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TDT4290 Customer Driven Project (KPRO) - 

Course Official Page

Last news: 

BEKK Prize page final

Detailed presentation schedule for November 23

Time: 9.30 - 10.00:  Information in Drivhuset to all students

Room 054 in IT West building:





10.15 – 11.00


Department for Rheumatology at St Olavs Hospital:
Steroid tapering and dosing application for rheumatologic patients

Sofia Papavlasopoulou

11.15 – 12.00


Stamdata AS:
Customer Service Chatbot Based on Natural Language

Francesco Gianni

12.15 – 13.00


Commitment AS:
Design and Operation of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Platforms

Sofia Papavlasopoulou

13.15 – 14.00


SINTEF Digital with Statens vegvesen:
Travel Planning Application


Peng Liu

14.15 – 15.00


Play visualization and analysis tool for oil and gas exploration

Lemei Zhang

Room 242 in IT West building:





10.15 – 11.00


Norwegian Weightlifting Fed:
A Web Service for Registration and Distribution of Competition Results for the Norwegian Weightlifting Federation

Francesco Gianni

11.15 – 12.00


Tordenskiold Trondheim Fekteklubb:
Wireless Registrations System for Fencing Based on Smartphones


Simon Bibri

12.15 – 13.00


AblePay Technologies AS:
Mobile Payment System Demo


Simon Bibri

13.15 – 14.00


HEMIT (Helse Midt-Norge IT):
Prototyping app for operation planning at Helse Midt-Norge


Letizia Jaccheri

14.15 – 15.00


Tun Media AS:
The 100 Most Powerful in Agriculture

Jon Atle Gulla

Room 454 in IT West building:





10.15 – 11.00


Machine learning for anomaly detection


Lemei Zhang

11.15 – 12.00


Hvordan kan AI/Machine Learning utnytte adferdsanalyse og forutse markedstrender?

Peng Liu

12.15 – 13.00


Sintef Digital:
Bow-tie modelling of security risks


Peng Liu

13.15 – 14.00


Web-based system for experience transfer


Lemei Zhang

Project deliverables to examiners and jury on November 16 

By November 16 (23:59) every group needs to email the following to the course responsibles (Letizia Jaccheri and Jon Atle Gulla) and the course coordinator (Kristin Karlsen):

  • URL of final project report (pdf)
  • URL of 1 minute video presenting their project and product

Note that there is no printed deliverables in the course.  Since it is only the report that is handed in on November 16, you may still modify your code until the final presentation on November 23 (as long as it does not affect the report itself). The report must not exceed 150 pages, excluding appendices.

Final presentation and demonstration on November 23

Deliverables on November 23:

  • USB key with final report, video, code and presentation slides to customer
  • Presentation slides URL and code (e.g. Github) to course coordinator

The presentation schedule of November 23 is as follows:


Room 054

Room 242

Room 454

09:30 – 10:00

Information in Drivhuset to all students


10:15 – 11:00

Group 1

Group 6

Group 11

11:15 – 12:00

Group 2

Group 8

Group 12

12:15 – 13:00

Group 4

Group 9

Group 13

13:15 – 14:00

Group 3

Group 10

Group 14

14:15 – 15:00

Group 5

Group 7



15:15 – 17:00

Celebration and Bekk Prize in Drivhuset


 Please note the following:

  • The presentation day starts with an obligatory introduction at 9.30 in Drivhuset.  All students should attend.
  • All members of the groups are to be present during their own presentations.
  • The presentations are in English and open to the public.  The groups must invite their customers, but may also invite other people that have been involved in the project or may find the project results interesting.  The supervisors will be present.
  • Normally a presentation includes both a description of the project as well as a video and demo of the implemented system.
  • Each presentation is up to 30 minutes long, including the video and demo.  The examiner and the general audience have up to 15 minutes for questions.
  • The group hands over the USB key to the customer at the end of their presentation.
  • The presentation rooms are equipped with projectors, but other necessary equipment must be brought and installed by the student groups themselves.

The Bekk Prize

Course Description

During this course, the students will acquire practical experience and ability to organize, execute, document and present results of all phases of large and realistic projects with real customers. Moreover, they will get insight into project work and how groups can be used to solve complex computer science problems.

Each group is given a task from a client that is to be carried out as a project. It is important that the groups work in close collaboration with the client. The groups will hand in a project report and give a final presentation and demonstration of a runnable system to the client and the censor. The following days are obligatory: the starting day of the course which is on Tuesday in the semester's second week, the guest lectures and the course in group dynamics, and the weekly supervision. A failure to meet on these days may prevent the student from completing the course.

The tasks are carried out as group work with groups of 5-7 persons. Each group has a client and an internal supervisor. The groups have obligatory meetings with the supervisors every week, and the group project leaders also have weekly leadership meetings with the lecturers. The course includes a series of lectures.

Course Responsibles Professors Jon Atle Gulla and Letizia Jaccheri - Coordinator Kristin Karlsen  


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