Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Testing cinder is quick and easy, by listing all volumes:


  • openstack network list
  • openstack router list
  • admintools/testing/neutron.bash create
  • admintools/testing/neutron.bash delete



  • watch ./


Code Block
# Get ID's of the neutronnet nodes
openstack network agent list --agent-type l3

# List routers on a neutronnet node
openstack router list --agent <ID from previous command>

# Get ip from a router
openstack router show <id of router found from previous command>
ping <ip>

# Move a router
cd admintools/networking
./ <id of router> <neutronet node>

# Move all routers from a neutronnet node. It will cause a bit downtime on the network if it's many routers.
./ <source neutronnet node> <destination neutronnet node>



The placement API is just a simple API, and it only needs simple tests like:

  • openstack resource provider list
  • openstack trait list


Nova API

Test by listing servers

  • openstack server list --all-projects


  • Verify that all services are up
    • openstack compute service list
  • Test by creating a new VM. Verify that this completes successfully
  • Check that the VNC console in horizon still works


Simple verification is done by checking that the API responds:

  • openstack stack list

The more thourough approach is to have heat create a heat-










stack. This can for instance be done with the following command (using template.yaml from admintools/heatexample):

  • openstack stack create -t template.yaml --parameter key_name=Galao \
    --parameter image=c15481d3-e1ac-4331-9379-c63cb14d12b1 --parameter flavor=gx2.2c4r \
    --parameter public_net=ntnu-internal --parameter sec_group=SSH-NTNU-IPv4 TEST


List all secrets in your current project. This will most probably return an empty reponse..

  • openstack secret list

Store a test secret

  • openstack secret store --name testhemmelighet --secret-type passphrase --payload-content-type "text/plain" --payload "hemmelig tekst"


List all clusters and cluster templates

  • openstack coe cluster list
  • openstack coe cluster template list

Create a cluster, and verify that it is created successfully

  • Create a single-master cluster with the newest template
    • openstack coe cluster create testcluster --cluster-template kubernetes-v1.xx.xx --master-count 1 --node-count 1 --keypair <your keypair>
  • Create a multi-master cluster with the newest tamplate
    • openstack coe cluster create ha-testcluster --cluster-template kubernetes-v1.xx.xx-ha --master-count 3 --node-count 1 --keypair <your keypair>

Verifiy that the cluster creation is finished with the CREATE_COMPLETE status, and that they are reported as HEALTHY

  • openstack cluster list

Extra step: verify with kubectl that everything works fine:

  • mkdir -p ~/clusters/testcluster
  • $(openstack coe cluster config testcluster --dir ~/clusters/testcluster)
  • kubectl get nodes
  • kubectl -n kube-system get pods

The kubectl commands should list all nodes and pods of your cluster




Browse around, and verify that everything behaves the way you expect.. (smile)