Magnum needs a image in glance to use when it spawns masters and workers. In Yoga, Fedora CoreOS 35 is the version the project test against, and thus is the version we need to use (smile)

NOTE: Yoga needs this specific build of FCOS 35!

# Download image
Browse here

# Decompress
xz -d <image.qcow2.xz>

# Convert
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw <image.qcow2> <image.raw>

# Upload to glance. Note the  properties. These are important
openstack image create \
                      --disk-format=raw \
                      --container-format=bare \
                      --file=<imagw>.raw \
                      --min-disk <big enough> \
                      --property os_distro='fedora-coreos' \
                      --property hw_rng_model='virtio' \
                      --public \
                      --protected \
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