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3 Theory Credits 22 + Project 6 44HSSM32O5 Organizational Behavior 30 2Protessional Elective-I (Any one) 0Free Elective-I (Any one) 3-PCBM43O2 Signals & Systems
PCEC43O2 Analog Communication Techniques
PCEC43O3 Control System Engineering


3PCCS73O1 Computer Orqanization Lab -33 33 

Code Subject L-T-P Credit Code Subject L-T-P Credit

Overlapunsp. ITMatteMath AnnetUnspecComment OKOK



Credits 31 (2002-S). (1196 / 1650)

    High-school Level18462015.07.06 RSBSCMI2O5 Mathematics-III 3-1-0 4 
Math I (50 / 100) 4   BEES2211 NetworkTheory 3-1-0 4High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
Physics I (59 / 100). Lab (91 / 100)    BSCP12O7 Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3-0-0 3High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
ProbSolve Programming I (50 / 100). Lab (85 / 100)3    BECS22O7 Object Oriented Programming 3-1-0 4High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
Graphic Science I (82 / 100)4    PCEC42O1 Analog Electronics Circuit 3-1-0 4High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
Work Shop - I (85 / 100)    
HSSM32O4 Engineering Economics and Costing 3-0-0 3  3  
PCECZ2OJ Analog Electronics Lab 0-0-3 22  Project 
BECS72O7 Object Oriented Programmin Lab 0-0-3 22  Project 
Semester 4: Theory Credits 21 + Project 62133 2015.07.06 RS  
BSCMI211 Discrete Mathematics 3-0-0 3 3   
High-school Level2015.07.06 RS

Semester 2: Credits 30. Total: 61 (2002-F). (1289 / 1650)

    Highschool Level 2015.07.06 RS
Math II (53 / 100)    High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
Physics II (48 / 100). Lab (95 / 100)    High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
ProbSolve Programming II (54 / 100). Lab (98 / 100)    High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
Graphic Science II (67 / 100)    High-school Level2015.07.06 RS
Work Shop - II (89 / 100)PCCS42O3 System Programming 3-0-0 33    
PCCS42O4 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3-1-0 44    
High-school Level2015.07.06 RS

Semester 3: Theory Credits 22 + Project 6. Total: 83 (2003-S)

 181,53 2015.07.06 RS
BSCMI205 Mathematics-III PCCS42O5 Database Engineering 3-1-0 4 4(57 / 100) (49 / 50)TMA4100_Matte 1 (3)    PCEC42O2 Digital Electronics Circuit 2015.07.07 RS
BECS2207 Object Oriented Programming 3-1-0 4
4    BECS7207 Object Oriented Programmin Lab 0-0-3   3  PCEC72O2 Digital Electronics Circuit Lab 0-0-3 22
Data Structures (58 / 100) (49 / 50)
Data Structures Lab (94 / 100) (47 / 50)
TDT4102_C++ (6)    Project 2015.07.07 RS
BSCP12O7 Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3-PCCS72O4 Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab 0-0 -3 223
CompOrg Assembley (66 / 100) (41 / 50)
CompOrg Assembley Lab (66 / 100) (47 / 50)
TDT4258_LowLevelProg (6)  Project  

Semester 4

2015.07.07 RS

PCEC4201 Analog Electronics Circuit 3-1-0 4
PCEC7201 Analog Electronics Lab PCCS72O5 Database Engg. Lab 0-0-3 2
2  Project 
Semester 5: T 18 + P 621 3  

HSSM33OJ Principles of Management 3-0-0 3

ElectEng (35 / 100) (41 / 50). ElectEng Lab (98 / 100) (49 / 50)
Logic Design  (57 / 100) (46 / 50)

TFE4101 KretsDigTek (7,5)

TDT4160_DM_DigTek (1,5)

