Versions Compared


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  • This documents expects that your cloud is deployed with a recent victoria tag of the ntnuopenstack repository.
  • You have a recent mysql backup in case things go south.
  • If you want to do a rolling upgrade, the following key should be set in hiera long enough in advance that all hosts have had an puppet-run to apply it:
    • nova::upgrade_level_compute: 'victoria5.12'

    • When the upgrade is finished - set this key to 'wallaby'6.0'
    • These version-numbers can be correlated to release-name in the file /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/compute/

The recommended order to upgrade the services are listed below:


  1. Pick the first node, and run puppet with the wallaby modules/tags, Run apt apt-get autoremove && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove
  2. Run neutron-db-manage upgrade --expand
  3. Restart neutron-server.service and rerun puppet
  4. Upgrade the rest of the API-nodes (repeating step 1, and 3)
  5. Stop all neutron-server processes for a moment, and run:
    1. neutron-db-manage upgrade --contract
  6. Re-start the neutron-server processes


  1. Install the first node; either by resintaling it with the wallaby modules/tags, or follow this list:
    1. Run puppet with wallaby modules/tags
    2. Run systemctl stop puppet apache2
    3. Run apt-get purge placement-api placement-common python3-placement && apt-get autoremove && apt-get dist-upgrade
    4. Run puppet again
  2. Run placement-manage db sync; placement-manage db online_data_migrations on the new node.
  3. upgrade the rest of the nodes, skipping step 2.


  1. Stop all barbican-services by adding the following keys to node-specific hiera, and then make sure to run puppet on the barbican hosts:
    1. barbican::worker::enabled: false

    2. apache::service_ensure: 'stopped'

  2. Run puppet with the wallaby modules/tags

  3. Run apt dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove

  4. Run barbican-db-manage upgrade

  5. Remove barbican::api::max_allowed_secret_in_bytes: 20000 and barbican::api::max_allowed_request_size_in_bytes: 25000 from hiera. The defaults in W is OK, and this is no longer needed.
  6. Re-start barbican services by removing the keys added in step 1 and re-run puppet.


  1. Run puppet with the wallaby modules/tags
  2. Run yum Run apt dist-upgrade && yum apt autoremove
  3. Run puppet again
  4. Restart openstack services and openvswitch-services


  • Run nova-manage db online_data_migrations on a nova API node. Ensure that it reports that nothing more needs to be done.
  • Rotate octavia images.
  • Update hiera with nova::upgrade_level_compute: '6.0'