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Trondheim,  Elektro B-212 (Savannen)


Anton, Arild, Abylay, Kristian, Shuang, Thomas,  Paul, Mayank, Bjarne (All on site)


12:00-13:00Lunch Magneten


- News from the PhD students (3-5 minutes per students

- Bjarne talks about status reports and what he needs

- Kristian explains what the crypto subproject is about

- Shuang presents her project on Atomic cross-chain swaps and Tamarin

- Mayank talks about some upcoming project plans

- Report from a health-crypto brainstorming session

- General cooperation brainstorming session

Action items

  • Share an Overleaf template for the 2019-07-01 status report (Bjarne)
  • Input to  2019-07-01 status report
    •  Each individual sub project. (Supervisors,  co-supervisors, Phd candidatesDeadline 2019-07-01
      • Status of all PhD candidates. Name / affiliation of candidate, supervisor and co-supervisor, start-up time. Supplement and revise draft tables
      • Publishing
      • External projects - both submitted applications and planned applications

    • Entire project  First draft deadline 2019-07-01
      • Brief description of the project (Bjarne)
      • Organization and management (Bjarne)
      • Networking (Bjarne, Anton)
    • Finilization
      • Comments (AllDeadline 2019-08-15
      • Final draft (Bjarne)Deadline 2019-08-22
  • Kristian looks in course options in cryptography for Abylay for his stay in Trondheim  autumn 2020.
  • Add a Slack channel (#schoolsetc) with purpose: Information about summer and winter schools the PhD students plan to attend, their experience by attending. Ditto for workshops, symposia, conferences, etc. (Bjarne)
  • Add info to #schoolsetc (PhD candidates)
  • Feedback to Kristian and Shuang on "statements" concerning blockchain properties in their application that should be proved (All)
  • Make a short description (pitch document) in the collaboration project on establishing and introducing a university degree blockchain at NTNU (Anton)
  • Fix exact date and place for next meeting (Margareth)

Upcoming meeting

The Crypto foundations subproject will be chairing the meeting.

We intend to start with lunch 12-13, and the meeting will be in Savannen 13-16.

Tentative agenda

  • About the Crypto foundations subproject.
  • Ongoing projects in the crypto subproject.
  • Brainstorming sessions with the goal of finding interesting topics for cooperation between crypto and other subprojects. Finding topics for cooperation between other projects is also allowed.
  • We invite others to give presentations on other blockchain topics, either ongoing research projects, interesting papers they have read or other blockchain-related news.

A more detailed agenda will arrive in a few weeks. While physical participation is preferable, it will be possible to join by Skype.
