We deliver projects of various sizes, depending on the use-case. This article lists what we consider the default quota which we hand out without much reasoning for need. The quotas are documented in our script to create projects, and are displayed if the script is ran with the option "-l":

$ ./createProject.sh -l
The following types of projects can be created:
DCSG1005: 20 instances, 20 CPU's, 30GB RAM, 10 (100GB) volumes
IIKG1001: 2 instances, 2 CPU's, 4GB RAM, 2 (2GB) volumes
IMT2282: 1 instances, 2 CPU's, 4GB RAM, 1 (20GB) volumes
IMT2681: 3 instances, 3 CPU's, 6GB RAM, 2 (20GB) volumes
IMT3003: 15 instances, 15 CPU's, 30GB RAM, 10 (200GB) volumes
IMT3005: 25 instances, 25 CPU's, 50GB RAM, 10 (200GB) volumes
PRIV: 5 instances, 10 CPU's, 20GB RAM, 5 (100GB) volumes
STUDENT: 4 instances, 4 CPU's, 8GB RAM, 2 (20GB) volumes
THESIS: 16 instances, 16 CPU's, 32GB RAM, 10 (50GB) volumes
TTM4135: 1 instances, 1 CPU's, 2GB RAM, 1 (20GB) volumes


The quotas have a name which tells us what its for:

  • <course-code>: These quotas are for projects related to specific courses.
  • PRIV: These quotas are for employees needing a private project to play with
  • STUDENT: These quotas are for students needing a private project to play with
  • THESIS: These quotas are the default given to bachelor- and masterthesises.
  • No labels