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When accessing the webinterface, you are presented with a login-page. The field "Domain" should be set to "NTNU", and the "User Name" and "Password" fields should be populated with your NTNU username and password.


After a successful login (which is possible only if your user has access to at least one SkyHiGh project), you are presented with a dashboard. This dashboard displays your current resource usage and your current quota limits. The top of the interface shows your current project name (right above the pointer in the image).

Top menus

If your user have access to more than one project, the current project can be switched using a menu in the top of the webinterface.

Left-hand menus:

To the left there is a menu which lets you administer specific parts of the infrastructure:

  • Project:
    • Compute: Virtual machine administration
      • Overview: This is the first page seen when logging in to the webinterface. Here a short summary of your project status is given.
      • Instances: This view is to administer virtual machines. Here it is possible to create new virtual machines, and administer existing machines.
      • Volumes: This view is to administer cinder volumes, which are bloc-devices/persistent-storage (disks) which can be attached to virtual machines.
      • Images: This view is to administer the images of which a virtual machine can boot from. It will always contain a wide selection of linux images (Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS etc.) and some Windows images, and it is possible to upload your own images if the image you want is not present.
      • Access & Security: This view administers multiple access-related settings:
        • Security groups: The firewall protecting your virtual machines
        • Key Pairs: SSH key-pairs which allows you to log into your virtual machines
        • Floating IPs: IP-Adresses which enables you to connect to machines from external networks.
        • API Access: API information
    • Network: Network administration
      • Network Topology: A graphical representation of your infrastructure.
      • Networks: Your virtual networks.
      • Routers: Your virtual routers, routing
    • Orchestration: Openstack-heat, an automation engine to roll out virtual infrastructure based on scripts.
  • Identity: Lets you display information of your own affiliation to SkyHiGh.
    • Projects: This view is to show you which projects your user is a member of.