Versions Compared


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  • Compute - As before
  • Storage - As before
  • Network - Dedicated nodes for handling the user-traffic. All virtual routers and related network functions are running here.
  • Infra/Api - KVM hosts which hosts VM's for all the tasks the old manager/monitor/controllers were doing, except for networking. They hosts VM's we use for:
    • Openstack - All the services we actually want to run (smile)
      • cinder: Runs the cinder api, and the scheduler and volume services.
      • glance: Runs the glance-api and the glance-registry services
      • heatapi: Runs the heat API
      • heatengine: Runs the workers performing tasks needed by openstack heat
      • horizon: Hosts the openstack web-based dashboard (horizon)
      • keystone: Hosts the openstack keystone service, which is used for authentication
      • neutronapi: Hosts the neutron api's
      • novaapi: Hosts the nova api
      • novaservices: Hosts the nova scheduler, vncproxies etc.
    • Machine management  - All the services we need to install and manage our machines (both physical an virtual).
      • dhcp: DHCP and TFTP servers; handing out addresses and boot-images to our physical and virtual machines.
      • shiftleader: Our dashboard used for administering the machines.
    • Configuration management - All the services used for our configuration management.
      • postgres: Hosts the postgres database used by the puppetdb
      • puppet: Our puppetmasters
      • puppetca: The puppet certificate authority (We only have one of these machines)
      • puppetdb: The puppet database service. Stores node information and statistics
    • General infrastructure - General infrastructure services hused by multiple of our machines.
      • adminlb and servicelb: HAProxy load-balancers load-balancing traffic to our services from our own infrastructure and from our users respectively.
      • cache: Memcached servers which are used by several of our openstack services.
      • cephmon: Ceph monitors. The hosts resposnible for controlling our ceph cluster
      • rabbit: Hosts the message-queues which openstack and sensu uses to communicate internally.
      • mysql: Provides the galera-cluster which acts as openstacks database backend.
    • Monitoring - Services which helps us understand whats going on.
      • munin: Our munin-masters. Responsible for graphing monitor-data from all our hosts.
      • redis: The redis servers, which acts as a key/value store for our sensu monitoring system
      • sensu: Our monitoring system which is responsible for notifying us when something breaks.


Please see this article for a more lengthy explanation.

Install OS om VM's, and let them get base-configuration.


Start installing services in the VM's


Migrate traffic trough the new infrastructure


Install openstack services


(Prepare for migration)


(Re)install compute


(Re)install storage


Decommision old controllers