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Comment: Sorting, use english links, approved new classes


W = Winter (1/10 - 30/3), S = Summer (1/4 - 6/8) O = Obligatorisk (profilemne). J = Jakob

Kyoto-fag (units)SPNTNU-fagNivå NTNUKommentarOK?
g_inf_3768 - Language Information Processing, Adv. (S, J)6AI / NLP / IRhøyere gradsAssignments and reports 2017.01.17 RS

g_inf_3770 - Speech Processing Adv

6TDT4305 - Big Data arkitekturhøyere gradsQuality of submitted reports 
g_inf_3768 - Language Information Processing Adv3777 - Pattern Recognition, Adv.6IT8802 - Videregående informasjonsgjenfinninghøyere gradsAssignments and reportsTTK4205 - Pattern Recognition (AI)MasterEvt. som ingeniøremne fra annet studieprogram2017.01.17 RS 
g_inf_3781 - Computer Vision6TDT4265 - DatasynHøyere gradsReports and debates2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_3787 -Distributed  Distributed Information Systems(2W)6TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengderhøyere Høyere gradsWritten Examreports and exam2017.01.17 RS 
g_inf_3816 - Information Organization and Retrieval (W)6TDT4215 - Web IntelligensHøyere gradsReports and written exam 
g_inf_3862 - Theory of Computational Complexity (W)


TDT4125 - Algoritm Construction
MA3301 - Beregnbarhets- og kompleksitetsteori

høyere gradsEvaluation on reports. Mer teori enn praksis.2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_4218 - Information and Society (S)6TDT4245 - Samhandlingsteknologi og sosiale medierHøyere gradsExam. Litt lite teknisk, men ok2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_4219 - Information System analysis (S)6

IT3010 - Research Methods in CS
TDT4117 - Informasjonsgjenfinning, TDT4265 - Datasyn 

høyere Høyere gradsReports and debatesExam2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_4411 - Statistical Learning Theory (S, J, M)6TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonneringhøyere gradsReports and possible final exam 2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_4412 - Computational Learning Theory (W)6TDT4171 - Metoder i kunstig intelligensHøyere gradsExcercise papers 

g_inf_4681 - Conversational Informatics

6TDT4171 - Metoder i Kunstig Intelligens /3års nivåWritten reports 
g_inf_4685 - Information System Design (S)6IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnittHøyere gradsWritten exam. Ligner IS (TDT4175)2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_4686 - Practice of Information Systems6IT3010 - Metoder for forskningsbaserinnovasjon i IThøyere grads  
g_inf_4691 - Parallel and Distributed Systems (W)6TDT4200 - Parallelle beregninger (O)Høyere gradsWritten reports (teller mot KPro)2017.01.17 RS
g_inf_4686 - Practice of Information Systems (S)6TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjektHøyere gradsExercise reports 
First TermFørste semester     
g_inf_4412 - Computational Learning Theory (W4686 - Practice of Information Systems (S, J)6TDT4171 IT3010 - Metoder for forskningsbaserinnovasjon i kunstig intelligensITHøyere høyere gradsExcercise papers  
g_inf_3787 4219 -  Distributed Information Systems(WSystem analysis (S, J)6TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengderHøyere gradsTDT4265 - Datasynhøyere gradsReports and debatesWritten reports and exam Andre
semesterSecond Term     



3816 - Information

System analysis (S

Organization and Retrieval (W, J)

6TDT4117 TDT4215 - InformasjonsgjenfinningWeb IntelligensHøyere høyere gradsExamReports and written exam 
g_inf_4686 - Practice of Information 4691 - Parallel and Distributed Systems(SW, J)6TDT4290

TDT4200 -

Kundestyrt prosjekt

Parallelle beregninger

Høyere høyere gradsExercise

Written reports

g_inf_4411 4412 - Statistical Computational Learning Theory (SW, J)6TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonneringHøyere gradsTDT4171 - Metoder i Kunstig Intelligenshøyere gradsExercise papers 

g_inf_4681 - Conversational Informatics (W, J) **

6TDT4171 - Metoder i Kunstig Intelligens3års nivå.Written reports ** Kun dersom et av de andre fagene ikke skulle være OKReports and possible final exam 

My (fagpakke): g_inf_4681 - 3787g_inf_3787 - g3768g_inf_3816 - g3770g_inf_3770 4681 -  gg_inf_3768 3816 -  gg_inf_4218 - g_inf_4411 - g_inf_4685 - g_inf_4686 - g_inf_4219

SindrW (pakke): g_inf_3816g_inf_3781g_inf_3787g_inf_4218g_inf_44124219g_inf_37814411g_inf_37874412g_inf_4691g_inf_4685g_inf_42184686

Jakob (pakke): g_inf_3768g_inf_3787g_inf_3816g_inf_4219g_inf_4411g_inf_4412g_inf_4681g_inf_4685g_inf_4686g_inf_44114691