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This page is a collection of different tips and tricks useful for students and employees at NTNU!

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Instabart er en side for deg som er student i bartebyen. Siden inneholder direktelenker til ulike NTNU-tjenester. Noen av dem vil du trenge nesten daglig, andre vil være superpraktiske en gang iblant - vi anbartfaler at du sjekker ut alle.

BibTeX Referencing
reference@misc{instabart, title={Instabart}, url={}, journal={Instabart}, author={Instabart}}

English: Instabart is a page who helps you with direct links to all NTNU-services.


Page only in Norwegian


To install the NTNU printers is usually only necessary once. Information about the student allowance for printing and prices for printing and copying for students can be found here. Tutorials are provided by NTNU Innsida.

Your nearest printer can be found via MazeMap. Find the building you are in and search for "Åpen tilgjengelig skriver" and you will see which printers are located nearby.

Recover overwritten/changed/deleted files from your home directory

The IT helpdesk has made an article on how to recover old files (up to 10 weeks) from your storage area at NTNU. This is a really nice feature, and can save you a lot of work if you are unlucky.

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