Oppgave nr: BPO4

Related topics: 

·         Energy Management in Buildings (e.g., TEP 4235)

·         Building Performance Simulation (e.g., TBA 4166)

Background for the task:

So far disagreement between simulated and monitored building energy consumption has become a common research issue. To this regard today building simulation concerns not only building design but also building operation, diagnosis and commissioning. In particular, extensive interest in building monitoring and operation diagnostics led to frequent applications of building models calibration for the energy assessment. An order to have accurate results and make simulation predictions match closely real consumptions, calibration has become an essential process to be carried out for building simulation.

Brief description of the task:

-          The objective of this project is to develop an optimization-based calibration approach for minimizing the difference between simulated and monitored building energy consumption. 
-          The tasks should be complementary to our previous work:

  • ‘’Performance Comparison of Multi-Objective Optimization-based approaches for Calibrating White-box Building Energy Models’’, Journal paper, see
  • ‘’Strategies for Modelling Dynamic Parameters in Optimization-Based Building Energy Model Calibration: A Case Study’’. see.

Number of students on the thesis: Two

Contact person at IBM:  

  • Mohamed Hamdy, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (mohamed.hamdy@ntnu.no).

External partners:

  • Sandra Martínez Mariño (samartinez@uvigo.es), PhD candidate and teaching assistant at Universidade de Vigo, https://www.uvigo.gal/
  • The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN Centre
    The Research Centre on Zero Energy Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) funded by the Research Council of Norway and the consortium partners. The main objective of the ZEN Centre is to develop knowledge, competitive products and solutions that will lead to realization of sustainable neighbourhoods that have zero emissions of greenhouse gases related to their production, operation and transformation.
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