    2015.07.07 RS

HSSM32O4 Engineering Economics and Costing PCCS43O2 Data Communication & Computer Network 3-0-0 3 3    PCCS43OJ Computer Organization 3-0-0 33    2015.07.07 RS
Semester 4: Theory Credits 21 + Project 6. Total: 110 (2003-F) 21PC1T4303 Java Programming 3-0-0 33 2015.07.06 RS   
Mathematics - IV 3-1-0 4 (55 / 100) (46 / 50)TMA4100_Matte 1 (+3)   Missing Description2015.07.07 RS
CompSystem ArchitectureTDT4186_OpSys (3) 3
PECS53O2 Principles of Programming Languages
PECS53O4 Theory of Computation
PEl15302 Data Mining & Data Warehousing 3
    Missing Description2015.07.07 RS
BSCMI211 Discrete Mathematics 3-0-0 3
Discrete Mathematical StructuresTMA4140_DiskMat (3)     2015.07.07 RS
PCCS4203 System Programming 3-0-0 3    Missing 
PCCS4204 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3-1-0 4
PCCS7204 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
PCCS73O2 Computer Network Lab 0-0-3 2
PCCS73O3 Java Proqramminq Lab 0-0-3 2
TDT4120_AlgDat (7,5)1,56  Practical
Sernester 6. T: 18. P: 618 6  
OOP in C++ plus Lab
(From semester 7 -Lab)
2015.07.07 RS
PCEC4202 Digital Electronics Circuit 3-1-0 4
PCEC7202 Digital Electronics Circuit Lab 0-0-3 2
TDT4160_DM_DigTek (3,75)2,25HSSM33O2 Optimization Engineering 3-0-0 3    PC114301 Internet & Web Technology 3-0-0 3Electronics & Instrumentation
 + Lab
2015.07.07 RS
HSSM3205 Organizational Behavior    PCCS43O4 Operating Systems 3-0-0 3
3   3Operations Research2015.07.07 RS
Semester 5: T 18 + P 6. Total 134 (2004-S) 21 3 PC114302 Software Engineering 2015.07.07 RS

HSSM3301 Principles of Management 3-0-0


    Professional Elective-II (Any one) 3-0-0 3
PCEL43O3 Microprocessor & Microcontrollers
PE115301 E-Commerce
PCCS43O5 Compiler Design 
  6Principles of Management (Semester 4)
Quantitative & Estimation
2015.07.07 RS
PCCS4205 Database Engineering 3-1-0 4
PCCS7205 Database Engg. Lab 0-0-3 2 
 TDT4145 ModDB (6)   Postponed from semester 4->5
Database Design + Lab
2015.07.07 RS

PCCS4301 Computer Organization Free Elective-II (Anv one) 3-0-0 3
PCEC43O5 Digital Communication Techniques
PCEE43O4 Communication Engineering
PEME53O5 Robotics & Robot Applications
PEEE53O1 Optoelectronics Devices and Instrumentation 


PCCS7301 Computer Orqanization Lab 0-0-3 2 

TDT4160_DM_DigTek (+3,75)2,25    

Digital Electronics
+ Lab

2015.07.07 RS
2015.07.07 RS

PCCS4303 Java Programming 3-0-0 3
PCCS7303 Java Proqramminq Lab PCIT73O1 Internet & Web Technolociv Lab 0-0-3 2
PCCS73O4 Operating Systems Lab 0-0-3 2
PCC57307 Seminar 0-0-3 2




Protessional Elective-I (Any one) 3-0-0 3
PECS5302 Principles of Programming Languages
(PECS5304 Theory of Computation)
(PEl15302 Data Mining & Data Warehousing )

TDT4165_ProgLang (7,5)



7tIi Semester 8thi Semester


Theory Hours Iheory Contact Hours

Code Subject L-T-P Credit Code Subject L-T-P Credit


Automata Language & Computation
From Semester 6 + Lab
Language Processors (Semester 6) 
2015.07.07 RS
2015.07.07 RS

Free Elective-I (Any one) 3-0-0 3


PCBM4302 Signals & Systems
PCEC4302 Analog Communication Techniques
PCEC4303 Control System Engineering

TMA4135_Matte 4D (3)
 Signals & Systems (61 / 100) (45 / 50)
from Semester 3

2015.07.07 RS
Sernester 6. T: 18. P: 6. Total 158 (2004-F) 18   2015.07.07 RS
Accountancy   3 2015.07.07 RS
HSSM3302 Optimization Engineering

CIT4401 Principles of Soft Computing 3-0-0 3

ClI4402 Sohware Project Management 3-0-0 3

Professiona Elective-III (Any one) 3-0-0 3 Professional Elective-VfAny one) 3-0-0 3

3ECS5401 Artificial Intelligence ‘ECS5407 Wireless Sensor Networks

ECS5403 Real Time Systems ECS5406 Digital Image Processing

EII5401 Soffware Testing ‘ECS5408 Embedded System Development

Professional Elective-IV (Any one) Professional Elective-VI(Any one) 3-0-0 3

ECS5402 Cryptography & Network Secutity EIT5402 Ubiquitous Computing

CCS440J Computer Graphics ECS5410 Algonthm for Bio-lnformaUcs

ECS5404 Advanced Computer Architecture 3E115403 Multimedia Systems


3-0-0 3


Free Elective-III (Any one) EEC5406 Satelte Comm. Systems

ECS6401 lntroduction to Digital Signal Processing EEI5405 MEMS

CEC4401 VLSI Design CI3M4402 Medical Imaging Techniques

EEC5404 Digital Switching & Telecommunication 3-0-0 3



PCIT7301 Internet & Web Technology Lab 0-0-3 2    Missing 
PCCS4304 Operating Systems 3-0-0 3

EEI5404 Analog VLSI Design

EME54O7 Mechatronics

E[I54O3 Industrial Instrumentation

Iheory Credits 18 Theory Credits 15

Practical I Sessional Practical I Sessional

PCIT?401 Minor Project 3 C1T7403 Major Project 6

PC117402 Seminar 2 C1T7404 Comprehensive Viva voce 2

- Practical/SessionaiCredjL5 PracticaWSessional Credits 8





Informatïon Technology (IT)

3rd Semester 4th Semester

Theory Contact Hours Theory Contact Hours

Code Subject L-T-P Credit Code Subject L-T-P Credit


PCCS7304 Operating Systems Lab 0-0-3 2TDT4186_OpSys (3)   From Semester 5 (-lab)2015.07.07 RS
Professional Elective-II (Any one) 3-0-0 3
PCEL4303 Microprocessor & Microcontrollers
(PE115301 E-Commerce)
(PCCS4305 Compiler Design)

TDT4255_ComputerCons (6)


2015.07.07 RS

PCCS4302 Data Communication & Computer Network3-0-0 3
BEES2211 NetworkTheory 3-1-0 4


PCCS7302 Computer Network Lab 0-0-





TTM4100 KTN (6)   

Data Communication & Computer
Networks (For Semester 3/5)
(Lab Missing)

2015.07.07 RS
2015.07.07 RS

Free Elective-II (Any one) 3-0-0 3
(PCEC4305 Digital Communication Techniques)
PCEE4304 Communication Engineering
(PEME5305 Robotics & Robot Applications)
(PEEE5301 Optoelectronics Devices and Instrumentation)

TTM4100 KTN (3)

Communication Theory

2015.07.07 RS

PCC57307 Seminar 0-0-3 2

   6Practical. Missing Description2015.07.07 RS
Semester 7. Theory 18. Practical 5. TOTAL 181 (2004-F 2)     2015.07.07 RS

ISSM3401 Entrepreneurship Development 3-0-0 3

   3Production & Operations Mgmt.2015.07.07 RS
PC114302 Software Engineering 3-0-0 3

TDT4140 PU (3)

   (For Semester 6)2015.07.07 RS

CIT4401 Principles of Soft Computing 3-0-0 3

    Missing (AI. See Neural Networks, 8) 

ClT4402 Software Project Management 3-0-0 3

Professiona Elective-III (Any one) 3-0-0 3
ECS5401 Artificial Intelligence
(ECS5403 Real Time Systems)
(EII5401 Soffware Testing)

TDT4136_IntroAI (3)
2015.07.07 RS

Professional Elective-IV (Any one)
ECS5402 Cryptography & Network Secutity
CCS4401 Computer Graphics
ECS5404 Advanced Computer Architecture

TDT4265 CompVision (2,25)

TDT4195_VisualComp (7,5)
TDT4230_Graphics (2,25)

Visual Programming Techniques
+ Lab (Missing descriptions!)
Comp Graph (From semester 5)
+ Lab (From semester 5)

2015.07.07 RS
2015.07.07 RS
2015.07.07 RS
2015.07.07 RS

Professional Elective-VI (Any one) 3-0-0 3
(EIT5402 Ubiquitous Computing)
(ECS5410 Algorithms for Bioinformatics)
PEIT5403 Multimedia Systems

TTT4135_MultimedProc (3)

(For semester 8)

2015.07.07 RS

Advanced Database Management System

TDT4145 ModDB (3)   Missing Description!2015.07.07 RS

Elective-III (Any one) 3-0-0 3
ECS6401 lntroduction to Digital Signal Processing
CEC4401 VLSI Design
EEC5404 Digital Switching & Telecommunication Networks
EEC54O3 Biomedical Instrumentation

PCIT7401 Minor Project 3    Missing Description! 
PC117402 Seminar 2     Missing Description! 

