Versions Compared


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Code Block
# Friendly one liner
for a in adminlb apimon cache cinder glance heatapi heatengine horizon keystone munin neutronapi novaapi novaservices puppetdb redis servicelb; do for b in $(seq 0 2); do ssh $a$b "halt" ; done ; done

# Broken down for readability
for a in adminlb apimon cache cinder glance heatapi heatengine horizon keystone munin neutronapi novaapi novaservices puppetdb redis servicelb;
  do for b in $(seq 0 2);do
    ssh $a$b "halt"


Code Block
# for a in $(seq 0 2); do ssh mysql$a halt; sleep 60 ; done
# On each mysql node each mysql node
systemctl status mysql
systemctl stop mysql
systemctl status mysql

6 - Kanin

Code Block
# for a in $(seq 0 2); do ssh kanin$a halt; sleep 15; done
# On each kanin node
systemctl status rabbitmq-server
systemctl stop rabbitmq-server
systemctl status rabbitmq-server

7 - Redis

Check which redis is master on

( the one with green line)

Turn of the others first.

Redis-cli command to find which role a redis server has:

Code Block
# On each redis server
redis-cli -a "<password>" info replication | grep role

# Masters will print "role:master" and slaves will print "role:slave"

Note which is last down and power it first on

Code Block
check :
# On non masters
systemctl status mysqlredis
systemctl stop mysqlredis
systemctl status mysql

6 - Kanin

Code Block
for a in $(seq 0 2); do ssh kanin$a halt; sleep 15; doneredis

7 -  Shut down cephmon

Code Block
for a in $(seq 0 2); do ssh cephmon$a halt; done


vent til ceph -s health ok.

Lars Erik ødelegger nummereringa her:

skru på en adminlb, en servicelb og minst en puppetdb før røkla

7 røkla.

Bruk openstack kommando for å se at ting virker tm.
