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nameMaster thesis water and wastewater NTNU 2017-2018 (002).ppt

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Tasks for projekt and master thesis 2017-2018

 Water and wastewater




Drinking water

  1. Biological stability in drinking water in Trondheim, Norway
  2. Water age in distribution systems using multiple water supplies
  3. Removal of humic substances during drinking water treatment
  4. Purification of omega3 phospholipids from different sources


Wastewater treatment

  1. Landfill leachate treatment by ozonation
  2. Assessing the suitability of different AOP
  3. Biological phosphorus removal with aim of recovery
  4. The microbial community of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in continuous moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
  5. Nutrient recovery from wastewater (RECOVER project)


Storm water

  1. Alternative systems for stormwater detention
  2. Blue-green coefficient (Blågrønn koeffisient BGF)
  3. Large-scale testing of green roofs
  4. Modeling ungagged urban catchments


Urban water systems

  1. Governance of urban water systems
  2. Improved modeling of future rehabilitation needs
  3. Isotopes to measure parameters of flow
  4. Modeling the effect of climate change on reliability of urban water networks
  5. Condition assessment of manholes in urban water systems
  6. Measurement of flow in flumes (wastewater)
  7. Vacuum system for transportation of wastewater


Sports arenas

  1. Hydraulics of swimming pools
  2. Flocculation on  treatment of water swimming pools













Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Biological stability of drinking water in Trondheim, Norway


Prosject and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Cynthia Hallé





In Norway, drinking water does not generally contain a residual disinfectant, like chlorine or choramine. Without a disinfectant, bacteria can regrow in the distribution network. The potential for regrowth is minimized if the water is biologically stable—a condition that requires the water to be generally unfavorable for bacteria to thrive and replicate. This project will explore whether limitation of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and microbiologically available phosphorus (MAP) results in biologically stable drinking water in Trondheim.


AOC and MAP will be monitored seasonally in drinking water throughout the municipal distribution system. Raw and treated water at Trondheim’s water treatment plants will also be monitored. Additional water quality parameters, such as biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC), total organic carbon (TOC) and TOC fractionation (using resins), may also be included within the scope of the project.













Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Water age in a distribution system using multiple water supplies


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Cynthia Hallé




Trondheim’s primary water supply is Jonsvatnet, which lies southeast of the city. The western part   of the city, however, receives most or all of its water from a second water supply, Benna. Currently, Trondheim municipality has no functional way of determining the boundaries of the two water supplies within the city’s distribution network.


A software model will be calibrated using fluoride or salt tracer studies to predict water age in Trondheim’s distribution system. This will include selection of monitoring sites around Trondheim—a process that may require examining maps and exploring Trondheim to identify locations that will provide access to tap water. These sites will be used to measure fluoride or salt during the tracer studies and for ongoing monitoring of water quality (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature). Model calibration and water quality monitoring may also include treated water from the city’s two water treatment plants as well as other, more advanced chemical or microbiological parameters.













Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Removal of humic substances during drinking water treatment


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Cynthia Hallé




Currently there is no established way to perform controlled laboratory experiments using natural organic matter (NOM) native to Norwegian lakes and rivers. Bulk water collection is undesirable because it is cumbersome to transport large tanks of water, water chemistry can change with storage, and NOM content can vary seasonally in lakes and rivers. Commercially available NOM, used for laboratory experiments, is typically isolated from watersheds that are very different from Norway and other parts of Scandinavia.


In this project, NOM will be isolated from one or more Norwegian lakes by filtering large volumes of water through filters or resins while in the field. Concentrated NOM can be stored and mixed with laboratory-grade water to regulate NOM content in bench-scale and pilot studies. A literature review will be a necessary part of this study. Proof of concept will require comparing the isolated NOM concentrate to natural Norwegian waters through a series of quality control tests.











Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Purification of omega 3 phospholipids from different sources using organic solvent nanofiltration membrane


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Cynthia Hallé/Daniele Mancinelli





The fish oil production is important branch in the Norwegian seafood industry, which represents one of Norway's largest export industries after oil and gas. The fish oil produced from herring roe, assigned for human consumption contains the necessary omega-3 fatty acids, which could contribute to improvement of human health.


The typical fish oil production process includes solvent extraction and drying which are costly, time consuming and energy demanding. This project has identified nanofiltration membranes able to isolate omega 3 phospholipids from herring roe. The use of membrane filtration will allow for a compact, energy efficient and continuous process. However, other sources of omega 3 including herring milk and fish trimming are available and could be use as raw material. In this project, the performance of selected organic nanofiltration membranes will be investigated in term of rejection of omega 3, fluxes and fouling for the alternative sources of omega 3.











Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk


Landfill leachate treatment by ozonation


Project & Master thesis 

Kontakt / veileder

Thomas Meyn, Noemi Ambauen


NTNU / Drinking water & analytical lab (Valgrinda)


The discharge of landfill leachate to a water body is becoming more stringent in Norway by 2020 due to EU-legislation, making advanced effluent treatment necessary. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are investigated as a viable element, considering the landfill leachate characteristics as well as the given geographical and local conditions. A low BOD5/COD ratio, low average temperatures and limited space favour the application of an AOP instead of a biological treatment.


Student tasks:

  • Get familiar with AOP with focus on ozonation.
  • Literature research: Ozonation for landfill leachate treatment
  • Set up ozonation experiment incl. elaboration of an experimental plan
  • Experiments conducted under controlled environmental conditions
  • Assessment of relevant parameters and their impact on the overall degradation performance of the ozonation process, incl. quantification of hydroxyl radical production during ozonation
  • Sample analysis by advanced analytical methods (e.g. GC-MS or UV/VIS)
  • Comparison of ozonation and electrochemical oxidation for landfill leachate treatment with regard to their overall degradation performance of refractory organic compounds (data for electrochemical oxidation will be provided)


The student should preferably do both, project and master thesis.








Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




LaLandfill leachate treatment -  assessing the suitability of different AOP


PrProject & Master thesis 

Kontakt / veileder

ThThomas Meyn, Noemi Ambauen


N  NTNU / Drinking water & analytical lab (Valgrinda)


The discharge of landfill leachate to a water body is becoming more stringent in Norway by 2020 due to EU-legislation, making advanced effluent treatment necessary. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are investigated as a viable element, considering the landfill leachate characteristics as well as the given geographical and local conditions. A low BOD5/COD ratio, low average temperatures and limited space favour the application of an AOP instead of a biological treatment.


Student tasks:

  • Get familiar with AOP (Advanced oxidation process) of interest (electrochemical oxidation & ozonation).
  • Literature research: Ozonation for landfill leachate treatment (literature with concerning  electrochemical oxidation will be provided)
  • Set up ozonation and electrochemical oxidation experiments incl. elaboration of an experimental plan
  • Experiments are conducted with real landfill leachate (origin: Mosjøen, Nordland)
  • Sample analysis by advanced analytical methods (e.g. GC-MS or UV/VIS)
  • Comparison of two different AOP concerning their overall degradation performance of refractory organic pollutants under Nordic climate conditions


The student should preferably do both, project and master thesis. Furthermore, the theses may include a travel to Mosjøen to inspect the landfill and on-site existing pre-treatment of the landfill leachate.








Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Biological phosphorus removal with aim of recovery


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Stein W Østerhus, Blanca M. Gonzalez Silva




Wastewater with high levels of organic matter (COD) Phosphorus (P) and Nitrogen (N) causes several problems, such as eutrophication, oxygen consumption and fish toxicity, when discharged to the aquatic environment. It is, therefore, necessary to remove these substances from wastewaters for reducing their impact to the environments. The enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process is increasingly popular as a sustainable method for removal of phosphorus (P) from wastewater. The overall aim of this project is to carry out the EBPR in a continuous biofilm process utilizing a pilot-scale Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). The Bio-P sludge generated could be potential source for P and N recovery during the sludge line treatment. The bioreactor will be combined with a mechanical pretreatment. The interaction between the pretreatment sieve and the bioreactor will be studied with emphasis on the carbon balance within the treatment process.



Potential research objectives:


  • To investigate the effect of variation of the inlet water quality on the biological process.
  • To investigate the kinetics of nutrients removal in the consecutive chambers of anaerobic and aerobic zones of the pilot.
  • To enhance the production of VFAs in the raw wastewater in order to optimize the hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the anaerobic zone of the Bio-P process.


  • To study different methods to fractionate the sludge and generate VFA.


  • Upgrading the EBPR in the pilot MBBR in order to have the most P removal in the wastewater and recovery in the Bio-P sludge.





















These tasks are offered in conjunction with Ph D tasks of Sina Shaddel and Abaynesh Belay Fanta.

