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See information about student exchange for IDI students at Innsida: Utveklsing - IDI

Find "pre-approved" courses in the left side menu.


Hi, and welcome to our wiki for students who are planning to study abroad from IDI. This wiki contains all approved courses in Foreign Universities by IDI,

If you do not find your desired course in our wiki, feel free to leave a comment for your university of choice, or visit Scientific Advisor Letizia Jaccheri at Office 111 - IT-Vest Tuesday between 11am and 13pm.

Pre Approval

  • Before visiting our Scientific Advisor, please make sure that the courses you want to get approved are either already approved, or you have inserted them as comments in the right format as the table above in the page of the respective university.

Guidelines: * Write your study program and specialization

Approval after stay abroad

Once you have received all your transcripts from the foreign educational institution, you may then go to Professor Letizia Jaccheri with your pre-approval and a completed version of this form to get a signature. Take a copy of your pre/approval.

Before you get an aprproval, your advisor will compare your applied subecjt for your university on this wiki. And that you have meet your requirements of the year abroad.

Your courses should already be in this wiki, either approved or as comments.

For both pre and after approvals, After when you have gotten a signature, you can then deliver the form to your designate Executive Officer: (Computer Science 1-3) or (Informatics and Master Sc 4-5 class).

Application deadlines

  • 1 March (for departure in autumn/spring) *
  • 15 September (for departure in spring) *
  • A number of universities have other deadlines

Click here for more information


For students who are planning to study abroad, there is some requirements that you need to fulfill:

  • Apply for courses, check if the course is ongoing that semester and get them approved by us.

  • The total amount of of credits should be at least 30 (ECTS) per semester on avarage. For more information look no further than here GNAG page about converting credits/units to ECTS.


Computer Science - M. Sc (5-years)

Third Year:

*Find classes that are matching your obligatory (O) classes.

*Fill up with other (CS) classes to at least 30 ECTS pr. semester.

Fourth Year:
  • Find two classes that matches your two mandatory (O) profile courses, OR any other comparable master level profile courses at the university you are going to.

  • EiT and KPro will be approved as long as you have at least 20 ECTS with Group/Project work in all your classes.

K -Emne should be similar to something on the K-Emne list.

  • "Ingeniøremne annet Studieprogram" can be any engineering course, possibly even a CS course if necessary.

  • Fill up with other (CS) classes to at least 30 ECTS pr. semester.

  • Eksempler på ferdig utfylte tillegsskjemaer for 4. klasse AI (etter at fagene er lagt inn i Wiki): Example Schema of an Additional application form


Informatics - Master (2-year)

Second semester

Find two classes that matches your two mandatory/selectable profile courses (O / VA / VB), OR any other comparable master level profile courses at the university.

Fill up with other CS classes that contain some group work to cover IT3010 and Experts in Team (EiT).

NB: IT3010 is a research method subject meant to teach how to do research in informatics. As such it cannot automatically be replaced with any subject containing group work. The subject you plan to replace it with should contain some research related options.


  • DaleLicata_InternationalStudies.ppt

  • UCSD units UgradReg.html