Semester 8. Theory 15 Practical 8. TOTAL 204 (2005-Spring)

    (-61 High-school level)2015.07.07 RS
SSM3402 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3   3Missing Description! 
Management Information System   3Missing Description! 
PCIT4301 Internet & Web Technology 3-0-0 3
IT2805 WebTech (3)   (For Semester 6)2015.07.07 RS
Neural NetworksIT3708_SubSym_AI (3)   Missing Description!2015.07.07 RS
Mobile and Cellular Communication   3Telematikk (3) 
PE115301 E-Commerce   3

Duplicate Professional Elective-II
from semester 6

2015.07.07 RS

Professional Elective-V (Any one) 3-0-0 3
ECS5407 Wireless Sensor Networks
ECS5406 Digital Image Processing
ECS5408 Embedded System Development

TDT4265 CompVision
   See Professional Elective-IV
in Semester 7.
2015.07.07 RS
Free Elective-IV (Any One) 3-0-0 3
PEEC5406 Satellite Comm. Systems

PCBM4402 Medical Imaging Techniques
Free Elective-V (Any One) 3-0-0 3
PEEI5404 Analog VLSI Design
PEME54O7 Mechatronics
PEEI54O3 Industrial Instrumentation

PEIT5403 Multimedia Systems

TDT4135_MultimedProc (+3)   (From semester 7 + Lab)2015.07.07 RS
C1T7403 Major Project 6    Practical 
C1T7404 Comprehensive Viva voce 2    Practical 


BSCP12O7 Physics of 3-0-0 3 PCCS42O4 Design and Analysis of 3-1-0 4

Semiconductor Devices A)gorithm

BECS22O7 Object Oriented 3-1-0 4 PCCS42O5 Database Engineering 3-1-0 4

Program mi ng

PCEC42O1 Analog Electronics 3-1-0 4 PCEC42O2 Digital Electronics 3-1-0 4

Circuit Circuit

HSSM32O4 Engineering Economics HSSM32O5 Organizational Behavior 3-0-0 3

and Costing 3-0-0 3 Or

Or HSSM32O4 Engineering Economics

HSSM32O5 Organizationa Behavior and Costing

Theory Credits 22 Theory Credits 21

Practical I Sessional Pracfical I Sessional

HSSM72O3 COMMUNICATION AND 0-0-3 2 PCEC72O2 Digital Electronics 0-0-3 2




PCECZ2OJ Analog Electronics Lab 0-0-3 2 PCCS72O4 Design and Analysis of 0-0-3 2

Algorithm Lab

BECS72O7 Object Oriented 0-0-3 2 PCCS72O5 Database Engg. Lab 0-0-3 2

Programming Lab.

PracticallSessional Credits 6 PracticallSessional Credits 6




BECS22O7 Object Oriented Programming,

Module I (08 hrs): lntroduction to object oriented programming, uset defined types, structures, unions, polymorphism, encapsulation. Getting started with C++ syntax, data-type, variables, strings, functions, default values in functions, recursion, namespaces, operators, flow control, arrays and pointers.
Module ll (l6hrs): Abstraction mechanism: Classes, private, public, constructors, destructors, member data, member functions, inline function, friend functions, static members, and references. lnheritance: Ciass hierarchy, derived classes, single inheritance, multiple, multilevel, hybrid inheritance, role of virtual base ciass, constructor and destructor execution, base initialization using derived ciass constructors. Polymorphism: Binding, Static binding, Dynamic binding, Static polymorphism: Function Overloading, Ambiguity in function overloading, Dynamic polymorphism: Base ciass pointer, object slicing, late binding, method overriding with virtual functions, pure virtual functions, abstract ciasses. Operator Overloading: This pointer, applications of this pointer, Operator function, member and non member operator function, operator overloading, 1/0 operators. Exception handling: Try, throw, and catch, exceptions and derived ciasses, function exception deciaration, unexpected exceptions, exception when handling exceptions, resource capture and release.
Module III (16 hrs): Dynamic memory management, new and delete operators, object copying, copy constructor, assignment operator, virtual destructor. Template: template ciasses, template functions. Standard Template Library: Fundamental idea about string, iterators, hashes, iostreams and other types. Namespaces: user defined namespaces, namespaces provided by library. Object Oriented Design, design and programming, role of ciasses.
Text Books: 1. Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E. Balagurusamy, McGraw-HiII Education (India) 2. ANSI and Turbo C÷+ by Ashoke N. Kamthane, Pearson Education


