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  • This documents expects that your cloud is deployed with the latest queens tag(vQ.n.n) of the ntnuopenstack repository.
  • Your cloud is designed with one of the two architectures:
    • Each openstack project have their own VM(s) for their services
  • You have a recent mysql backup in case things go south.
  • If you want to do a rolling upgrade, the following key should be set in hiera long enough in advance that all hosts have had an puppet-run to apply it:
    • nova::upgrade_level_compute: 'queensauto'

    ^ WiP Lars Erik vet ikke om dette stemmer enda

VM-based architecture

If you use the VM based infrastructure you have the luxury of upgrading one service at a time and test that the upgrade works before doing the next service. This allows for ~zero downtime. If the services are redundantly deployed it is also very easy to do a rollback.


  1. Set glance::sync_db: false in a global hiera-file
  2. Select which glance-server to upgrade first.
    1. In the node-specific hiera for this host you should set: glance::api::enableenabled: false followed by a puppet-run. This would stop the glance-api service on the host.
  3. Run puppet on the first host with the rocky modules/tags
  4. Run apt dist-upgrade
  5. Run glance-manage db expand
  6. Run glance-manage db migrate
  7. Remove the glance::api::enable: false from the node-specific hiera, and run puppet again. This would re-start the glance api-server on this host.
    1. Test that this api-server works.
  8. Upgrade the rest of the glance hosts (ie; step 3 + 4 for each of the remaining glance hosts)
  9. Run glance-manage db_contract
  10. Remove glance::sync_db: false in a global hiera-file


  1. Run puppet on the first host with rocky modules/tags
  2. Stop puppet, apache2 and the cinder-services
  3. Run apt dist-upgrade
  4. Run cinder-manage db sync
  5. In hiera, add cinder::keystone::authtoken::www_authenticate_uri: "%{alias('ntnuopenstack::keystone::auth::uri')}"
    1. And Remove cinder::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: "%{alias('ntnuopenstack::keystone::auth::uri')}"
  6. Re-run puppet
  7. Repeat steps 1-3 and 6 on the rest of the cinder nodes


To upgrade neutron without any downtime, follow this procedure

On the API-nodes

  1. Pick the first node, and run puppet with the rocky modules/tags
  2. Run apt dist-upgrade
  3. Run neutron-db-manage upgrade --expand
  4. Rocky will upgrade to FWaaS V2, run neutron-db-manage --subproject neutron-fwaas upgrade head to prepare the database
  5. Restart neutron-server.service and rerun puppet
  6. Upgrade the rest of the API-nodes (repeating step 1, 2 and 5)
  7. When all API-nodes are upgraded, run neutron-db-manage has_offline_migrations
    1. When the above command reports "No offline migrations pending" it is safe to:
    2. Run neutron-db-manage upgrade --contract

On the network nodes

  1. Run puppet with the rocky modules/tags
  2. Run apt dist-upgrade
  3. Rerun puppet and restart the service
    1. systemctl restart ovsdb-server
    2. systemctl restart neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-l3-agent.service neutron-lbaasv2-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service neutron-openvswitch-agent.service neutron-ovs-cleanup.service


Note: In rocky, all nova-APIs will run in WSGI with apache2.

To upgrade nova without any downtime, follow this procedure

On the API-nodes (select one to start with):

  1. In the node-specific hiera, disable the services with the keys
    1. apache::service_ensure: 'stopped'

    2. nova::api::enabled: false

  2. Run puppet with the rocky modules/tags
  3. Run apt dist-upgrade
  4. Run nova-manage api_db sync
  5. Run nova-manage db sync
  6. Re-enable placement API on the upgraded node and disable it on the other nodes. This is because the other services needs the placement API to be updated first
    1. Remove apache::service_ensure: 'stopped' from the upgraded node's hiera file
    2. Set it on all the other nodes and run puppet
  7. Upgrade the rest of the nodes (basically run step 2 and 3, re-run puppet and restart nova-api and apache2)
  8. Remove the hiera keys that disabled the services, and re-run puppet

On the service-nodes

  1. Run puppet with the rocky modules/tags
  2. Run apt dist-upgrade
  3. Run puppet and restart services

Once everything is upgraded, including the compute-nodes:

  1. Delete nova-consoleauth from the catalog
    1. openstack compute service list
    2. Delete all rows with nova-consoleauth: openstack compute service delete <id>
  2. Run nova-manage db online_data_migrations on an API node. Ensure that it reports that nothing more needs to be done.


The rolling upgrade procedure for heat includes a step where you are supposed to create a new rabbit vhost. I don't want that. Therefore, this is the cold upgrade steps.

Step 4 is only for the API-nodes, so the routine should be run on the API-nodes first

  1. Set heat::api::enabled: false and heat::engine::enabled: false and heat::api_cfn: false in hiera to stop all services
  2. Run puppet with rocky modules/tags
  3. Run apt - dist-upgrade
  4. Run heat-manage db_sync
  5. In hiera, add heat::keystone::authtoken::www_authenticate_uri: "%{alias('ntnuopenstack::keystone::auth::uri')}" to ntnuopenstack.yaml in hiera
    1. And remove heat::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: "%{alias('ntnuopenstack::keystone::auth::uri')}"
  6. Remove the hiera keys that disabled the services and re-run puppet


  1. Run puppet with the roky modules/tags
  2. run apt dist-upgrade
  3. Run puppet again
  4. restart apache2

Compute nodes

When all APIs etc. are upgraded, it is time to do the same on the compute-nodes. Compute nodes are simple to upgrade:

  1. Run puppet with the rocky modules/tags
  2. Perform a dist-upgrade
  3. Run puppet again
  4. Restart openstack services and ovsdb-server