
The potential of using green LiDAR in river modelling (several possible theses projects on data quality, flood modelling , morphology and environmental impacts)


Hydraulic modelling, GIS, environmental analysis

Kontakt / veileder

Knut Alfredsen, Morten Stickler, NVE/USN





The use of aerial laser based on green LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology for collection of river bathymetry opens up a range of possibilities analysis of rivers and for the use of hydraulic models for practical applications. NVE and Kartverket are running a project to evaluate the use of green LiDAR for a number of different purposes related to analysis in rivers. This project can offer several different projects and master thesis within the following main areas:

  1. Evaluation of the accuracy of LiDAR data. This will involve the comparison of LiDAR data with date from other sources, e.g. sonar, drones and terrestrial laser scanning. We will scan sections of riverbanks and compare these to the LiDAR point clouds to compute the accuracy and explain errors. 


  1. Evaluate the use of LiDAR data for simulating floods and mapping flood zones. Here we will set up new models based on the LiDAR data and compare them to existing flood models, observations and existing flood zone maps.


  1. Evaluate the applicability of LiDAR based bathymetry for environmental flow computations, effects of minimum flow or highly variable flow on habitat for fish in rivers and for the purpose of river restoration. Within river restoration we will look into the ability to modify existing river structures (weirs, embankments and others) and use the hydraulic model to assess the changes and the way alterations of the geometry influences the environment


  1. Based on LiDAR bathymetry evaluate river morphology and erosion/sedimentation processes. Here, comparisons of successive flights can be an option do look at the changes in bathymetry over time.

The work can be focused on data analysis and/or hydraulic modelling using various tools. Field work is also possible as a part of the work.

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