Versions Compared


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This is what we do in production environments. The general upgrade procedure are:

  1. Stop puppet on all controller nodes, and merge in the correct configuration using r10k.
  2. Stop ALL openstack services on all controllers.
  3. Do a puppet-run on the "primary" controller (The one doing the db-sync etc; in SkyHiGh its controller01), which will fail.
  4. Perform an installation of the newer packages using 'apt-get -y dist-upgrade -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"'
  5. Test all api's, and fix db sync errors where those appear. (Typically visible by having errors in the api's, and log messages complaining about missing fields)
  6. Perform step 2+3 on the other controllers
  7. Test
  8. Start puppet on compute-node, let it run once before the 'apt-get -y dist-upgrade -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"' is issued to install newer packages.
  9. Test and verify a successful upgrade.

Upgrade to a new verison, and test it in skylow.

Unfinished notes:

  • Wait for version to be stable, and for stable puppet modules
  • Create a new branch in the repos to work with.
  • Upgrade controllers before compute.
  • Commit changes, test them
  • merge to master and tag