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Type of equipmentEquipment nameLabContact personLink to more information
Multipurpose material testing system MTS 810E-112Pål Chr. SkaretMTS 810

Multipurpose material testing systemMTS 880E-112Pål Chr. Skaret

MTS 880
Hot Torsion TorsionA-K047Pål Chr. Skaret

Hot torsion
Micro hardness measurementLeica VMHT MOTE-514Trygve L. Schanche 
Hardness measurementStruers Duramin - A3500E-508Trygve L. Schanche   
Hardness measurementMatsuzawaE-508Trygve L. Schanche   
BruddstyrkeInstron 5543KII-018Mari-Ann Einarsrud 


Charpy testingM-116

Pål Chr. Skaret



Multipurpose material testing systemInstron 8802M-116Marit Olaisen Odden