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Bruker D8 A25 DaVinci X-ray Diffractometer with CuKα radiation. LynxEye™ SuperSpeed Detector. 90 position sample changer

This state-of-the-art instrument was purchased in 2013, and with the possibility of automatic sample changer for up to 90 samples, makes this instrument the main workhorse of the lab.

Instrument specifications



Well suited for:
  • Fast XRD scans for phase identification
  • Samples that can wait in a queue for hours before being measured (the engineer will load the samples into the instrument every morning and afternoon)
  • Energy-discriminating detector makes it useful also for the fluorescing elements (Fe, Co, Mn)
Not so good for:
  • Samples that change fast in air (then the D8 Focus may be better to use, due to the booking system)
  • Samples that doesn't fit the standard sample holdersMeasurements where you want to avoid the Kα2 contributions (then the A-unit is recommended)

Photo: Kristin Høydalsvik Wells

Specifications, standard powder diffraction set-


  • Bragg-Brentano geometry

  • θ–θ operating mode

  • 2.5° primary and secondary Soller slits
  • Data collection from 5 to 105° 2θ (typically)

  • Variable divergence slit: "V6" means that the divergence slit (the slit between the X-ray source and the sample) opens automatically such that the illuminated length on the sample always remains 6 mm).

Standard measurements:
  • Highly crystalline samples: step size: ca. 0.010 °/step
  • Crystalline samples: step size: ca. 0.013 °/step
  • Low crystallinity samples: step size: ca. 0.044 °/step

(for exact numbers, please consult the measurement PC - ask Lab Manager or substitutes for help if needed).

Specifications, grazing-incidence diffraction (GIXRD) set-up (


by request)

Well-suited for studying the structure of polycrystalline films on substrates.

  • Göbel mirror → parallel beam
  • Incident angle fixed at grazing angle (for example 0.5 to 3°)
  • Scanning detector angle (typically 5 to 80 degrees 2θ)

Before you begin


  • Equipment may not be used without training. 
  • Access to the lab will be given after training.

Relevant links:

XRD introduction from University of Cambridge

Wikipedia: Crystal structure