PCES42O1 Analog Electronics Circuit

MODULE - 1(12 Hours) 1. MOS Ficld-Effcct Transistor: Principlc and Physical Operation of FETs and MOSFETs. P-Channel and N-Channel MOSFET, Complimentary MOS, V-I Characteristics of E- MOSFETS and D-MOSFETS, MOSFETS as an Amplifier and a Switch (4 Hours)
2. Biasing of BJTs: Load lines (AC and DC), Operating Points, Fixcd Bias and Seif Bias, DC Bias with Voltage Feedback, Bias Stabilization, Design Operaticrn. (4 Hours) 
3. Biasing of FETs and MOSFETs: Fixed Bias Configuration and Seif Bias Coniguration, Voltage Divider Bias and Design (4 Hours)
MODULE — II (17 Hours). 4. Small Signal Analysis of BJTs: Small-Signal Equivalent-Circuit Model, Graphical Determination of h-parameters Smal! Signal Analysis of CE, CC, C13 Amplifier wilh and without Ri:. Effect of R5 and RL on CE Amplifier, Emifter Fol!ower, Analysis of



MODULE-I 12 Hours
INTRODUCTION TO OPERATING SYSTEM: What is an Operating System? Simple Batch Systems, Multiprogramming and Time Sharing systems. Personal Computer Systems, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems and Real time Systems. Operating System Structures: Operating System Services, System components, Protection system, Operating System Services, system calls PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operation on Processes, lnterprocess communication, Examples of IPC Systems, Multithreading Models, Threading Issues, Process Scheduling Basic concepts, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms, Thread Scheduling.

MODULE-Il 12 Hours
PROCESS COORDINATION: Synchronization: The Critical section problem, Peterson’s solution, Synchronization hardware, Semaphores, Classical problems of synchronization, Monitors. Deadlocks: System model, Deadlock Characterization Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock Detection, recovery from Deadlock. MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Memory Management strategies, Logical versus Physical Address space, swapping, contiguous Allocation, Paging, Segmentation. Virtual Memory: Background, Demand paging, performance of Demand paging, Page Replacement, Page Replacement Algorithms. Allocation of frames, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation.

MODULE-Ill 11 Hours
STORAGE MANAGEMENT: File System Concept, Access Methods, File System Structure, File System Structure, File System Implementation, Directory implementation, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery, Overview of Mass Storage Structure, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, 1/0 System Overview, 1/0 Hardware, Application 1/0 Interface, Kernel 110 Subsystem, Transforming 1/0 Request to Hardware Operation.
CASE STUDIES: Ihe LINUX System, Windows XP, Windows Vista 

TEXT BOOK: 1. Operating System Concepts — Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, 8t[edition, Wiley-India, 2009. 2. Mordern Operating Systems — Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 3td Edition, PHI. 3. Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach — Elmasri, Carrick, Levine, TMH Edition


Module — (10 hours)
Overview of Graphics System: Video Display Units, Raster-Scan and Random Scan Systems, Graphics lnput and Output Devices. Output Primitives: Line drawing Algorithms: DDA and Bresenham’s Line Algorithm,  Circle drawing Algorithms: Midpoint Circle Algorithm and Bresenham’s Circle drawing Algorithm. Two Dimensional Geometric Transformation: Basic Transformation (Translation, rotation, Scaling) Matrix Representation, Composite Transformations, Reflection, Shear, Transformation between coordinate systems. Two Dimensional Viewing: Window-to- View port Coordinate Transformation.

