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MEF 2023

Homework: One slide per person on "What project/master/Ph.D research is the organization I represent interested in?"

  • Date: 2023-11-30 Thursday 13-17
  • Place: NTNU, Rådsrommet
  • Schedule:
    • 13:00 - 13:15: Arrival and coffee/tea
    • 13:15 - 13:30: Introduction to participants
    • 13:30 - 13:45: TBD13:45 - 14:05: Update from the board (include what have we done the last 2 years, do's and don'ts, person for the best master committee)
    • 13:45 - 14:05 :00: Break 
    • 14:00 - 14:45: TBD30: Planned changes, and ongoing process on "Main Profiles" the last 2 years of the masters at NTNU.
    • 14:45 30 - 15:15: Break and local meet and greetPresent the research slides 
    • 15:15 - 15:30: Break 
    • 15:30 - 16:15: Discuss what could be the top 5 strategic research topics (Professors, Post. Docs, Ph.D., master, project)
    • 16:15 - 16:30: Break
    • 16:30 - 17:00: TBDHow can industry make NTNU best in the world on the top 5 strategic research topics?
    • 17:30 - 20:00: Middag på: Dinner at Frati

Format for research slides:

  • Everyone writes on PostIt's key words for their interest.
  • During break, board collate the post its

Format for top 5 strategic:

  • First vote on top 5
  • Discussion to change our mind
  • New vote on top 5
  • (Backup): What activities could be organized for each of the 5 topics to support NTNU and to increase the probability of students with the wanted competence?

Format for "How can we make":

  • 5 min individual reflection. "How can we make ..."
  • 25 min discussion

Topics for MEF 2023

As of today, the topics below are considered for MEF 2023. In case you want other topics discussed, respond to this email within 27'th October with your suggestions.

  • What problems do we want project/masters students to focus on?
    • One slide per person on "What research is the organization I represent interested in?"
    • Everyone present their slide (2 x 16 = 30)
    • Goal: come up with 1 summary slide
  • Research projects/Ph.D. How do we want to collaborate on SFI (Senter for Forskingsdrevet Innovasjon)?
  • Professor II positions. NTNU has a challenge with resources for teaching and guidance of project/master students. How can industry help?
  • Planned changes, and ongoing process on "Main Profiles" the last 2 years of the masters at NTNU.

Guesstimate of attendees




  • Decide what to focus on up until the MEF meeting

