


  • Overview, status, projects, budgets, recruitment (10 min); Tor Arne summarizes status with help from all
  • HSI mission (25 min); Evelyn and Mariusz presents status and issues to be discussed.
  • SDR mission (10 min); Torbjörn summarizes status and presents issues to be discussed.
  • Procurement of lab and cubesats (10 min); Evelyn and Mariusz presents status and issues to be discussed.
  • Publications, dissemination, outreach (10 min); Plans to be discussed.
  • Student projects and NUTS (10 min); We should agree on a process to involve students (master projects) and NUTS resources.
  • Twin «systems engineering» professorships (5 min); Recruitment.
  • Organization, roles, decision-making, communication (10 min); Evelyn presents a proposal based on kick-off.

Action items



Overview (by Tor Arne)

  • Most of the PhD candidates in the plan are here
  • Tor Arne has some extra candidates that will work on the HSI data and drones
  • There are also some new positions available through AMOS
  • Operations
    • AMOS: 7 million
    • IKT+: 5 million
    • Supposed to be 2 satellites with launch - so not enough
    • AVIT: ground station + flatsat + lab area
  • IKT+ engineer: can be used for several things
  • Elizabeth and Alberto will start in May
  • Other items
    • Science board - similar to the Nov-seminar people
      • Somewhere in google drive there is a list of people
    • Meetings - in the fall?

SDR Mission

  • For HSI mission, a COTS S-band will be used
  • Focus on missions where there are no other options than using satellite for communication
    • E.g. the Arctic area
  • Survey on various SDRs available
    • Already in space
    • Or with smaller adjustments ready for space
    • But lots of drawbacks with the ones available
    • Buy or build?
  • Ground station
    • Update the existing NUTS station to do VHF/UHF and get data from communication with existing satellites
  • What kind of experiments are suitable with SDR?
    • SDR on ground segment
    • SDR on buoys
    • SDR on satellite
  • Mission definition for heterogeneous network with SDR in the Arctic (maybe go into RCN with Arctic ABC? Nansen Legacy?
    • Engineering and science
  • Tor Arne and Torbjörn will work on how to get funding together

HSI Mission

  • Summary of the MDR
  • Still discussion on the communication link
  • The mission objective
    1. On-board processing
      • What will Hyperscout cost?
    1. IOD
    2. On-board processing with our IOD-HSI
  • Make a timeline from backwards
  • It is a technology demonstrator with science purpose
    • Want to launch both version 4 and version 6
  • Version 6 is using the same sensor as version 5