The student work will comprise laboratory work as well as data analysis












Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



The microbial community of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in continuous moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)



Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Stein W Østerhus, Blanca M. Gonzalez Silva and Ingrid Bakke




Wastewater with high levels of organic matter (COD) Phosphorus (P) and Nitrogen (N) cause several problems, such as eutrophication, oxygen consumption and fish toxicity, when discharged to the aquatic environment. It is, therefore, necessary to remove these substances from wastewaters for reducing their potential negative impact. P removal is achieved by polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) through enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) under alternating anaerobic-aerobic conditions. The aim of this research is to characterize microbial community structures of an EBPR carried out in a pilot-scale Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) operated as a continuous biofilm process with circulating carrier media. To carry out this characterization Illumina sequencing of the 16S rRNA amplicons and statistical analysis will be used.




Potential research objectives:


          ·           To provide a comprehensive insight into the key PAOs and determine their relative abundance.

          ·           To identify the possible existence of nitrifying, a denitrifying, and anammox  bacteria.

          ·           To identify the most dominant ordinary heterotrophic organisms and glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs).

          ·           To link the performance of the EBPR with the microbial community structures.





























Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Nutrient recovery from wastewater (part of RECOVER project)


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Stein Østerhus, Sina Shaddel


NTNU / Wastewater water & analytical lab (Valgrinda)


Kort beskrivelse og foto (short description and photo)

Sludge treatment and dewatering creates reject water and concentrated flows that have to be treated and managed. Increased use of dewatering, sludge treatment/refining, anaerobic digestion, etc. will increase the amount of these reject flows and their concentration. The scope of the project is to develop processes for recovery of phosphorous and nitrogen from concentrated flows, which may include production of raw material for fertilizer industry or a fertilizer. The study will start with desktop evaluation of different techniques and process configurations where the potential and efficiency for maximized nitrogen recovery will be evaluated theoretically. The process configuration may be physical, chemical, biological or combination of them. This will be followed by laboratory and small pilot scale experiments on selected process configurations to demonstrate and validate the findings. In this project, the evaluation of selected methods would considered and selection of process configurations for further investigation would be a criteria-based selection procedure based on a technical and commercial basis.

Student tasks:

  • Get familiar with wastewater treatment, nutrient recovery concept and crystallization concept
  • Literature research: the modern nutrient recovery concept and the effect of water chemistry effect on recovery and product quality.
  • Set up crystallization experiments incl. elaboration of an experimental plan
  • Experiments will be conducted with synthetic and real reject water (origin: Norwegian wastewater treatment plants)
  • Sample analysis by advanced analytical methods (e.g. IC, XRD, SEM)
  • Investigation of different products for nutrient recovery from wastewater


The student should preferably do project or master thesis. The student would benefit contact with the RECOVER group including PhDs and post-docs, SINTEF and close contact with industrial partners.







Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk


Alternative systems for stormwater detention


Project & Master thesis 

Kontakt / veileder

Tone M. Muthanna, Vladimir Hamouz


NTNU / Klima2050


The overall goal of Klima 2050 is to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. Emphasis will be placed on development of moisture-resilient buildings, stormwater management, blue-green solutions, measures for prevention of water-triggered landslides, socio-economic incentives and decision-making processes. Both extreme weather and gradual changes in the climate will be addressed. The grant period for Klima 2050 is 2015-2023, funded with 220MKr. The center has more than 20 partners altogether from the private and public sector as well as two universities (NTNU and BI) and two research institutes (SINTEF and NGI).


Alternative detention systems for stormwater can be a part of a system of blue-green solutions. These alternatives can include roof top detention, pipe-based systems and surface storage. They will be a partical contribution to a complex system of solutions, making it important to fully understand their performance with respect to hydraulic loading and peak flow detention.


Student tasks:

  • Get familiar stormwater management systems, different alternatives and theories
  • Propose system design including key features and design criteria
  • Calculations on hydraulic capacity
  • Optimize system for different climatic regions
  • Climate robust solutions is an integral part of Klima2050 – future climate testing.


The student should preferably do both, project and master thesis.










Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




LaBlue-green coefficient (Blågrønnfaktor, BGF)


PrProject & Master thesis 

Kontakt / veileder

ThTone M. Muthanna


N  NTNU / Klima2050


The overall goal of Klima 2050 is to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. Emphasis will be placed on development of moisture-resilient buildings, stormwater management, blue-green solutions, measures for prevention of water-triggered landslides, socio-economic incentives and decision-making processes. Both extreme weather and gradual changes in the climate will be addressed. The grant period for Klima 2050 is 2015-2023, funded with 220MKr. The center has more than 20 partners altogether from the private and public sector as well as two universities (NTNU and BI) and two research institutes (SINTEF and NGI).


