is done by different energy simulation programs like IDA ICE, EnergyPlus, etc.

Brief description of the assignment:

The goal of this project is to evaluate the thermal resilience of different design options of a building under future scenarios. Different steps of this project are defined below:

  1. Finding appropriate indicators for the evaluation of thermal resilience
  2. Creating a combination of scenarios (combination of upcoming events which may happen in the future)
  3. Developing of a building energy model with simulation preferred simulation software
  4. Evaluation of thermal resilience

Number of students on the assignment: 1

Contact person at IBAT: 

  • Mohamed Hamdy, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (mohamed.hamdy@ntnu.no).
  • Shabnam Homaei, PhD candidate at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (Shabnam.homaei@ntnu.no)


 External partners:  

  • The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN Centre https://fmezen.no/
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