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Current state of the introductory programming courses 2018

Emne/studieprogramMTDT og BITITHINGDA      
Intro-kursIT grunnkurs (IT intro) - TDT4110 (Python)       
OO-programmeringOO programmering - TDT4100Programmering grunnkurs - TDAT1001      
  Database og videregående programmering - TDAT1005      

Se sidene NTNU - IDI/AIT (tidl. HiST)NTNU - GjøvikNTNU - Ålesund

OO courses

  • Gløshaugen - MTDT og BIT - OO (med java) - 700+
  • Kalvskinnet - Java - 90
  • Gjøvik - BIP - C++ - 220, må over på Java ifm. samkjøring av data-ingeniør-programmene.
  • Alesund S2 - Java - 90


  • Gløshaugen - MTDT og BIT
  • Alesund - microcontroller C

Groups or individual:

  • Glas - individual with show and tell for submission
  • Kalvskin - Individual weekly - show and tell
  • Gjovik - currently paper submission
  • Alesund - group focused - encouraged individual work - 6 assignments - 5 student assistants.

Shared Practices

Oral questions 

  • What did you find challenging?

  • Can you show me where to change X?

  • What did you learnt the most from?

Plagerism - Common standard is based on trust and the use of new exercises to prevent copying from previous years. Obvious cases detected manually.


Teaching of student assistance learning LAOS course - 

  • 25 hours course - 
  • Pedagological course
  • 7 hour program specific -  4 meetings - confirm tutors are progressing in skill 
  • Student assistances seem to like the course


Teaching assitance - Good role models

  • Approach the students, teach active supporting of learning
  • Mix of 2nd and 3rd year students

Actions to take:

  • Learning outcomes for courses need to be compared to look at overlap
  • Codin Game - competition site. - allows multiple languages - Automated testing 
  • Large enough bank of questions - Automated grading
  • Measuring good design and coding quality
  • Joint competition - Arne



  • SonarQube: Code quality - automated feedback.
  • Checkstyle - turn off most - Javadoc - which rules to activate.


Joint competition - Arne -