A blue-green coefficient for development is a method proposed by the dept. of Environment (Miljødepartementet) as a method to promote urban development with a high degree of greening for biodiversity and sound stormwater management. However initial investigations indicated that BGF is not necessarily a guarantee for good stormwater management. The use of BGF has been implemented for several counties in Norway, which together with international literature can be used in the assessment.


Student tasks:

  • Is there a correlation between BGF and local stormwater management?
  • Identify what are the key elements of the BGF needed for good stormwater management.
  • How can BGF be an integrated as part of the design phase, where the starting point is BGF?


The student should preferably do both, project and master thesis.








Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Large scale test of grey and green roofs


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Tone Muthanna, Vladimir Hamouz




The overall goal of Klima 2050 is to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. Emphasis will be placed on development of moisture-resilient buildings, stormwater management, blue-green solutions, measures for prevention of water-triggered landslides, socio-economic incentives and decision-making processes. Both extreme weather and gradual changes in the climate will be addressed. The grant period for Klima 2050 is 2015-2023, funded with 220MKr. The center has more than 20 partners altogether from the private and public sector as well as two universities (NTNU and BI) and two research institutes (SINTEF and NGI).


One of the pilots in Klima 2050 is a large scale roof system pilot. Here the aim is to test the performance of various grey and green roof detention/retention systems for performance in current and future climates through field scale observations and modelling.


The research questions that this project aims to answer are:

1) What is the detention capacity in the blue-grey roof system in the winter season?

2) What is the retention capacity of the blue-grey roof system in the winter season?

3) How will the future performance be using SDSM climate data and modelling (Hydrus or SWMM)








Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Modelling ungaged urban catchments


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Tone Muthanna /Ashenafi Seifu Grange


NTNU / BINGO Project


Accurate estimation of rainfall-runoff in an urban area is essential for flood disaster prevention and control. A Storm Water Management Model like SWMM can be used for this task. However, this relies on data for calibration. In this project four small urban catchments in Damsgård, Bergen, Norway will be used to develop a technique that integrates a regionalisation concept in to model calibration procedure. Damsgård is part of the City of Bergens case in the H2020 project Bingo – Bringing innovation to On Going water management – a better future under climate change. This project involves calibration of the SWMM parameters along regionalisation-parameters that establish certain mathematical relationships (transfer functions) between selected SWMM parameters and some catchment characteristics. The objective is to identify if there is a pattern between the catchments physiographic characteristics and parameter sets of the transfer functions was observed.


Student tasks:

  • To what extent does the existing model compare to observed flow for the Damsgård test case?
  • Which parameters are most sensitive for the method?
  • To what extent can this regionalisation technique be applicable for ungauged catchments?







Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Governance of urban water systems



Kontakt / veileder

Manuel Franco Torres/Rita Ugarelli




This topic is aimed to address questions that the traditional technical research cannot answer:


What do resilient or sustainable water services mean?

What are the needs and challenges of the future?

How do we prepare our infrastructures for the future?

How to accelerate innovation?

How do we improve collaboration?

How can interconnection of technical, environmental and social systems be obtained?










Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Improved modeling of future rehabilitation needs


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Stian Bruaset/Sveinung Sægrov





Strategic tools that exist for long-term rehabilitation- and investment planning of urban water networks, like the CARE-W LTP and KANEW tools, have weaknesses. In this task you will need to study strategic asset management and the LTP tool in order to be able to build a new tool from the ground up focusing on the same principles, but including some new features that would enhance the modelling experience. The task implies pre-existing knowledge and experience on ICT programming. As such, the task will consist of about 50 % programming and coding, and 50 % understanding and implementing strategic asset management principles within the program. The work will consist of the following specific tasks:    

  • Study asset management (AM) principles with focus on strategic AM.
  • Study the weakness of the LTP tool and how this affects the modelling results
  • Assess the LTP tool, and how it can be re-tooled to include desired new features
  • Build the new tool on the same framework as LTP, but include new features to enhance the modelling experience and improve results.







Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Isotopes as measure parameter for water flow


Project work

Kontakt / veileder

Sveinung Sægrov




We are testing the use of isotopes for H2 and O18 for detecting origin of water flow samples in wastewater systems. The idea is that the isotopes vary with space and time and this make it possible to distinguish between inflow from groundwater and inlets from households.  An ongoing master is using advanced instrumentation (picture) to analyse samples. This project work is meant to proceed with several new samples to verify this method.










Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Modeling the effect of climate change on the wastewater networks


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Stian Bruaset/Sveinung Sægrov



Wastewater network– modelling the effect of climate change on the capacity of wastewater networks


Currently a value of 20 % or more of increased precipitation are added when designing wastewater networks (combined or storm water). Many of the current storm water networks already have too little capacity to take away high intensity rains. This causes urban floods. In the future this is something the utilities want to avoid. However, in order to prepare for this we need to know the effect of increased precipitation on the current networks.

The task is to model the impact of 20-40 % precipitation increase on the hydraulic capacity of the wastewater networks. How large part of the networks will not have enough capacity with the increased intensity in precipitation? This will be an indication of the amount of renewal that have to be done on the bases of under-capacity of the wastewater networks. Renewal can be done by:

            - Separation by replacement

            - including LID solutions for storm water

            - No-dig methods to increase hydraulic capacity of wastewater pipes








Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk




Effect of climate change on reliability of urban water networks


Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Stian Bruaset/Sveinung Sægrov





The work includes a look at the development of the climate of the next 50 years ( ref BINGO project) and how this might affect the reliability of the urban water networks. The focus is on mechanical impact on the networks. The work will consist of the following specific tasks:    

  • Look at earlier literature on the topics of:
    • Climate change and impacts from climate
  • Data study of Norwegian data on the development of failures on water pipes in the past as a function of climate
  • Data study of Norwegian data on the development of operational incidents on the wastewater networks (blockages, basement flooding) in the past as a function of climate
  • Try to merge the knowledge of past and future into a prognosis of the development of the reliability of the urban water networks in the future.







Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Condition assessment of manholes in urban water systems


 Project and master thesis

Kontakt / veileder

Rita Ugarelli/ Jon Røstum, Powel




Det har i de senere år vært mye fokus på fornyelse av VA-ledningsnettet, mens kummene som er en viktig del av VA-systemet har det vært lite/mindre fokus på. Dette gjelder både manglende kriterier for tilstandsvurdering av kummer men verktøy for prioritering av kummer som trenger fornyelse. Der hvor man for avløpsledninger benytter rørinspeksjon med video som en informasjonskilde finnes det gjerne bare bilder av de enkelte kummer. Med en økende digitalisering av vannbransjen og avanserte dataanalyse teknikker (f.eks maskin læring etc) åpner dette opp for nye og spennende muligheter for fornyelsesplanlegging (eller Asset management) også av kummer.




Dette er et tema som favner vidt og det er plass for flere oppgaver, gjerne i serie som en prosjektoppgave, masteroppgave og evt kombinert med sommerjobb hos Powel og eller kommune.

Følgende delaktiviteter er aktuelle:


  1. Identifisering  av feiltyper for kummer. Hvilke feiltyper er aktuelle for henholdsvis vann og avløpskummer? Her kan en dra nytte av erfaringer fra Danmark og internasjonale standarder.
  2. Utvikle kategoriseringssystem med vekting av de ulike feiltyper. Tilsvarende som Norsk Vann rapport 145 for avløpsledninger
  3. Dataanalyse1. Klassifisering av tilstand på kummer basert et utvalg av kumbilder fra kommuner
  4. Dataanalyse 2. Anvende maskinlæring på bildene. Hvilke feiltyper kan gjenkjennes? Hvor god er prediksjonsnivået?Fremtidig mål er å utvikle en digital løsning for prioritering av kummer basert på data tilgjengelig fra bilder og ledningskartverk.












Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Måling av vannføring i spillvannskanal



Kontakt / veileder

Sveinung Sægrov/Tone Muthanna




Ved målestasjonen på Risvollan registreres avrenning fra spillvannsnettet i bydelen. Vi forbedrer og kvalitetssikrer nå målenøyaktigheten. I den sammenheng er det laget en nøyaktig kopi av målerenna (Palmer-Bowlus renne) som er installert i Vassdragslaboratoret. Det er utført innledende målinger i renna, og dette skal videreføres med flere variable (helning, vannføringer, ombygging med en målebrønn utenfor vannstrømmen etc.)

Det er installert trykkmåler i målestasjonen på Risvollan. Nøyaktigheten til denne skal undersøkes, og robustheten mht. et forurenset miljø. Det skal vurderes om ny trykkmåler evt. akustisk måler må installeres.

Oppgaven gir innsyn i måleteknikk. Kompetanse på dette vil bli etterspurt i framtiden.




Kopi av målerenna installert i laboratorium





Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Vakuumsystemer for transport av avløpsvann



Kontakt / veileder

Sveinung Sægrov




Vakuumsystemer brukes ved transport av avløpsvann i mindre systemer. Det foreslås å bruke slike systemer også før større vannmengder, i tråd med prinsippet for omvendt hevet (dykkerledning). Oppgaven innebærer en litteraturgjennomgang mht. erfaringer med vakuumbasert vanntransport og gjennomregning av et foreslått system i Horten.










Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Hydraulikk i svømmebaseng



Kontakt / veileder

NN/Bjørn Aas



Basseng tilføres vann gjennom et trykksatt rørsystem med dyser i bassengbunn, og vannet føres via overløpsrenne tilbake til utjevningstank og videre til renseprosess. God vannkvalitet forutsetter raskest mulig innblanding og best mulig sirkulasjon i hele volumet.


Moderne basseng bruker en heve/senkebunn for å endre bassengvolumets egenskaper. Bunnen gir mulighet for fritt å velge vanndyp i bassenget. For å ivareta behov for innblanding er bassengbunn utført i et perforert materiale. Erfaring viser at det på grunn av sedimentering dannes økt konsentrasjon av organisk materiale under bassengbunnen. I kombinasjon med klor gir dette dannelse av klororganiske biprodukter som har en uønsket påvirkning på vannkvalitet.


Oppgaven skal belyse to deltema:

1.Utarbeide en modell for sirkulasjon i et bassengvolum med sikte på raskest mulig innblanding. Modellen skal beskrive avstand mellom dyser, spredningsmønster og nødvendig hastighet i hver dyse. Det skal tas hensyn til at sirkulasjonsanlegget kjøres med varierende mengde basert på måling av vannkvalitet, for å redusere energibruk. Reaksjonskinetikk for klor samt modell for vannets alder i volumet må beskrives.


2.Utarbeide et konsept for gjennomspyling av vannvolum under bassengbunn for å fjerne organisk materiale. Dagens praksis er at det gjøres periodisk rengjøring av bassengbunn ved bruk av dykker, en løsning som er svært kostbar for anleggseier. Ved å utnytte at heve/senkebunn i laveste posisjon er ca 300mm over bassengets bunn kan det eksempelvis settes opp en push-pull strømning horisontalt i bassenget, der vann føres inn i en sidevegg og med stor impuls bestryker bunnflaten før det evakueres i motsatt sidevegg.













Oppgaven utføres i samarbeid med SIAT Senter for Idrettsanlegg og Teknologi ved NTNU er etablert for å gi økt kunnskap om planlegging, bygging og drift av idrettsanlegg. Ved SIAT har det i lang tid vært arbeidet med idrettsanleggets vann- og energibalanser, med særlig vekt på svømmehaller og ishaller. Det siste året er også kunstgressbaner kommet opp som et tema.






Prosjekt og masteroppgaver 2017-2018

 Faggruppe vann- og avløpsteknikk



Flokkulering i bassengvann



Kontakt / veileder

NN/Bjørn Aas



Ved rensing av vann i svømmehaller benyttes ofte trykkfilter (en-/flermedia) med sand eller glass som det mest vanlige filtermedia.

For å øke avskilling av organisk materiale tilsettes flokkuleringsmidler foran filteret. Det er ønskelig å foreta en analyse av vannkvalitet oppstrøms filter for å bestemme egnet flokkulant, injeksjonsmetode og reaksjonstid. Oppgaven skal løses ved å inkludere følgende hovedpunkter:

  • ·         Litteraturstudie
  • ·         Prøvetaking og analyse
  • ·         Flokkuleringsteori (reaksjonskinetikk, injeksjonsmetoder, ulike flokkulanter)
  • ·         Vann- og filterhastigheter ved drift og tilbakespyling


Prøvetaking vil skje ved aktuelle svømmehaller i Trondheimsområdet. Dersom det er aktuelt med feltforsøk kan også dette tilrettelegges ved anlegg i drift.




Oppgaven utføres i samarbeid med SIAT Senter for Idrettsanlegg og Teknologi ved NTNU er etablert for å gi økt kunnskap om planlegging, bygging og drift av idrettsanlegg. Ved SIAT har det i lang tid vært arbeidet med idrettsanleggets vann- og energibalanser, med særlig vekt på svømmehaller og ishaller. Det siste året er også kunstgressbaner kommet opp som et tema.




Kort beskrivelse og foto