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Startup meeting: 

  • 18. August in meeting room Heimdal at IPK, Valgrinda (SP Andersens veg 5)
  • From 11-13
  • More practical information about the course is provided then
  • My contact information is: in case of questions

Brief about the course:

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Literature list (per June 2016):

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New technology and systems are to an increasing extent used to solve tasks that are safety-critical. It can be the breaking of your car, the setting of a green light signal for a train, a closure of a valve in response to a high pressure, or the provision of the correct dose of medication to a patient. Despite its application, our concerns are the same: A failure of the technology or system may result in harm to humans, the environment, or material assets of high importance to the society. So how do we specify requirements for such systems? How can we design systems in light of these requirements? And not to forget: How can we ensure or at least know if the systems continue to perform as long as it is in use.

Please note that this page is under development during the spring/summer of 2014, so the content may be subject to some changes in this period.

LATEST NEWS: Start-up meeting for PK 8201


There will be a start-up meeting for this course on Tuesday 26th of August, from 13-15 at the meeting room HEIMDAL (3rd floor, Valgrinda) where:

  • I will inform about the course and the course objectives. A preliminary lecture plan is also presented.
  • We will discuss and agree on possible dates for our course seminars (3 in total, each of 2 days):
    • Please check if 4-5th of september (Thursday and Friday) is a possible time for the first seminar!
  • You will give a brief presentation of yourself and your PhD project (if you have the time, you may bring one or two slides about your project). In this way, I may be able to suggest some alternative topics for the course project that are (to the extent possible) linked to your research topic.

Welcome. If you cannot find the room, please call me at 930 59 365.

Brief background of course

This PhD course is offered by the RAMS group (RAMS = Reliability, availability, maintenance, and safety) at the department of Production and Quality Engineering, NTNU. The course is lectured by Professor Mary Ann Lundteigen.  The course is framed by the description at "emner på nett":

The course may be useful for PhD students that are involved in development of new technology for safety-critical applications, or who work with systems where reliability is a key attribute. There are no formal requirements to previous knowledge, in order to take this course, but without any previous background in system reliability (such as e.g., TPK 4120), the student may need to do some additional reading and preferably have access to one of the following books System Reliability Theory or Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems. The first mentioned books presents the more basic concepts and methods within system reliability theory, and the second book builds on and extends the application of these.

It should be noted that some adjustments to the course content may (to some extent and if possible) be adjusted to the background and needs for the PhD students following the course. This means that the syllabus may be different from one year to the next. Nevertheless, the following topics will be covered in the course:

  • Key requirements for safety critical functions, with a special focus on the IEC 61508 standard which outlines requirements that are generic for all sectors and applications.
  • Safe design principles, including fail-safe design
  • Key concepts like safety integrity level (SIL)
  • Models and methods for quantification of reliability of safety critical functions, including common cause failure models, PDS method, quantification of reliability for high and low demand systems, analysis of multi-state systems, using Markov models, versus binary systems. 
  • Follow-up of safety integrity level (SIL) in the operational (or usage) phase.

Course objective and motivation

The main objective of this course is give participating students a thorough understanding of concepts, methods, principles, and dilemmas in relation to the specification, design, and use of safety-critical systems. It is also a main goal that students can relate some of the lectured topics to their own research project.

As a PhD student you should learn to be critical to all concepts, all terms and all statements. Since the field of reliability assessment (as we are using it here) is probabilistic, there is always uncertainty about the validity of the results. You may challenge the scope of the assessment, the approach used, the data, the calculation approaches, the qualitative analysis methods and so on.  

Expected learning outcome

In this course the students will get a thorough insight into reliability assessment of safety-critical systems. This includes for the students to get knowledge about (i) various types of safety critical systems, (ii) key requirements, with basis in regulations and key standards, such as IEC 61508 (and similar), (iii) different methods for reliability assessment in design and operation(usage, (iv) consideration of uncertainty in reliability assessments, and (v) methods for identification of reliability performance requirements. Many of the application examples are taken from the process industry, but the methods lectured are also applicable for other application areas, such as aviation, railway, medical equipment, automotive, machinery and so on.

The students shall be able to (i) perform reliability assessment of safety-critical functions by the use of different type of methods, (ii) identify relevant data for their analyses, (iii) apply relevant standards, and (iv) identify and discuss relevant research challenges within the course topic. 

General competence:
The students shall be able to understand how reliability assessments are influencing decisions in design and operation/use of safety-critical systems. The students should also understand how reliability assessments are linked to risk assessments of a plant/facility or equipment, whose failure may result in damage to human(s), the environment or significant material assets. 


Many research projects involve development of technology for or which may be part of safety-critical systems, used to prevent loss of harm, or which may cause harm if the system fails. There are (at least) three key challenges in relation to such systems: How reliable must these systems be in order to provide the necessary confidence of performance, how can we design such systems so that the required reliability is achieved, and how can we track and maintain the reliability performance throughout the life of the systems. To answer these questions, it is necessary to be familiar with key concepts and methods within system reliability, and the link between system reliability and risk analysis. This course touches upon both, and is also addressing key standards that are governing for specification, design and use of safety-critical systems.

Topics and lecturing plan

The final lecturing plan will be determined in a first meeting with the students that have signed up for the course. Most likely, the course will be arranged as seminars (3 x 2 days), but I will be open for other arrangements if this is more suited. See a list of lectured topics to the right on this page.

The lecturing will be done as follows:

  • 1-2 topics are introduced by lecturer, including some tutorials
  • Each student prepares a presentation to the next gathering on one of the topics (for example with basis in an article or a report), for a more in-depth analysis
  • The student presentations are held in relation to the next gathering, and supplemented with discussions
  • At the end of the next gathering, the lecturer introduces 1-2 new topics, including some tutorials
  • Each student prepares a presentation to the next ... and so on

The students will also carry out a project (student work, accounts for 50% in the final grade), on a topic that is agreed with the lecturer. The topic may, to the extent possible, be aligned with the student's PhD project og sub-tasks.


The examination constitute an oral exam (50%) and a student project (50%). The date of the exam is agreed in the beginning of the semester. The student work consists of a project, with expected work load of 90 hours, on a selected topic in agreement with the lecturer.



Selected topics from IEC 61508

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 5
  • Part 6

Selected topics from IEC 61511

  • Part 1
  • Part 3
Articlesto be specified
Method handbookPDS method handbook (student version will be made available)


Supplementary reading (depending on the student background and research topic):

  • Will depend on the project assignment
  • IEC 62061 (design of safety-critical systems for machinery)
  • IEC 61511 (design of safety-critical systems for the process industry)
  • IEC 62304 (design of safety-critical medical devices)


Lectured topics

Note that the weight of each topic may be different, and also adjusted in light background of participating students.

Topic #DescriptionReading material1

About safety-critical systems

Safety lifecycle

Failure classification

From risk analysis to formulation
of performance requirements

Safety integrity level (SIL) as a reliability
performance requirement 

Selection of reports
and articles

IEC 61508-1 

2Methods for determining SIL
requirements (event tree analysis,
risk graph, layers of protection

IEC 61508-5

Selection of reports
and articles 

3Safe design principles - design of
safety-critical systems in light of SIL-

IEC 61508-2

Selection of reports
and articles

4Quantification of reliability - for low
-demand and high-demand systems 

IEC 61508-6

Selection of reports
and articles


5Common cause failuresPDS-method
IEC 61508-6 6Reliability data - for proven versus
new technology Selection of reports
and articles


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