Module — II (12 hours)
Line Clipping (Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm) and Polygon Clipping (Sutherland Hodgeman Algorithm). Aliasing and Antialiasing, Half toning, Thresholding and Dithering, Scan conversion of Character. Polygon Filling: Seed Fill Algorithm, Scan line Algorithm. Two Dimensional Object Representation: Spline Representation, Beziet Curves and B Spline Curves. Fractal Geometry: Fractal Classification and Fractal Dimensjon. Three Dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations: Translation Rotation, Scaling, Reflections, shear, Composite Transformation. Projections: Parallel Projection and Perspective Projection.

Module — III (hours)
Visible Surface Detection Methods: Back-face Detection, Depth Buffer, A- Buffer, Scan line Algorithm and Painters Algorithm. Illumination Models: Basic Models, Displaying Light Intensities. Surface Rendering Methods: Polygon Rendering Methods: Gouraud Shading and Phong Shading. Computer Animation: Types of Animation, Key frame Vs. Procedural Animation, methods of controlling Animation, Morphing. Virtual Reality: Types of Virtual reality systems, Input and Output Virtual Reality devices.

Textbook 1. Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality System, Rajesh K.Maurya, Wiley Dreamtech. 2. Computer Graphics, D. Hearn and M.P. Baker (C Versjon), Pearson Education



ModuIe—I l2Hrs Overview of Data Communications and Networking. Physical Layer : Analog and Digital, Analog Signals, Digital Signals, Analog versus Digital, Data Rate Limits, Transmission Impairment, Mote about signals. Digital Transmission: Line coding, Block coding, Sampling, Transmission mode. Analog Transmission: Modulation of Digital Data; Telephone modems, modulation of Analog signals. Multiplexing : FDM , WDM , TDM, Transmission Media: Guided Media, Unguided media (wireless) Citcuit switching and Telephone Network: Citcuit switching, Telephone network. 

Module—Il (2 Hours) Data Link Layer Ettot Detection and correction: Types of Errors, Detection, Ertot Correction Data Link Control and Protocols: Flow and Error Control, Stop-and-wait ARQ. Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ, HDLC. Point-to — Point Access: PPP Point — to- Point Protocol, PPP Stack, Multiple Access Random Access, Controlled Access, Channelization. Local atea Network: Ethernet. Traditional Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethetnet. Token bus, token ring Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth virtual circuits: Frame Relay and ATM. 

Module — III 12 Hrs Network Layer: Host to Host Delivery: Internetworking, addressing and Routing Network Layer Protocols: ARP, IPV4, ICMP, IPV6 ad ICMPV6 Transport Layer: Process to Process Delivery: UDP; TCP congestion control and Quality of service. Application Layer: Client Server Model, Socket Interface, Domain Name System (DNS): Electronic Mail (SMTP) and file transfer (FTP) HTTP and WWW.
Text Books: 1. Data Communications and Networking: Behrouz A. Forouzan, Tata McGraw-Hill, 4111 Ed. 2. Computer Networks: A. S. Tannenbum, D. Wetherall, Prentice Hall, Imprint of Pearson h1 Ed

PCCS42O3 Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Module- I (12 Hours) lntroduction to design and analysis of algorithms, Growth of Functions (Asymptotic notations, standard notations and common functions), Recurrences, solution of recurrences by substitution, recursion tree and Master methods, worst case analysis of Merge sort, Quick sort and Binary search, Design & Analysis of Divide and conquer algorithms. Heapsort : Heaps, Building a heap, The heapsort algorithm, Priority Queue, Lower bounds for sorting.

Module — II (16 Hours) Dynamic programming algorithms (Matrix-chain multiplication, Elements of dynamic programming, Longest common subsequence) Greedy Algorithms - (Assembly-line scheduling, Achivity- selection Problem, Elements of Greedy strategy, Fractional knapsac problem, Huffman codes). Data structure for disjoint sets:- Disjoint set operations, Linked list representation, Disjoint set forests.

Module — III (12 Hours) Graph Algorithms: Breadth first and depth-first search, Minimum Spanning Trees, Kruskal and Prim’s algorithms, single- source shortest paths (Bellman-ford and Dijkstra’s algorithms), All pairs shortest paths (Floyd — Warshall Algorithm). Back tracking, Branch and Bound. Fast Fourier Transform, string matching (Rabin-Karp algorithm), NP - Completeness (Polynomial time, Polynomial time verification, NP - Completeness and reducibility, NP Complete problems (without Proofs), Approximation algorithms (Vertex-Cover Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem).
