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Table of Contents

Course Introduction

TDT44 Semantic Web: a Specialization module complementary to TDT4175 Information Systems. Other IS modules can be found here.


2016.08.31The welcome lecture will be on Friday, 9.30am, September 2nd, in room ITV-354 (IT building). See you there (smile)
titleOld News: Click here to expand...
2016.08.16TDT44 will be taught in the autumn 2016.
2015.11.19Vi er blitt bedt om å flytte oss fra 454 til 242 den siste onsdagen dette semesteret, nemlig 25/11-20215, så da gjør vi det.
2015.10.22TDT44 Individual Essay Assignment 2015 released

 Schedule (2016)

2016.09.02Introductory meeting from 9.30 to 11.30 in room ITV-454RuneIntroCourse Introduction
2016.09.16Part 1: Core of the Semantic Web

1: Bård, Mei
2: Espen
3: Mats



2: TDT44 Semantic web chapter 2.pptx


2016.09.30 4: Kieu
5: Christian
6: Daniel
2016.10.14Part 2: Applied Semantic Web7: Christoffer, Erlend
8: Torstein
9: Tommy K 

10: Eirik
11: Fredrik
12: Anders 

2016.11.11Part 3: Building Your Own Applications on the Semantic Web6 Project presentationsHand in ALL projects 
2016.11.25 7 Project presentations  
2016.11.30Muntlig eksamen på ITV-1xx 20 minutterALLE  

OLD: Oral Exam (2015)

Write an essay on a given topic. There will be a brief oral examination, presenting your essay.
Date: 3rd December 2015, 10 minutes, between 0900 and 1400.
Place: ITV-114

From (or in Norwegian
Examination takes place as follows: Attendance schedule for students sent by email (username@stud) and posted on the bulletin board outside the reception at IDI.
First examination may start as early as 08:00.
Each exam takes 5-20 minutes. If you fail or have valid reason for not showing up, a continuation exam will be held in August the following year.
Note especially the following matters regarding the theory modules: The Specialization project must be passed in order to be able to start the Master Thesis work.


NameEmailOther TsOppstart
Albert, Espenespenalb@stud.ntnu.noTDT38x
Byrkjeland, Matsmatsby@stud.ntnu.noTDT13x
Fiskum, Mats-Jø  
Flugon, Bård Schjanderbaardsf@stud.ntnu.noTDT02x
Folkestad, Olav Eirik Ekoefolkes@stud.ntnu.noTDT02 
Granskogen, Torsteintorsteig@stud.ntnu.noTDT13x
Hunstad, Christianchrihun@stud.ntnu.noTDT02x
Kristiansen, Tommytomkri@stud.ntnu.noTDT22x
Lichtenberg, Frederik Gørvell defrederil@stud.ntnu.noTDT13x
Lien, Andersandelie@stud.ntnu.noTDT02x
Fung, Mei Jainmeijf@stud.ntnu.noTDT46 
Nguyen, Kieu Thikieutn@stud.ntnu.noTDT39x
Nysæther, Christoffer Bjørnestadchrisnys@stud.ntnu.noTDT02x
Reinholdt, Danieldaniere@stud.ntnu.noTDT02x
Vollset, Erlend Emil Nøtsundeevollse@stud.ntnu.noTDT02 

From complete list on https: //www.idi/intra/teaching/theorymodule_participants.php? Code = TDT44

Teachers (2011-2016)

Associate Professor Rune Sætre (teacher), satre at, room  ITV-104
(Examiner: Professor Jon Atle Gulla, jag at, room  ITV-114)

TDT44 Individual Essay Assignment

Readings in TDT44 Semantic Web (2016)

The book we will use is: A Developer's Guide to the Semantic Web (amazon link).

Please order the book now, so you have it ready for the first class in September!

You can also download it for free on the NTNU-network from here:

You may also read two papers, on Logics and Turtle, and a student found this paper:

 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data.pdf is not really about the Semantic Web, but I post it here as a good read for those who like that.

External links

Part 1 and part 2 of this tutorial can be relevant for our class: