Versions Compared


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Some of our tenants have requirements not fitting the "general purpose" use-cases, and is investing in dedicated compute-nodes equipped with accellerators, local storage and similar. These tenants usually gets custom flavors (Identified by the keyword 'custom' in its name) providing access to these resources. The meaning behind each of the custom flavors is given to the personell needing access.

Flavor "Not available"

If a flavor get changed (ex: m1.medium gets more memory) the old flavor will be deleted and a new one will be createdYou might have VM's using flavors you do not hav access to anymore (for instance if a public flavor is set as private, or your access to a private flavor is revoked). In this case existing VM's would be listed with the flavor "Not Available". This does not really matter, as the quotas is counted correctly, and openstack knows which specs the machine is supposed to have, but if you would like to give the machine a new flavour you should simply resize it to a new flavor. If you resize to a flavor to small to support the machine nothing will happen, so you should not loose any data regardless of which flavor you decide to resize to.

The 'legacy' flavors:

The rest of this article describes the old flavor naming-format, describing flavors which are planned for removal during 2022. We recommend to use the new flavors when they become available.

Legacy General purpose flavors

The flavors is organized into classes to help you select the correct flavor for your needs. Each of the classes have 5 flavors of various sizes (tiny, small, medium, large, xlarge). Currently the following classes exist:

  • t1 - Tiny VM's
    • This class is intended for testing, or for VM's which does not really need much resources.
    • The disk are shaped to 150 IOPS, which is similar to a regular hard-drive.
  • m1 - Medium-size General purpose
    • This class is for the general purpose VM's. These flavors have 4 GB RAM for each CPU (except for tiny, which have 1CPU/2GB RAM).
    • The disk are shaped to 300 IOPS, which is faster than an enterprise grade hard-drive.
  • l1 - Large general purpose
    • This class is for general-purpose VM's where the m-series are too small. These flavors have 4GB RAM for each CPU.
    • The disk are shaped to 300 IOPS, which is faster than an enterprise grade hard-drive.
  • c1 - CPU intensive VM's
    • This class is for VM's needing a lot of CPU, while not needing too much memory. These flavors have 2GB RAM for each CPU.
    • The disk are shaped to 300 IOPS, which is faster than an enterprise grade hard-drive.
  • r1 - RAM intensive VM's
    • This class is for VM's needing a lot of RAM. These flavors have 8GB RAM for each CPU.
    • The disk are shaped to 300 IOPS, which is faster than an enterprise grade hard-drive.


The following general-purpose flavors exists in all our platforms:

Code Block
titleOpenstack flavors
| Name      |    RAM | Disk | VCPUs |
| t1.tiny   |    256 |   40 |     1 |
| t1.small  |    512 |   40 |     1 |
| t1.medium |    768 |   40 |     1 |
| t1.large  |   1024 |   40 |     2 |
| t1.xlarge |   1536 |   40 |     2 |
| m1.tiny   |   2048 |   40 |     1 |
| m1.small  |   4096 |   40 |     2 |
| m1.medium |   8192 |   40 |     2 |
| m1.large  |  16384 |   40 |     4 |
| m1.xlarge |  32768 |   40 |     8 |
| l1.tiny   |  49152 |   40 |    12 |
| l1.small  |  65536 |   40 |    16 |
| l1.medium |  81920 |   40 |    20 |
| l1.large  |  98304 |   40 |    24 |
| l1.xlarge | 131072 |   40 |    32 |
| c1.tiny   |  16384 |   40 |     8 |
| c1.small  |  24576 |   40 |    12 |
| c1.medium |  32768 |   40 |    16 |
| c1.large  |  49152 |   40 |    24 |
| c1.xlarge |  65536 |   40 |    32 |
| r1.tiny   |  65536 |   40 |     8 |
| r1.small  |  98304 |   40 |    12 |
| r1.medium | 131072 |   40 |    16 |
| r1.large  | 196608 |   40 |    24 |
| r1.xlarge | 262144 |   40 |    32 |

Legacy GPU-based flavors:

Some of the openstack platforms are equipped with GPU's, and access to these are given on request.


  • Currently primarily for affiliates of SFI NORCICS


  • Currentlt primarily for affiliates of SFI NORCICS


  • Currently exclusively for affiliates of NBL




  • Currently exclusively for affiliates of NBL


  • gpu.m10.8G: 8 CPU, 20GB RAM and 1 Nvidia Tesla M10 with 8GB VRAM.


  • gpu.a100.10G: 14CPU, 60GB RAM, 1/4 Nvidia Tesla a100 with 10GB VRAM.

Legacy IO-Intensive flavors

Most of our General-Purpose flavors are available in high-IO-versions. If 300IOPS are not enough for your use-case you can be granted access to flavors giving 600IOPS or 1200 IOPS: