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We have clear expectations from both, students and employee, who use the resources and facilities in the Waterpower laboratory. This section describes the overall guideline, expectations and rules of game. Access to the Waterpower laboratory and usage of the facility comes with certain responsibility, trust, respect and conditions. Unruly behavior towards fellow students and colleagues is not acceptable, and respect The Norwegian model.

We primarily follow NTNU guideline:

  1. Area regulations,
  2. Policy for information security,
  3. Personvern og GDPR,
  4. Privacy policy,
  5. Processing of personal data,
  6. Securing personal ICT equipment,
  7. Regulations and local procedures for technical and administrative staff,
  8. Room regulations

There are some additional expectations, which are presented below.


This is laboratory building and 100+ years old. Follow the health and safety regulations strictly.

Rules of the game

Almost all resources and facilities in the Waterpower are open for the students, and we generally follow the open door policy, where the students have freedom to directly knock on the supervisors (professors) door without hesitation or appointment. In most cases, supervisors help quickly. Moreover, certain facilities in the laboratory are maintained voluntarily without financial contribution from NTNU. Therefore, we must maintain ourselves and preserve those facilities. There are several social gathering and events, which follows the tradition. These events are not financed by NTNU, we professors, contribute internally.

Fair usage of resources

It is expected that everyone in the Waterpower laboratory use resources fairly, contribute to maintain the resources, volunteer when require, contribute extra time - frivillig/dugnad. We usually expect around 10 hours per student (+ PhD) per semester dugnad contribution. Without the help, we will not be able to maintain the resources in the laboratory.

The expectations are generally conveyed during the general assembly meeting at the start of the Autumn semester.


Student area (Room 45)

This area belongs to the students and they are completely responsible for maintaining the area. This also includes computers and desks and central platform (ventilation). Students are expected to keep clean their desk, at least clean once a week. Unluckily, if you drop the coffee on the desk and floor, you are expected to clean. NTNU service does not clean your desk and areas underneath the desks. Therefore, you, as a user of that space, are responsible for cleaning. Almost everything belongs to the student in this area therefore, if you pick something, please put back to its place after use.

YOU MUST CLOSE THE WINDOW IF YOU HAVE OPENED FOR THE FRESH AIR!!! Rain, wind and snow damages the furniture and computers inside the laboratory.

In addition, we also have lockers in this area. If you would like to use the lockers, it is free. Mark locker with your name. Most important thing is that you, as a user, must maintain. After completing your work in this laboratory, you are expected to take all your belongings immediately and free the locker for another student. Beside the locker, we have library (cupboard) which stores project reports and master thesis of previous years. You can freely use them and read. However, you are responsible to put it back.

Lockers without name will be taken out without prior notice. Therefore, it is important that your name should be placed on the locker.


The other most important section in the student area is the kitchen. It is your responsibility to keep it clean and maintain. We do not receive support from NTNU to maintain the kitchen therefore, we ourselves must maintain it and keep it clean (mouse, insects free). You must place your used cups and plates into the oppvaskmaskin after use. You must clean the sandwich machine, toaster, and oven after use. No one likes to use dirty used stuff, specially for food. We usually have tradition, where one student is responsible for the kitchen (known as Kitchen Chef or Kitchen Boss) for one week. Kitchen Chef takes responsible for that week and makes decision. Everyone is expected to listen the Chef. Responsibility and name of Kitchen Chef is placed in the Kitchen at the start of the semester. In case, Kitchen Chef is away for a day or a week, he/she should appoint another person, who takes the responsibility.

We usually have 20 -25 students therefore everyday cleaning in kitchen is essential.


You must not place unnecessary and provocative posters, pictures, mems, quotes, etc. on display in the kitchen area.

Coffee machine

Coffee machine is one of important part of day-to-day life in the Waterpower laboratory. Coffee machine usually starts at 07:00 in morning and continue to work up to 18:00 in evening. Completing project work and master thesis work without coffee is very difficult. rolling on the floor laughing Coffee is completely free to the students however, we strongly expect that the coffee machine is well maintained and cleaned regularly. Follow the guideline shown in the picture below. Regularly clean coffee server glass (handle with care). Regularly clean the coffee machine and heating element. We have cleaning agent for the coffee machine, which can be used once a month. If cleaning agent is empty, talk to scientific assistance in room 44A.

camera Coffee machine instructions. It is expected that everyone follows the instructions.

Common area

Room 42 is the common area for all students and employees working in the laboratory. We regularly use this area for lunch, exercise, play table tennis, social gathering, Christmas celebration and student celebration. It is highly expected that student maintain this area and keep it clean. Leftover food must be cleaned immediately. Students can use sofa for lunch and study both purposes. However, it is important that sofa is maintained clean. Usually Kitchen Chef oversees the cleaning of the lunch area. In free time, student can play table tennis with other interesting students. Note that the table tennis must be placed in a corner after use so it will not block others.

Students are highly expected to help on special occasions and celebration days, for example, Christmas celebration, social gathering during summer and socializing pizza. Students are required to come forward and offer help each other.

camera Lunch area for students.

camera Table tennis for students.


We have big library with several books, project reports, phd theses and master theses. However, all reading material is not documented electronically, therefore any contribution from the students is highly appreciated.


Many students conduct experiments in the main laboratory for the project and master thesis work. Student often borrow several instruments, sensors, and several other equipment including computer for data logging. It is observed that some student do not put back the borrowed stuff at its original position, and someone else does this job. Another drawback is that the laboratory is big and it takes times to find the borrowed sensor for another application. Often, such sensors are marked as lost, and we purchase another sensors. That end up as double inventory at the laboratory expenses. We usually trust the students and we do not keep record of borrowing data. Students are expected to put back borrowed stuff at its place before finally leaving the laboratory or soon after concluding the experiments. One can see picture below, where spanners and other equipment are leftover after concluding the measurements by the students. It took several minutes with two rounds for the technician to find these spanners. This resulted delay in another work. Large part of day-to-day time of technicians is usually spent to find missing spanners or instruments.

camera Leftover instruments on the calibration tank after concluding the measurements.

Meeting room or reading room

We have dedicated meeting room (41) with video conferencing facility. It can accommodate up to 20 students or guests. Students can also use as a reading room. In order to use this room, prior booking is mandatory. Student can book the room using Room booking service of NTNU. Students or anyone uses this room, prescribed guideline must be followed. The room must be maintained clean and tidy.

camera Reading room in student area.

camera Reading room inside arrangement.

camera Rules for using reading room.

Do not forget to close windows inside the reading room, if you have opened for fresh air. Rain, wind and snow damage the furniture inside reading room, if window is kept open.

Are you last one to leave the student area?

If you are the last person to leave the student area in the evening, do not forget following things.

  1. Shutdown the coffee machine, empty the coffee serving glass, empty the coffee filter.
  2. Switch off the main lights in the student area (room 45) and kitchen platform (above sink).
  3. Check all windows are closed.
  4. Make sure, all doors are properly closed, including the main door of the laboratory.

Specific to the MSc batch 2024 -2025

Student life...

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