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UG = UnderGrad, Grad = Graduate

DTU - Course
NTNU - Course
01410 Cryptology 15TTM4135 - Information Security 2016.09.02 RS
02631 - Introduction to programming and data processing +
02102 - Introductory programming
5 + 5TDT4110 - Informasjonsteknologi, grunnkurs


2017.08.22 RS
01901 - Calculus and algebra 1 +
01902 - Calculus and algebra 2
5 + 5TMA4115 - Matematikk 3 (6)
TMA4100 - Matematikk 1 (4)


2017.08.22 RS

02402 - Introduction to statistics5TMA4240 - Statistikk

Nina Andal Aarvik: 7,5 stp. + statistikkfag høst 2016 (UoA).

02190 IT Security (Health & IT)5TDT4237 - ProgramvaresikkerhetTeoridelen av TDT4237, hovedsakelig innen helse2016.09.02 RS
02220 Distributed systems (Grad)7,5TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengder 2016.09.02 RS
02224 Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Systems5TTK4130 - Modellering og simulering 2016.09.02 RS
02233 Network Security5

TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet, evt.
TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet

Overlaps parts of TDT4237 too. PreReq: 022392017.01.30 RS
2017.01.30 RS
02341 Model-based software engineering (UG)5

TDT4250 - Advanced Software Design, evt. TDT4140 - Programvareutvikling


2017.01.30 RS
02239 Data Security5

TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet

PreReq for 022332017.01.30 RS
02263 Formal Aspects of Software Engineering5

IT3010 - Metoder for forskningsbasert innovasjon i IT

SE vs. Forskning. Ikke overlapp, men OK å ta 02263 uansett! (på SE)2016.09.02 RS
02265 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering5TDT4140 - Programvareutvikling 2016.09.02 RS
02291 System Integration5TDT4250 - Avansert Programvaredesign 2016.09.13 RS
02285 Artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems7,5TDT4171 - Metoder i kunstig intelligensStor del prosjekt (EiT).2016.09.02 RS
02363 Advanced programming (UG)5IT2810 - WebutviklingFyllfag2017.01.30 RS
02411 Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments5

IT3010 - Metoder for forskningsbasert innovasjon i IT

Delvis overlapp; Planlegging, forskning, detaljerte analyser2016.09.02 RS
02450 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining5TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedrift,
TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering
Basert på beskrivelsen2016.09.02 RS
02806 Social data analysis and visualization (Grad)5TDT4245 - Samhandlingsteknologi og sosiale medierDelvis overlapp; Analysere data fra online sosiale interaksjoner, visualisering2016.09.02 RS
42430 Project Management5EiT 2016.09.02 RS
42490 Technology, economics, management and organisation (TEMO) (G)10TDT4257 - Digital tjenesteinnovasjon. EiT.Tverrfaglig2016.09.02 RS

Uyen Dan Nguyen02220 Distributed systems (7.5), 02233 Network Security (5), 02341 Model SE (5) ELLER 02363 Adv Prog (5), 02806 Social data analysis and visualization (5), 42490 Technology, economics, management and organisation (TEMO) (10), for

  • TDT4225 (G), TDT4250 (G) ELLER  IT2810 (UG), TDT4245 (G) ELLER TDT4237 (G), TDT4257.

Compare with Course Dependencies TDT and IT classes:


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