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In conjunction with ECML PKKD 2020, 14 September 2020, 14.00 CET, Everywhere (Digital). RecSys 2021.


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rootCopy of 8th 9th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 20202021)



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Proceedings of INRA 2020 is available as a part of the joint proceedings of ECML PKDD 2020 workshops from Springer. We have published our workshop proceedings as open access, so please scroll down to view and download the workshop papers: INRA 2020 Proceedings

Workshop date & time: 14 September 2020, 14.00 - 18.00 CET

Keynote Speech: "Practices of Data Analytics and Machine Learning in News Service" by Hiroto Nakajima

Dr Hiroto Nakajima is the Chief Scientist at NIKKEI Lab, and a visiting researcher at Tokyo University. He directed several projects including “NIKKEI AI News” and “NIKKEI AR”, and won the Japan Pressnet prize in 2019 for the contribution to data journalism.

---------------------------------------------------------------------Workshop program is now announced!

The workshop addresses technical, societal, and ethical questions related to news analytics. Publishers increasingly rely on automation to supply information to readers. Conversely, readers face information overload as more and more stories become easily accessible. Both trends combine to create an “attention economy.” Historically, editors functioned as gatekeepers to information. Increasingly, publishers replace editors with news recommender systems which also provide a personalized selection of articles. These systems tailor news feeds to readers’ interests by exploiting patterns in interaction data. Even though the workshop has a technical focus, we welcome interdisciplinary contributions that shed light on legal, ethical, and societal ramifications of algorithmic news curation. The workshop introduces a more holistic view of news as a particular application domain of machine learning and knowledge discovery.

Publishers increasingly automate content curation and personalization to present the most relevant stories to readers. This task is challenging due to the dynamics of the news eco-system and lack of information concerning readers’ preferences and interests. Besides, ethical and legal issues emerge from recent trends such as deliberate misinformation campaigns and ignoring privacy regulations. This workshop invites contributions in the realm of news recommendation and analytics. In addition to technical papers, we welcome interdisciplinary submissions. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

  • News Personalization

– Innovative algorithms for news personalization

– Reader Profiling

– News context and trend modelling

– Big data technologies for news streams

– Practical applications

News Analytics

    • Context-aware news recommender systems

    • News recommendation in social media

    • Multi-modal news recommendation

    • User behavior analysis and user interest modeling in the news domain

    • User modeling and user profiling

    • Applications of data mining for personalized search and navigation

    • Personalized news user interface and visualization

    • Diversity and multiperspectivity in news personalization and recommendation

  • News Analytics

    • News semantics and ontologies

– News
    • Adaptive and personalized news summarization,

classification, and sentiment analysis

– Large-scale news mining and analytics

– News evolution and trends

– News from social media

Ethical Aspects of News Recommendation

– Detection and analysis of fake news and disinformation

– News diversity and filter bubbles

– Privacy and security in news recommender systems

– Spread mechanisms of disinformation

    • categorization, and opinion mining

    • Social Graph and heterogeneous network analysis 

    • User segmentation and community discovery

    • Big data technologies for news streams

    • News framing research

    • Automated news generation 

    • News political leaning and tone

    • News trends and evolution

  • Psychological, Societal, and Ethical Aspects of News Personalization Systems

    • Privacy and security issues

    • Clickbait, fake news, and misinformation detection

    • Diversity and fairness of news search/recommendation

    • Bias in online news

    • Transparency and explainability

    •  Emotion and cognition in news reception