Oppgave nr: BPO8

Related topics: 

  • TBA 4166 - Building Performance Simulation, see
  • TEP 4235 - Energy Management in Buildings, see
  • TBA 4171 - Building and Material Engineering, Advanced Course, see

Background for the task:

Implementation of smart technologies and automation in the buildings can have a meaningful impact on the energy performance of the buildings. Today there are lots of technologies which can control the temperature, lighting, air quality, etc in the buildings through the Internet of things (IoT)technology: a combination of connected computing and mechanical devices that automatically transfer data without human interaction. For example, Wi-Fi integrated panel heaters are one of these technologies developed by Millheat® which is a Norwegian company in the field of smart heaters. Evaluation of the impact of these kinds of systems on the energy performance of the buildings is an important issue.

Brief description of the assignment:

In order to evaluate the impact of smart technologies on building energy performance these steps should be done:

  1. Developing a building energy model for a single-family house in Norway with preferred energy simulation software (IDA ICE, EnergyPlus, etc)
  2. Implement different smart technologies in the building energy model
  3. Evaluate the effect of implemented technologies on the performance of building( energy consumption, thermal comfort, energy cost,etc.)

Number of students on the assignment: 1

Contact person at IBM:  

  • Mohamed Hamdy, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (mohamed.hamdy@ntnu.no).
  • Laurina Felius, PhD candidate at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (laurina.felius@ntnu.no).


External partners:  

  • The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN Centre, https://fmezen.no/
  • Millheat is a Norwegian compony which develops different kind of heaters and radiators for buildings. https://www.millheat.com/
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