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Table of Contents

Course Introduction

TDT44 Semantic Web: a Specialization module complementary to TDT4175 Information Systems. Other IS modules can be found here.

TDT44 will be taught by Rune Sætre in the fall 2017. 

We will use the following book: (free for NTNU students)


2017.09.192017 Students and Schedule updated on this Wiki page
2017.09.09TDT44 will start on 19/9, at 12 o'clock, room ITV-242
2017.07.09TDT44 will be taught in the autumn 2017

Readings in TDT44 Semantic Web (2017)

The book we will use is: Exploiting Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs in Large Organisations (amazon link).

Please order the book now, so you have it ready for the first class in September!

You can also download it for free on the NTNU-network from here:

You may also read two papers, on Logics and Turtle, and a student found this paper:

 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data.pdf is not really about the Semantic Web, but I post it here as a good read for those who like that.

Students 2017


NameEmailOther Tsstartsluttleverttid%
Bø, Kristian Elsetkristieb@stud.ntnu.noTDT76x    

Ek, Lars Martin Bævre


Espenakk, Erik 


Fosvold, André 

Iden, Mathiasmathiaid@stud.ntnu.noTDT13x    
Jensen, Eirik Tvedteiriktj@stud.ntnu.noTDT63x    

Kjekstad, Nina 


Knalstad, Magnus Johan 


Kristiansen, Tommy 

Liahagen, Martinmartlia@stud.ntnu.noTDT76x    

Reknes, Elida Karina 

Roligheten, Christian Barthchribrol@stud.ntnu.noTDT46x    

Rynning-Tønnesen, Kasper 

Stenberg, Erlend Stopleerlensst@stud.ntnu.noTDT13x    

From complete list on https: //www.idi/intra/teaching/theorymodule_participants.php? Code = TDT44


titleOld News: Click here to expand...
2016.10.25TDT44 Individual Essay Assignment 2016 released
2016.08.31The welcome lecture will be on Friday, 9.30am, September 2nd, in room ITV-354 (IT building). See you there (smile)
2016.08.16TDT44 will be taught in the autumn 2016.
2015.11.19Vi er blitt bedt om å flytte oss fra 454 til 242 den siste onsdagen dette semesteret, nemlig 25/11-20215, så da gjør vi det.
2015.10.22TDT44 Individual Essay Assignment 2015 released


About the course

The students get an orientation of the theoretical, methodological and technological background and of the ongoing standardization work that support semantic Web.

You will gain:

  • Background theoretical knowledge
  • Insight to relevant problems within Web information resources and services
  • Insight to how to use semantic web technology to solve problems in different domains

Mandatory activities: Presentations, project report, final presentation.

Final grade: Project report and final presentation.

Introduction for Fall 2021

Introductory presentation


22.09.2021, 13.15Introductory meeting
14.10.2021, 11.15Presentation from Martin

21.10.2021, 11.15

Presentation from Håkon
04.11.2021, 11.15Presentation from Vebjørn
XX.11.2020 (TBA)Deadline for sending reports of the individual assignment (by e-mail to Özlem Özgöbek)
XX.11.2019 (TBA)

Oral exam


Obligatory Individual Assignment 2021

To be announced.

Obligatory Individual Assignment 2020

You can choose one of the following obligatory assignments:

Option 1:

Write a report (max 10 pages) on a topic of your choice (to be agreed upon with the teacher).

You can choose a topic which will be close to your master thesis topic. You are not allowed to copy text from this report to your thesis or fall report, but you can re-use the ideas and insight you gain.

While deciding on the topic it is recommended to talk to your supervisor.

Option 2:

Develop an RDF(S) ontology (or a dictionary) on a chosen topic (to be agreed upon with the teacher) and write a short report (max 5 pages) explaining the details of your work.

Explain every aspect of your ontology. Explain the assumptions underlying your ontological choices.

The ontology should not exceed 30 classes and 30 instances. The modeling language should be Turtle or a similar syntax. You can use any modeling software.

If you choose this task, you may refer to the individual assignments in the previous years in this course.

Mandatory peer feedback:

Document to submit: (Deadline: 5 November 2020)

For this task please prepare a 1-2 page document where you explain your obligatory assignment in more detail.

Peer feedback: (Deadline: 10 November 2020)

After submitting your document to peergrade, you will be able to see the feedback form. There is an explanation of the task in the system.

More information has been sent by e-mail.



Obligatory assignment from 2019.


About the Exam (2019) 

Oral exam will take place on 28 November 2019. This will be the only exam in this course. The schedule for the exam will be announced through the official channels a few days before the exam, it won't be announced on this page.

For the sensors to read your reports before the oral exam, you need to send them a few days before the exam by e-mail to

The deadline for sending the reports is 25 November 2019, 07.00 AM.

Presentation Details

During the oral exam, each student will have 20 minutes. This includes the presentation of the individual assignment and questions from the sensors. For the presentation you don't need any slides, so don't prepare any slides. We will ask you to explain your assignment orally, you can use a white board if needed. Please bring a printed copy of your report with you. Questions from sensors will include details from your assignment and some basic knowledge from the book.


Course Material


Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Second edition: Effective modeling in RDFS and OWL by Dean Allemang and James Hendler, Morgan Kaufmann, 384 pp. (Available online at NTNU Library)

Exploiting Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs in Large Organisations (Available for free on the NTNU-network:


Presentations from 2019

Presentations from 2018

Introduction 2018IntroductionTDT44.pdf

Presentations from 2017


1: Enterprise Knowledge Graph: An Introduction

Kap 1 og 2
2: Knowledge Graph FoundationsKap 1 og 2

3: Knowledge Architecture for Organisations

Extra: Turle


Kap 3

Turtle presentation.pptx


Write an essay on essay on a given topic. There will be a brief oral examination, presenting your essay.
Date: 30th November 2016, 20 minutes, between 0830 and 1700.
Place: ITV-114. Time: See student table below.


From (or in Norwegian
Examination takes place as follows: Attendance schedule for students sent by email (username@stud) and posted on the bulletin board outside the reception at IDI.
First examination may start as early as 08:00.Each exam takes 5-20 minutes. If you fail or have valid reason for not showing up, a continuation exam will be held in August the following year.
Note especially the following matters regarding the theory modules: The Specialization project must be passed in order to be able to start the Master Thesis work.


Schedule (2017)

DateTitlePresentersSlides2017.09.19IntroRune 2017.10.3

1: Enterprise Knowledge Graph: An Introduction 

Kristian EB


2: Knowledge Graph Foundations

Nina K

 2017.10.173: Knowledge Architecture for Organisations 

Christian R


4: Construction of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs(I)


Kap 4
5: Construction of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs(II)*
Kap 5
6: Understanding Knowledge
Graphs Elida
Kap 6
7: Question Answering and Knowledge
Graphs Martin Ek
Kap 7
8: Success
Stories Martin L
Kap 8
9: Enterprise Knowledge Graph: Looking into the Future


Teachers (2011-2017)

Associate Professor Rune Sætre (teacher), satre at, room  ITV-104
(Examiner: Professor Jon Atle Gulla, jag at, room  ITV-114)

TDT44 Individual Essay Assignment 2016

Other Useful Material:

TDT44 Individual Assignment 2017

Research Papers

You may also read two papers, on Logics and Turtle, and if you are interested:

Part 1 and part 2 of this tutorial can be relevant for our class:

W3 :


Friend of a friend ontology:

Blog post - knowledge graphs:



Özlem Özgöbek (Teacher), ozlem.ozgobek at, room  ITV-205)
(Professor Jon Atle Gulla (Examiner), jag at