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Table of Contents


See dedicated 2.5.1-negotiation page for 2021 salary claims

Here: Hvordan skrive et godt 2.5.1-krav 2021

How can I check my salary for a given month and year?

Follow this explanation: Sjekk lønnen din i PAGA.

...and where is my employer number printed?

See the last figure in this explanation: Sjekk lønnen din i PAGA.

Which job titles/codes get the ten yearly 1,1% salary increase? (PhD get 3% yearly increase four years)


How can I write a good "yearly" individual salary claim (known as a 2.5.1-claim)

See this page: Lønnsforhandlinger NTNU 2020

How can I write a good "extraordinary" individual salary claim (known as a 2.5.3-claim)


You will get good discounts when buying for example insurance, and we will help you negotiate your salary to get a boost [English].

Temporary employess

I've been offered a contract renewal with the same salary... Should I re-negotiate?


Det stemmer. Alle Tekna-medlemmer skal ha et tillegg på 1,1% etter 12, 24, 36, …, 120 måneder i stillingen, men det beregnes automatisk bare for stillinger som varer over 12 måneder, siden dere andre forventes å forhandle ny lønn ved ny kontraktinngåelse… Så du bør be dem om å minst legge på 1,1% nå. (*)
