Location: Elektro B,  Gløshaugen

Present: Rene Pickhardt, Colin Boyd, Arild Faxvaag, Margareth Horn, Paul Kengfai Wan, Shuang Wu, Bjarne Emil Helvik, Abylay Satybaldy, Mayank Raikwar, Mariusz Nowostawski, Danilo Gligoroski, Befekadu Gezaheng.

Meeting Notes

Meeting organised by BG and BH (IIK)
Introduced new associated PhD student, Rene Pickhardt, student of MN.
Presentation of networking project
Visit to blockchain node installation
Round of reporting from PhD students

Certificate project

The future of the certificate project, described in an appendix to the project status report of July 2019, was discussed. In order to reduce the risk of overusing resources, particularly PhD student time, it was agreed that the scope be reviewed. In particular it was proposed to limit the application, at least initially, to a less formal goal than NTNU degree certificates, but instead to produce sample certificates for courses. The scope for research value was discussed and it was agreed that opportunities for research outcomes should be considered. Generally the idea for a joint project across all PhD students was strongly supported.

Action: PhD students (Anton lead?) to prepare a more details project plan

DT Seminar, 27 March, Scandic Lerkendal

Everyone is invited. Two PhD students to be selected to make a "pitch" presentation. Agreed that we should try to provide one technical and one application oriented pitch, also taking into account gender balance. Anton, Margareth and Shuang indicated specific interest.

Action: CB to negotiate with students to get the final selection by February 20.

Workshop at IEEE Blockchain

Something we should consider for the future. Mariusz and team have been invited to organise a workshop at the INTAP 2020 conference at Gjøvik (https://jdconline.net/intap/). Since this is local and we are sure to get the opportunity it was agreed to focus on this instead this time.

Action: MN to circulate workshop description for comment and suggestions.


We discussed possible measures to increase project visibility both internally (so that others interested in blockchain at NTNU get to know about us) and externally. Some tactics suggested:

- holding workshops and inviting visitors
- putting pressure on NTNU to include project information on the NTNU web site
- better use of our project wiki (publicly accessible)
- developing and promoting

Action: all to update information on project progress and publications on wiki

Next meeting

Since the complete round of projects has now hosted a project meeting, we discussed whether we should continue. The consensus was that slightly fewer plenary meetings per year would work better, so we will aim for 4 during 2019. The next meeting will take place in May and after that probably at Gjøvik in September in line with the workshop at INTAP.

Action: Anton to survey dates for May meeting

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