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This page is a collection of different tips and tricks useful for students and employees at NTNU!


If you know something we should add here (or anywhere else on the wiki), don't hesitate to send us a mail or write on our Forum.

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Connect to a remote desktop

The computers at the computer lab often got the most recent version of the IMT software already installed and ready to use. These computers can also be accessed remotely. See our Guide to IMT Remote desktop access.

Connect to VPN

A Virtual Private Network is used to connect to another network from home, in this case NTNUs network. This is useful when you have to use services or webpages that are only available on campus. For instructions on how to use VPN see NTNU's guide on VPN.

Connect to your home directory via Windows / Map network drive

NTNU's file servers allow students and employees to connect to different NTNU directories as if they were their own station in Windows. At NTNU Innsida there is a great tutorial on how to connect to your home directory via Windows.

Create a virtual machine

The use of virtual machines are often necessary when a program is designed for only one OS, and that's not the one you have. We have made step by step tutorial guiding you through the whole process at Installing a virtual machine.

Create your own website

Student and employees can create their own websites at Instructions on how to do this can be found at Innsida, see Create your own website.

Image formats

When working with images, it is of great help to know the difference between different image formats, especially between PNG, JPG/JPEG and PDF. The following is a summary from the article "JPG vs PNG vs PDF: Which File Format Should You Use?

BibTeX Referencing
reference@misc{overleaf_2019, title={Inserting Images}, url={}, journal={Overleaf, Online LaTeX-redigeringsprogram}, author={Overleaf}, year={2019}}

  • JPG images are ideal for posting photos and images online, as they keep file size down without much overall quality loss. They are also great for emailing preview images to clients, and for printing artwork and photographs at high resolution. 
  • PNG images are ideal for web graphics, especially logos, illustrations, and graphs. They can shrink to very small file sizes when colors and elements are limited, which is another plus. The greatest advantage of a PNG is that the image can be fully transparent, allowing you to place illustrations and designs atop backgrounds effortlessly. PNG is also a top choice if images will be edited and saved multiple times. 
  • PDF images are ideal for printing, especially for graphic design, posters, and flyers. PDF images are also an ideal choice for storing images online when you intend them to be downloaded. PDFs keep your images in one packet so viewers can print and save designs and booklets easily.

When writing in LaTeX, if you have two versions of the same image, it is prefered to use the low-resolution (.png) while developing the report for fast compilation of the preview, and changing to the high-resolution (.pdf) version once the report has been developed.

BibTeX Referencing
reference@misc{innis_2019, title={JPG vs PNG vs PDF: Which File Format Should You Use?}, url={}, journal={The Shutterstock Blog}, author={Innis, Eleanor}, year={2019}, month={Mar}}


Instabart er en side for deg som er student i bartebyen. Siden inneholder direktelenker til ulike NTNU-tjenester. Noen av dem vil du trenge nesten daglig, andre vil være superpraktiske en gang iblant - vi anbartfaler at du sjekker ut alle.

BibTeX Referencing
reference@misc{instabart, title={Instabart}, url={}, journal={Instabart}, author={Instabart}}

English: Instabart is a page who helps you with direct links to all NTNU-services.


Page only in Norwegian

Install Windows on a Mac

The Guru service (Gurutjenesten) is a support service for students and employees at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE), but they will do their best to help other students as well

BibTeX Referencing
reference@misc{gurutjenesten_2019, title={NTNU Wiki}, url={ Home}, journal={IDI-Guru Home - IDI-Guru - NTNU Wiki}, author={Gurutjenesten}, year={2019}}
. They have made some great guides on this topic:


To install the NTNU printers is usually only necessary once. Information about the student allowance for printing and prices for printing and copying for students can be found here. Tutorials are provided by NTNU Innsida.

Your nearest printer can be found via MazeMap. Find the building you are in and search for "Åpen tilgjengelig skriver" and you will see which printers are located nearby.

Recover overwritten/changed/deleted files from your home directory

The IT helpdesk has made an article on how to recover old files (up to 10 weeks) from your storage area at NTNU. This is a really nice feature, and can save you a lot of work if you are unlucky.

Tips and tricks for coding

See our dedicated page on Tips and tricks for coding.

Unzipping using a file archiver

Not all zip-folders are easily unzipped using Window's built-in unzipper. This short guide will show you how to unzip a file using the file archiver 7-Zip.

  1. Download and install 7-Zip (or your preffered file archiver).
  2. Locate the folder or file you would like to unzip and click on "Extract" ("Pakk ut" in Norwegian).
  3. Choose the folder to extract your file/folder to, as well as the name of the extracted file/folder. Click "OK".
  4. When the file archiver is done extracting, close it and view your now unzipped file/folder.

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