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Particulary linux users often have ssh-keypairs already. In their case they can upload the public part of their key to openstack, allowing openstack to inject this key to new virtual machine. The default location for such public keys are "~/.ssh/". The content of this file can be pasted in the dialog box appearing when the "Import Key Pair" button is clicked:

Creating a virtual machine

At this point everything needed to create a virtual server is available (if you follow this guide...). To create the virtual server navigate to "Compute -> Instances" and click the "Launch Instance" button:

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A multi-step dialog-box appears. First fill in a name for the machine:

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Next you would need to select what your machine should boot from, and where it should store its files.There are a wide range of pre-made images available, containing a wide range of operating systems. To use one of these, select "Image" as the boot source.

It is recommended to not create a new volume but rather use the disk provided to the machine when a flavor is selected. If a new volume is created, its size will be taken from your storage qouta.

It is possible to search in the list of images. In this case it is searched for a debian image, and "Debian 8.7.0" is selected.

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After an image is selected, it is time to select how powerful machine is needed. The amount of CPU and RAM are limited by your projects quotas, so it is wise to use some moderation when selecting your machine size. It is possible to increase the size later; not decrease...

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Next up is to select a network for the machine:

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The final step is to select which key to inject to the newly created machine. Select a key where you know you have the private key somewhere.

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After pressing "Launch Instance" the openstack plattform should need a couple of seconds before your machine is running. You can see your machine in the "Instance" list.

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